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--->>> Psychopaths&Pathological Liars <<<---
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I'm taking a break from my studies for the moment, by sharing what I am studying and researching at the moment.
Keen for opinions, and reflections.
At the moment we are looking at Pathological Liars.
What do you know of this condition?
Can you understand how we would see this as a condition?
In the past, we have punished "the liar"!
And perhaps...rightfully so?!?
Who gets to be judge, and jury?
And why?
Do you understand the anatomy of a lie?
Lets discuss.
In my home, we learned that telling lies, sometimes kept us safe.
Sometimes, telling the truth, still got me a hiding!
So telling lies, became a negative-positive phenomena.
In other words, lies - the negative, kept us safe - the positive.
Have you ever experienced something like this in your life?
If the act of telling lies is normalised it can become a condition - a pathological condition!
The Cure...well for me anyway!
Just start telling the truth...start with oneself, and people that one trusts - Could be many, could be just one trusted friend.
My friend, Tricia, once told me that...You Only Need At Least One Friend In This World.
And, I believe that too!.
More is nice.
But trust is the key.
The door is ones soul.
We are the guardians of the Soul - The Mind, and the home of the Spirit - The Body.
Now, Im getting a bit metaphysical...are you into that?
I am.
But, that can be rather intense for many...
...because it involves looking at the whole picture - The Holistic Self.
We consider this to be the TRUE WAY to complete health.
Just stop me if this is of no interest to you though...
...I could write about this stuff...
...and ever...
What do you know about psychopaths?
Did you know that......they only make up 5% of the population...
...but actually contribute to 50% of the crime in this world?
Thats why I am doing what I am doing - in terms of my studies and research.
Not completely but a big part of it.
My research has 4 main branches.
I'll discuss that at another time.
But - Psychopaths, cost us all a lot of money!
Did you know that?
But...they are sick.
Some say incurable.
I am autistic.
They say that is incurable.
Some autistics are high functional, some are not.
Some psychopaths are 'functional', and 'some' are not...at all!!!.
We, as a society must address this in a serious way...lets discuss!
Or, not...'cause I'm gonna study the stuff anyway.
But I enjoy healthy intellectual-debate and conversation.
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I feel that I do need to stress that, though psychopathy etc are more-so exhibited with males.
There are of course, many female psychopaths and sociopaths as well.
In fact, a female industrial psychopath, may 'look' like the office gossip.
Consistent and constant passive-aggression, by which the manipulator uses passive-aggression consciously as a form of emotional-manipulation and control.
Passive-aggression is of course seen in both sexes, but just as psychopathy is seen MORE-SO in male behaviour, so too is passive-aggression seen MORE-SO in female communicative behaviour.
Men - generally more bio-psycho responders.
Females - generally more social-psycho responders.
This is working from what we may call the Meta-Bio-Psycho-Social holistic-model.
Meta - "The Big Picture" - The Metaphysical Self.
For some this could be their spiritual side, and for those that have no belief in a spiritual side, that is their big picture!.
Bio - The Body - The Physical Self.
Which includes brain and nervous-system, blood, bones, the enteric nervous system etc.
Psycho - The Mind - The Intellectual Self.
Thoughts and thinking.
Programming and conditioning.
Creativity and Imagination.
Social - The Behaviour. The Emotional Self.
Relationships and feelings.
Based on a holistic-model we address the areas in ones life that are lacking, need improvement...and maybe even a complete overhaul!
Looking at the psychopath for example, it is vital that we take the whole picture in -
What is their world view?
May not be as obvious as some would think...
How are they at the bio and chemical level?
What are their dominant memories and thoughts?
What are their definitions of a 'healthy relationship'?
etc etc etc...
These people are the masters of manipulation though and will say anything, to appear 'control' - goes a bit deeper than that but thats the crux of it...their NEED to control.
So they will do their best to fool their psych and Dr!
And, thats why so many slip through the system!
Where we find an absolute, their is always its absolute opposite.
If they NEED to be in CONTROL.
The diametric-opposite will also we true in at least one area of their life.
They will also NEED to be CONTROLLED.
This can be seen in hyper-sexualness and sado-mashochistic fetishes
And, in other relationships...the controlling psychopath, may have an intensely controlling mother,for example, and in that co-dependent relationship the psychopath is 'controlled'.
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Hello again Source,
Too many meds today so it will take me a while to let all the info sink in.
I do know women that have set up situations through their behaviour. One was interesting in that she came across as pure steel and controlling. But she needed me to agree with her opinions of others, it was easy to annoy her and lose her trust. She was brought in as a toe cutter and did it well, perfect role for her. She even undercut me and I was someone she apparently had a good opinion off. I did a good job, stood up to her in a very polite way and kept to evidence based information. I never lied to her and always tried to keep away from any undermining others, she had others that fulfilled that role for her. I did reassure her that I had it all under control and she had no need to worry. Her staff hated her (really) and she left the org in disgrace but was no worse and in some ways better than the man I spoke about earlier? It's hard to find anyone with good word to say about her.
Apathy is rampant as is passive aggression, ugh. I am fascinated by the brain and its working and how changes to body chemistry can make a difference. The more I learn about genes the more concerned I get that we actually can't change our physical or mental health journey. Have you read The Self Illusion: How the Social Brain Creates Identity - Bruce Hood?
I like your tribal thinking. Your research may well change the world, good luck.
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Hello again, GreenFrog!
I totally understand, you're doing well if you're keeping up with me...my brain goes flat chat.
And sometimes, that actually works in my favour!
But your honest account again, highlights how one can recognize the behaviour and communication style, of an industrial psychopath.
Perhaps we could just reverse engineer that process - A how to identify a psychopath at work, before they strike guide!?!?
We look for the behaviour and communication styles ---- Assertive-aggressive right through to Passive-aggressive behaviour.
Nonverbal and Verbal communication.
This would also come under the Emotional-Intelligence, and Emotional-Competence umbrella!
What I find inspiring is how you managed to navigate yourself through!
Well done.
...and I am off to find another book it seems!
Love it.
Thanks for that lead, Wednesday.
Rest well and easy.
Anytime you wanna chat...I'm here!
ManyThanks for sharing what you have already.
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Just enjoying this immensely Kaitoa and Wednesday!
My 1st querie: what is the interpretation of 'Creativity' re your field of study.
A study of wolves was carried out in a Canadian mountain region where it was accidentally discovered that seasonal migration of Caribou were preyed upon in an odd way. Instead of choosing just slow, old or very young vulnerable Caribou, much larger, faster and dominant deer were also picked for eating.
The scientist discovered every single Caribou bought down, had a specific defective gene. This he discovered, created a continuity of strong Caribou for survival of the species as well as supporting the population of wolves.
Many studies have been carried out re natural selection, but up until then, none so scientifically fascinating. I suppose what I'm getting at, is that humans actually support defective genealogy. I know this opens the door for some pretty heavy going debate, but to me, it gives way to how/why we've bucked nature.
It goes back to what I was saying in my last post; early intervention and screening processes can help to create not only better understanding, but predict/plan.
When my son was 5, he'd plead with me to stay up late; his behaviour was off the charts. So I gave him 2 options; go to bed, or lay down on the lounge with a pillow under his head. Of course he chose #2. Within 5 min's he was asleep and I carried him to bed.
This occurred over 3 nights. On the 4th night when offered the pillow, he grabbed it and said; "What's the point?! I may as well just go to bed!" and off he went. I never had issues with this request again.
When we hear the term; "You can be anything you want" it leaves the door open for a barrage of options instead of identifying what this child/person is best suited to. (Book by Robert Kiyosaki 'If you want to be rich and happy, don't go to school')
Tribal culture has plans for children when they're born. They're conditioned and trained to become this role to complement the tribe and it's accepted without complaint.
Our education system is in shambles. The focus is on money and competitiveness instead of assisting the child to identify a particular skill set...early intervention and screening has many benefits not just biological.
I know this is a bit of a mixture of subjects, but I'm hoping something can come out of it.
Sconnor xo
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Post Script: In addition, the workplace doesn't support identifying/matching positions to personal skill sets either.
Sconnor out..
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Awesome, Scones!
Thanks so much - give us heaps more to discuss.
1) Re: Creativity
I keep it pretty simple, and break the word CREATIVITY in half.
I get -
Creative Activity - Imagine.
Creative Accessibility - Investigate.
Creative Adaptability - Implement.
Creative Accountability - Instil.
Most of us do this process naturally.
We imagine an idea.
We investigate the ideas likelihood of actual fruition.
We implement a plan to make it happen.
We instil the once imagined 'thing' into our reality, as an actual 'thing'.
Once a laptop was just an imagined idea.
Someone did some research and investigation into the possibility of actually making one.
They put together a plan, and implemented that plan.
They created a laptop.
Now, we all have accepted Laptops, as part of our reality.
So it is with creativity.
It touches...everything.
Wherever there are humans, there is creativity!
I believe that we can now use creativity, as a means for greater sustainment of resources, freedom, expression and enterprise.
We must think more creatively but also more empathetically about how we use our creativity.
Creativity created war.
It can also be used to put an end to it as well!
The human brain is leading the way, where once we only had the nervous system, we now have the neo-cortex.
I dont have to go to war to know its bad.
I can just imagine that...thats what our imagination can be used for.
Unlike any other beast, we have an empathy-network.
Thats a lot more important, in terms of evolution, than many people realise.
Which leads me to natural selection...we have all come from ancestors that had 'faulty' genes, in some way or another.
Without their faulty, primitive genes...we wouldnt be here.
Holistically we see that nothing is actually 'wrong' with any of us.
Autism, is not actually untreatable...because theres actually nothing to treat!
We are all on the Neurodiverse Spectrum!
Its just our ignorance of this, that has kept us in the dark.
Plus, the few 'mongers' in the world, that reap from suffering.
Thats interesting about your son!
Memory is fascinating...
Everything that we think...is memory based.
Everything that has happened, even if it happened a second ago, is just a memory.
Your son remembered the previous times and weighed up pros and cons, because you helped to instil a memory, based on an early-intervention process!
I reckon fear has played a big role in why we've bucked nature, what are your thoughts?
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You excite me with your words Esse'...truly;
Neurological Creativity Action Plan is how I perceive your interpretation...fair call?
Fear? Well, due to my chronic PTSD, fear and survival factors have been heavily on my mind for a long time. I researched it when diagnosed and have always had an interest in sociology and workings of the brain. In hindsight, (or another life) I'd have been a psychological neurologist (or famous actor) for sure. lol
Animus...Carl Jung's (psychological) term for the masculine principle, I feel has much to do with the evolution of women in western culture. For that matter, male's as well. The jury's out as to whether this is an incline or decline.
The masculine principle (within women) has an historical basis or baseline predominantly (societal) from the 1st world war, where men went off to war and women took over their roles. Survival and familial protective instinct for instance was placed on their heads and the rest is history. Obviously it's not that simple, but the thought of getting away from their 18 kids and making their own money was a big draw card.
I'll jump forward 100 yrs to my role as jolted wife and mother without a male beside me to run off predators and keep the family and home together. Very socially acceptable, but bloody hard work. I asked God once to give me a break so I could just be mother instead of mother and father. My contract at work was cancelled and I was home; best yr of my life!!!
What I'm getting at, is that I faced devastating circumstances that left my son and I helpless and damaged because as a woman, I'm not programmed to deal with situations that men are supposed to be great at. But I had to survive any way I could; not only domestically, but in my work environment as well, a duality of responsibility. PTSD came from both areas to where I am today.
So re the neurological aspects of creativity, I had to develop masculine skills and attributes to survive. Even though fear was present throughout my life, I managed to get through it until my brain broke. The sociopaths and psychopaths you mention were at the fore of my demise, not just because they exist, but because I was alone without that paternal/masculine identity to complement my maternal/feminine identity.
We constantly 'create', develop, organise etc to survive evolutionary, environmental and societal factors constantly changing. I think this effort of yours is...whew!
Sconnor out (of breath) hugs xo
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I couldn't agree with you more, my friend.
History does show that we have lived in a hetro-male dominated paradigm, for quite awhile now.
Had to happen this way, otherwise...it wouldnt have happened! - (metaphysical joke there for ya!)
We needed this warrior-gene because, as we evolved, we were still living in caves and jungles, being chased by sabre-toothed kangaroos, and the like.
Males were bred to protect and hunt.
Females, reproduce and gather.
And this is seen in pretty much most cultures, all over the world.
We can recognise that as a necessary part of our evolution.
We needed that dominant warrior gene to survive, but at a cost.
As we 'evolved', and industrialised, and colonised, and warred and ransacked, the dominant aggressor remained the males of our species.
The reason that I see it as fear is because, most men despise feeling weak.
I think that most people hate this feeling but it really gets us guys...deep.
We know that ALL things CHANGE.
This is unavoidable.
I believe that it is the fear of change, which is one of our primal fears, that men fear the most.
Tara Brach refers to it as our predisposed negative-bias.
We are now all born with a bias towards thinking-negatively about life!
Goes even deeper than the fear of death.
It is this fear, that has dominated society for much of our human history.
All things change, even change.
People still do their best to fight against it.
i.e. people that are addicted to plastic surgery.
It reminds us all, that when it comes right down to it, we have very little power and control, over very little, in the grand scheme of things.
Men fear that feeling of powerlessness.
It is the fear, of that feeling, that drive males to take the life of another, rape, war, terrorize.
And females too.
There has always been psychopaths and sociopaths, its just in the past, we had a use for most of them!
Now, theyre a liability!
This primal fear is so deep, that it has changed us all on a genetic level.
Do you get into generational programming?
Lets say that my great, great, great Grandma, on my mums side, also suffered with depression, did I 'inherit' a higher predisposition to depression, or is it more-so about the 'nurture' process, the post-birth conditioning, that I experienced that was the dominant factor in my experiencing major depressive episodes?
Or a bit of both?
Have you looked into your family emo-health and psych-health history?
Thanks for the chat.
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Ok...Esse'...aren't we getting off the track a bit?
You seem to be doing well with theory, and I'm more effective with practical stuff. The issue is how to be actively creative when it comes to dealing with pathological and sociological bastards.
The brain can sometimes be like a computer, actually, it's a lot like a computer. Hitting links can become an exercise in the dance round the mulberry bush..yeah? Windows open all over the screen.
This subject could get out of control which I think it may have already. So maybe it's best to hone in on one aspect and stick to that.
My pick for this would be 'early intervention' in whatever form it comes. That's just me though ok?
Remember 'Milgrim's Obedience Experiment'? Psychology 101.. This might be a great place to start, not just because he was the (accidental) father of ethics, but the results were mind blowing for its time. Conclusion? The majority of people basically want to be told what to do and will follow anyone who seems to have authority.
I don't remember the stat's, but something like 90% of people pressed the buzzer thinking they were hurting the person on the other side of the window...because they were 'told' to. The creativity factor, means that people will have to think for themselves at a time when the pressure's on.
If you apply this to a workplace, it's reasonable to assume that 90% of staff won't rock the boat if a psychopath is in charge. There is of course the notion that if challenged, he/she will up the anti and that's where staff mental health is affected. (That's part 2)
Do you get where I'm going with this? It's the same with a pathological liar. If no-one confronts or challenges, it just enable's them; same with workplace managers...right?
It doesn't matter how these people came to be, what matters is how the 90%er's deal with them. Now that's where you can get really creative! Early intervention might mean a training program for new staff on conflict resolution management and how to deal with a bully, including role play. And...when to walk away...so important!
I'll leave it with you K..good luck! Part 2's going to be tricky yeah?
Sconnor out xo
PS...I really enjoyed writing this!
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No, dont get this twisted!.
Its still important to know where they came from - for the future!
So, tracking a psychopath through their genes, is actually very pertinent.
Thats where I was heading with the final question to you - Nurture or nature.
The age old question.
It will always go back to that!.
The fact of the matter is - We have to wait until behaviour is displayed before we can 'track' the psycho.
Understanding the genetic coding, could be the way ahead...its very controversial.
Because, if we can track the psycho-gene.
Can we also track the 'depression' gene etc?
Thats why I was asking.
And, if we can...do we eliminate the baby before it is even born to save the rest of the world?