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--->>> OTT --- Old Thought Thoughts! <<<---
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This post is about LIMITING-BELIEFS, or as me and my brother Matt now call them, Old Thought Thoughts - OTT.
This post will most likely not appeal to many people, because I am writing about our beliefs that we have about life and ourselves, that we all have had for much of our life.
Our beliefs are personal, and yet oddly the 'same' as well.
There is a school of thought that teaches us that when we identify the OTT i.e. I am unlovable.
Relate to the OTT, rather than from it.
We can then release the attachment to the OTT, as well as the aversion to the OTT.
For example -
A child is told that they are no good, useless and worthless, every other day.
-sadly, this is a story often told, by many.
As this child grows a set of OTT have been programmed into the mind-body of the now grown adult-child.
I am no good.
I am useless.
I am worthless.
etc etc etc
The adult-child now has an attachment to the OTT.
But also you would see an aversion to those OTT as well.
I am no good <- the attachment.
And, I hate that I am no good <- the aversion. The judgement for having the OTT in the first place, keeps us attached to the OTT.
Not all beliefs are limiting.
All beliefs are fluid.
They are mutable - liable to change, as all things in existence are!
How do we release the OTT?
Thats what we're most interested in!.
I am going to share a few things of how I am learning to release all of the OTT that once ruled my life, and would love to read yours as well!.
1) Refer to the OTT being in the past. If we keep on affirming the OTT in the present moment, it stays in the present moment. By writing and talking about the OTT being in the past, youre correcting the memory. REWIRE!
2) I AUGMENT positive memories. Whatever they are, whenever they happened. This is why I actively look for things to be thankful and grateful for. Appreciation, heals! And thats now science...if youre interested in the research about this, let me know!
3) I have learned to ask for help, and to RECEIVE it graciously, whenever it comes to me. And, it always does.
4) I SMILE and LAUGH more. Theres research for this too!
5) I have changed my eating habits. I EAT WELL now. I am now on the Guts and Psychology Syndrome foodplan GAPS. I used to be obese. No more.
6) I EXPRESS in healthy ways - dance, music, write..
7) I take time out to LOVE - my family, friends, my dog bundy, nature..
REMEMBERING to LOVE is a biggie!.
And, whatta 'bout you?...
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Thank you so much Earth, Panther and shelly.
I must say goodnight.
Your stories and faith in humanity has helped my soul heal.
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Might I just say to you that I used to think, and believe that I was mentally broken, like you. But, I learned to put those pieces back together. I wont lie, it took a lot of time, that I did have to sacrifice. But then I saw the changes in me and in my life. I felt them too. It made it all worth it.
My teachings tell me that it is possible for us all to be mended whole again, which is why I like the teachings here in this conversation. They dont say this is all the answers, and the one way, but at least they discuss positive ways to heal. A possible way forward. That is a good way to be.
I know you can have this Shell. I want this for you. And I want you to want this for you. Thats what matters. And if you dont have any belief in yourself, then thats where we must start. At the beginning, and we bring you back up again. I know that wolf, and the others can help you with this. He has good ways, of head and heart.
Tell us how it is for your sister girl?
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Goodnight GoldenBoy and Panther.
We will speak more soon.
Have a good nights sleep.
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Hey Panther, DD, Shell...You are legends...seriously 🙂
Matt....your heart is kind and true Nice1
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Hey Folks,
Okay wow!
I've missed a bit tonight, or is that this morning?
Ive just got home, its 12:18am.
I'm tired huge day - I wore three hats today.
Chef - tick.
Bartender - tick.
F&B staff - tick.
Im glad that I have the RSA, and know how to carry 4 plates!
Firstly, I'd actually like to welcome, Paul, and Shell to the thread!
Join us. You're both legends...seriously.
I feel that a big hug must be given to Mumma D!.
Thank you for that challenge - I accept.
I now release the OTT of anger.
I will activate this NPT with my sincerest gratitude for you DD.
Paul once used this term about me, but I feel that youre it now.
You're a breath of fresh air!.
I sense that your son, is stuck at home, because youve let him stay there, but now that youre ready for more freedom, he dont wanna go.
I would want my Mum, to just tell it to me straight, I sense that you havent done this yet though?
I sense thats because of the OTT of guilt and blame and shame.
I always remember a teaching from Louise L Hay - Guilt Seeks Punishment, and Punishment Seeks Pain.
We just have to reverse-engineer that now my sister.
Give guilt nothing to seek, and there will be no more need to punish yourself, or your son.
There is no guilt here.
Or at least, there is no guilt here of yours.
You're right DD.
There is a lot of anger here, and I get that because Ive had issues with anger management.
There are some out here, misery loves company!
I aint got time for that!
But you know what?
I had an epiphany the other night <- True Story.
Cleared my head about many things.
I will share about that in another post.
I do want to also address my brothers here, Panther and GoldenBoy.
Panther - Thank you for speaking up for me, there really is no need, but I appreciate you even more for that brother. I got your back too.
GoldenCircle - Like Mumma said, I see you too!. I love you bro.
You two clowns bickering over me!.
But Im glad that youve kissed and made up <-JOKES.
As Matt said, please stay Mum D!
Youve already balanced out all the boy energy.
I like your straight up talk too.
And, that you love your son.
I wish I had, had a Mum like you too!
My Mum is all good now.
She was just really, really, really unhappy.
She's happy now, with a woman!
And, Im happy for her.
Oh, and Matt, I still wanna answer the Dream question...I sense that Mumma D, will be able to guide us with this too.
Lets talk dreams.
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Hey Blondguy,
It is great to have you back with us Paul. Haven't caught up with you for a while.
Who is your adorable furry friend? He/she looks like a wonderful huggable companion.
I could do with one of those right now!
Cheers all from Mrs. D.
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Morning Mrs droools, haha jokes.
Today I woke up with an awesome feeling. Contentment!
Thank you brother. Nice1, cool picture too. Thats a real fluffy one. A lot of brushing too.
Todays OTT.
I'm absolutely confused about my life.
The journey is half the fun. I'm not meant to completely understand it, just except that its positive. Believe. Contentment.
We have many new friends here and I welcome more to join us.
Wish you all the best of days
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Hello everyone. Im new here as well. I dont have much to say here at the moment. Ive been reading alot of the different threads this morning. I like this one especially. I feel that Mr SourceShield has some worthwhile things for me to take note of, so I dont want to lose this thread. And, youre all so caring and lovely. I love to read that. Thank you all. Youre helping more people, than you realise, by contributing what you do.
FeyChild LovelyLicious
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Morning everyone, and good morning FeyChild.
I'm new here too. I will hold your hand. I agree there is some good ways on this thread.
I been busy in the garden. Getting my hands dirty. Back in for a cuppa.
Good to see you again Matt. Hows your golden boy?
Thank you everyone.
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Hiya Dust&Dirt - gardening is good for the soul. I'm out there again today too, continuing my War on Weeds and nextdoor's bloody passionfruit vine that seems to have invaded even the weeds.
Hi to all the new folks here - great thread this. I haven't posted much but I read everyday.
Matt I like your idea of having an OTT and NPT for the day. I'm going to borrow that.
My current Thought thoughts are not so old, but typical of my impatience, which is as old as I am. For example, waiting for a phone call that doesn't come and thinking the person I'm waiting on doesn't want to know me and the job I've applied for has gone to someone else and they probably laughed at the application from 'some old sheila'. Disasterising I think they call it in CBT.
So, new positive thoughts I'm working on are - there's probably a good reason they haven't called, maybe they're on holidays. Maybe they'll call next week, that gives me something to look forward to, or maybe something better will come up. So, basically, stay in the here and now Kaz, stay hopeful, don't ruminate on it, don't miss other good things around you because you're too busy distasterising this thing.
Yep, it's a work in progress. Easier to write about than do. But it's a start.
Hope everyone here is having a good day.
Back to my War on Weeds.
Cheers all