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--->>> OTT --- Old Thought Thoughts! <<<---
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This post is about LIMITING-BELIEFS, or as me and my brother Matt now call them, Old Thought Thoughts - OTT.
This post will most likely not appeal to many people, because I am writing about our beliefs that we have about life and ourselves, that we all have had for much of our life.
Our beliefs are personal, and yet oddly the 'same' as well.
There is a school of thought that teaches us that when we identify the OTT i.e. I am unlovable.
Relate to the OTT, rather than from it.
We can then release the attachment to the OTT, as well as the aversion to the OTT.
For example -
A child is told that they are no good, useless and worthless, every other day.
-sadly, this is a story often told, by many.
As this child grows a set of OTT have been programmed into the mind-body of the now grown adult-child.
I am no good.
I am useless.
I am worthless.
etc etc etc
The adult-child now has an attachment to the OTT.
But also you would see an aversion to those OTT as well.
I am no good <- the attachment.
And, I hate that I am no good <- the aversion. The judgement for having the OTT in the first place, keeps us attached to the OTT.
Not all beliefs are limiting.
All beliefs are fluid.
They are mutable - liable to change, as all things in existence are!
How do we release the OTT?
Thats what we're most interested in!.
I am going to share a few things of how I am learning to release all of the OTT that once ruled my life, and would love to read yours as well!.
1) Refer to the OTT being in the past. If we keep on affirming the OTT in the present moment, it stays in the present moment. By writing and talking about the OTT being in the past, youre correcting the memory. REWIRE!
2) I AUGMENT positive memories. Whatever they are, whenever they happened. This is why I actively look for things to be thankful and grateful for. Appreciation, heals! And thats now science...if youre interested in the research about this, let me know!
3) I have learned to ask for help, and to RECEIVE it graciously, whenever it comes to me. And, it always does.
4) I SMILE and LAUGH more. Theres research for this too!
5) I have changed my eating habits. I EAT WELL now. I am now on the Guts and Psychology Syndrome foodplan GAPS. I used to be obese. No more.
6) I EXPRESS in healthy ways - dance, music, write..
7) I take time out to LOVE - my family, friends, my dog bundy, nature..
REMEMBERING to LOVE is a biggie!.
And, whatta 'bout you?...
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Morning OTT family,
I've never heard of a Yogi. Sounds awesome, all spiritaully like. Excuss the grammar.
I think your doing a fantastic job. Your goal "holiday" is very important to you. Keep focusing on that.
Please share an OTT.
One a day helps keep anixety at bay............i just made that up. Wicked.
Have a nice day shreddy.
I hate the shops!!!!!! So many people in one place makes my anxiety sky rocket.
You need a ice cream IV drip. Hahaha, have a rest when you get home! with more ice cream.
Does the lithium have many bad side affects?
My brain doesn't roll call until around 9am.
I am a walking zombie. I walking, but thats about it.
I really hope all that has settled down for you.
Have a great day mate.
I am so afraid to live my life with confidence. Things always go wrong for me. Its like the world has something against me. Its all someone elses fault, never mine. Why why why blah blah negative negative . Bad loop. Screw this, I'm going home and taking my ball with me. LAM. but all true.
Wow Nelly. Thats a bit out there. Whats is the worst possible outcome to this thinking? You know what. Nothing. Its just a thought. Really, thats all it is. I can't blame anyone, thats not going to help me find peace. I can't run away from problems. It will never be fixed. I must face the problem head on and come to a happy arrangement. This is the best way.
Capture those thoughts. Are they good or bad? Assess how your feeling. Where is that coming from. Then treat yourself with love and affection. Let the anxiety thought go and replace them with kind and caring thoughts.
Then go do something good, you deserve it.
When I have a happy experience I go a little to high. But then it settles again.
MAD jesus LAM.
Im getting better with it.
Its interesting how being happy or having a good emotion can also upset the brain chemistry. But in a good way.
New balance!
Its mindful to be aware of this thoughts when your in recovery the stage. Relaxation helps even when you feel good.
Wow....i got 2 today.
When I have an awesome happy moment, am i crazy?
Wow nelly, take it easy there big fella, just chilli and relax and balance that shiznit out MDOGG. this is all learning. Just be mindful of what your doing and breath. All is well.
You are on the road to recovery. Be happy.
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Hey Folks -
Just wanted to pop in for now, and say..."Hey Folks".
I will post the creative visualisation techniques later.
Shred - Sounds like you're already familiar with these types of techniques with your Yogi...great!.
Kaz - How has your day been? Are you okay?
Matt - You're all good my bro. Always have been, and you always will be. I am moving forward with you!.
- "Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas."
- "Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given."
- "My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite."
...and now we activate with positively-charged activity...
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Hey Kaitoa, I'm good thanks hun. Thanks for asking.
But, I have been worrying over something for a few days and starting to catastrophise it and get upset. So I've decided to stop. Can't change it, can't know whether it's a real thing or not, so I'm going to stop. There's a dose of apathy in there I admit, my way of disconnecting, self-preservation and all, but that's what I know. I CBA.
So, that's lifted a weight.
OTT: They don't like me or want anything to do with me. Oh Lord! Please don't let me be misunderstood!
NPT: I don't know that, could all be in my head, move on woman! I'm just a soul whose intentions are good ... (yes I know those lines are around the wrong way, but right for me)
Have you had a good day Kaitoa?
How's everyone else?
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Hey Kaz,
You're welcome, and I'm having a good day today.
Another hot day.
The heat slows me down a lot.
I've mentioned before that the heat and I don't really get on, but it feels like it's cooled down now.
I've managed to do all that I planned to do!
I put an ad on Gumtree - looking for someone to take care of the mutt whilst I'm at Woodford, for the 12 days, and we got some great responses.
But, the one that stood out was a famz with a wolfhound as well.
So, I'm meeting them soon.
It's no secret that Bundy is my pride and joy, and that I love him profoundly.
So, I am a bit fussy with who takes care of him, but these people sound great.
It's nice to meet the people first, and let the dogs meet...they'll be hanging out for 12 days, they'll need to be good with each other!.
I have absolute in Bundy, and if the other dog is a wolfhound like Bundy, they'll be fine!.
Your NPT look great - And, I'm not taking the P when I say this but using song-lyrics is awesome...it'll link into a music neural-pathway...you love music so the more lyrics that you can use, is a great idea.
Turn your internal-world into your own private musical...I'm going to do that too!.
Thanks for being beautiful Kaz.
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Evening OTT family,
How you feeling love? Amber needs a sratch behind the ear! She is here waiting
Its still stinking hot here.
How was your shopping?
Thankyou my bro.
I will continue to move forward with you and the OTT family.
I hope everyone has a great night
Chat tomz
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Hey Folks,
Below is a basic creative visualization technique.
Start with something simple, practise and gain confidence...then we move onto more complex visualisations.
Creative Visualization Technique - Level 1
Find a comfortable place to relax and dedicate to this exercise 20 minutes.
Be sure that you will not be interrupted.
Close your eyes and take some deep breaths to start relaxing your mind.
Now begin to imagine an apple.
An apple is a common object to visualize.
Focus on the apple.
First, see the apple from all its sides, point to point.
When you have a clear image of the apple, then zoom in on it.
Observe its skin, is it smooth or rough?
Are there any holes?
Is it a green apple or a red one?
Focus on the details.
This action engages your creativity and trains your visualization skill.
Spend some time observing these simple details.
That way you will learn to stay focused on the visualization exercise and not let irrelevant thoughts to distract you.
You will understand that you are ready to move on when you will have no distractions at all.
If you realize that you cannot focus on the exercise, don’t get disappointed, it’s just the beginning.
Your mind just needs more training.
Let’s move on to the exercise.
You can have a clear image of the apple in your mind; you can zoom in and zoom out, and also you don’t get distracted easily.
Now move a step further and smell the apple.
Cut it in the middle and observe again the details.
What’s its color?
Count the seeds in its core.
Observe the contrast of the black seeds with the soft yellow color of the apple’s flesh.
As the time passes and you still observe the divided apple see how its color darkens over the time.
Finally, end this exercise by tasting the apple.
Eat it all.
Feel the taste of it in its fullness.
Now, if you do this right, your mouth may be full of saliva.
When you eat it, take three deep breaths and count from 1 to 5 and open your eyes.
You completed your first visualization exercise.
Repeat this training up to a point that distracting thoughts do not interfere with the exercise while you can imagine all these things easily.
The therapeutic application of creative visualization aims to educate people in altering mental imagery, which in turn contributes to emotional change.
It emphasizes and precipitates physical comfort, cognitive clarity, and emotional equanimity.
Any questions, just ask!
Have fun with it all.
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Aaahhh, nice one Kaitoa! I learned a similar exercise in MH First Aid training - to help people in a panic attack calm themselves. Along with deep breathing, it can help the person block out external stressors and regain focus.
Wonder if it would help with the head hamster (racing thoughts, overly busy mind). What do you think?
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My mouth was salivating just reading that. I had the image/vision in the front of my mind.
Now I don't need breakfast. Lol Lam lay.
Can't wait for level 2.
Make it a pizza. just jokes.
Thanks bro.
I enjoy opening and aligning my chakras. Heaps of stuff on youtune. I have guided audio thay I have been using it for 10 years. But.....I have never spoken to a tree. Lol.
I always ground myself first when I Meditate, realx or pray.
Visualize a white light that enters through the top of your head, then travels down the center of your body and leaves your feet like the roots of a tree. Now your connected to the energy of the earth or the source! Tapped in.
Have a great morning all.
The birds are singing, the world is waking.
The sun will soon blanket the earth with its rays of happiness.
No OTT today.
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Morning folks-
I love the exercise with the apple SourceShield ! Keep posting
My OTT today - I am not worth it, have to meet up with someone
My NPT - You can only do what you can
I wish you all a peaceful and cool day
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Hi shredstar,
Nice OTT.
Have good day. Hope meeting up with someone is a peacefull experience.
Keep your chin up