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--->>> OTT --- Old Thought Thoughts! <<<---

Community Member


This post is about LIMITING-BELIEFS, or as me and my brother Matt now call them, Old Thought Thoughts - OTT.


This post will most likely not appeal to many people, because I am writing about our beliefs that we have about life and ourselves, that we all have had for much of our life.

Our beliefs are personal, and yet oddly the 'same' as well.


There is a school of thought that teaches us that when we identify the OTT i.e. I am unlovable.

Relate to the OTT, rather than from it.

We can then release the attachment to the OTT, as well as the aversion to the OTT.

For example -

A child is told that they are no good, useless and worthless, every other day.

-sadly, this is a story often told, by many.

As this child grows a set of OTT have been programmed into the mind-body of the now grown adult-child.

I am no good.

I am useless.

I am worthless.

etc etc etc

The adult-child now has an attachment to the OTT.

But also you would see an aversion to those OTT as well.

I am no good <- the attachment.

And, I hate that I am no good <- the aversion. The judgement for having the OTT in the first place, keeps us attached to the OTT.


Not all beliefs are limiting.

All beliefs are fluid.

They are mutable - liable to change, as all things in existence are!


How do we release the OTT?

Thats what we're most interested in!.

I am going to share a few things of how I am learning to release all of the OTT that once ruled my life, and would love to read yours as well!.

1) Refer to the OTT being in the past. If we keep on affirming the OTT in the present moment, it stays in the present moment. By writing and talking about the OTT being in the past, youre correcting the memory. REWIRE!

2) I AUGMENT positive memories. Whatever they are, whenever they happened. This is why I actively look for things to be thankful and grateful for. Appreciation, heals! And thats now science...if youre interested in the research about this, let me know!

3) I have learned to ask for help, and to RECEIVE it graciously, whenever it comes to me. And, it always does.

4) I SMILE and LAUGH more. Theres research for this too!

5) I have changed my eating habits. I EAT WELL now. I am now on the Guts and Psychology Syndrome foodplan GAPS. I used to be obese. No more.

6) I EXPRESS in healthy ways - dance, music, write..

7) I take time out to LOVE - my family, friends, my dog bundy, nature..

REMEMBERING to LOVE is a biggie!.

And, whatta 'bout you?...

303 Replies 303

Community Member


Ive just been reading this post and I like what I read. Im of the Koori people from Vic. These words about beliefs , and releasing them, makes a lot of sense for me. Im new to this thing but I like what is being said here. Thank you. I would like to share more of my story, if you dont mind?


Community Member

Welcome D.D.

Please share your story.

It friday night and a story is just what I need.

Share away

Community Member

Hey, crazy cool post.

I have been told that I wouldnt amount to anything all my life. but hey, through innovation I saced my company $20 mil per year is lost 9f productivity. Not bad for someone who "would be screwing lids on toothpaste" for a living.

If only i worked on commission


Community Member

Welcome shelly,

You actually have a Job?

Wow I'm so jealous. I would srew lids of toothpaste for money.

Where can i find this job?

Nah jokes

Please share more.

Its Friday night


Community Member
And typing is not one of my skills x

Community Member

Thank you, GoldenBoy - that is the new name for you, for me. Because of your golden dog.

I am happy with your invitation here. I see you having a chat there with the Panther. I can see you both. And, your brother Wolf. You are good brothers, I can see. You have a good way with each other. Thats what draws me to this conversation.

Theres too many angry people out here. Trust me. I know that energy. They are lost in the trance of it. As you say Wolf, you must release the attachment to the trance - the OTT of anger. Can you do that? I believe you can. I believe you must. You are free just as you want and desire.

GoldenBoy, I see you, and I feel you - release the OTT of fear. We will embrace you now babe. I saw your tears. I recognise you.

Panther, I see you too. Relax with us. You only have positive friends here with you son. I see your need to be loved by a motherly energy. Thats what these boys dont see. I got you boys.

I have a story that I need to share, and a problem I must half.

My son is 30 years of age. He is a good man. A smart man. A loving man. He just doesnt see that in himself. I love him dearly. I could only want all the best for him. But, he is too scared, of his talent, his gifts that he has - He is a great mechanic. Great with old cars especially. We live up north qld, and he gets some work but I tell him that he must move out. I also want some freedom. But, most of all I want him to be free.

What would you want your mother to say to you, to encourage you to do your best?. What could your mother say to you for you to get out of the house, in a good way?. He knows I love him but I need my house back.

I was born in the desert. Under the stars. I prefer it out there. Many of us still do. I need to head back out there, and he wont last a day without me. But I think thats an OTT for me to let go. How can a Mum let her son go?

That already makes me wanna cry for him.

He's a foolish boy really. Falls in love to quick. Lust more like it. But he's a good looking son, and the girls always show genuine interest. But, he's telling me he's waiting for the right one. Hurry up. I knows hes just scared of love. Thats my fault. He saw me doing it tough. Always beaten up. But we dont have to talk about that right now. But thats a big limiting belief that I want to release from. How do I let go of guilt and shame? Is that even possible when its so deep in there?

I need a happy story now. Im listening to soul music. Always brings up memories.

Community Member

Hey Matt.

Yep i do have a job. although physically and mentally challenging i do have a job.

Unlike many my parents where alcholics gamblers and smokers growing up on welfare left little to no money left at the end of each week. welfare inheritance was high. but i broke the norm. more like i said screw you. im not going to be like you and chose independence. i am broken mentally - scares on the inside. but i make my bed and lie in it attitude.

thanks Matt for responding. i hope work or anything you find is rewarding xxxx

Community Member


I'm sure I just felt your soul in your story. Wow. Such love. You are now officially my mother earth. Dirt and dust.

I have a happy story for you.

You are in the right place, at the right time and your prayers will be answered. It's not about what we can teach you. Its about you can teach us. In there will you find your answer.

Your son will need courage. Gently and in timely fashion. You see, here is where the magic is. But so will you.

Deep down you must release him from your pain. You must show him that you are ok. I sense he loves you as deeply as you love him. He wants you safe.

Forgiveness is powerful.

I just wrote all that without thinking.

Thankyou for your story

It made my friday night.

Please stay around

Your needed here.


Community Member


I have been broken so many times that I sometimes just want to be alive. Feel again, be again. You are a strong one!

You've had a hard life and GROWN from it.

But its ok to be free from that pain too.

To feel tenderness again, to be a child in your mind.

Please stay around here too.

You are needed, accepted and not alone.

This thread is free of judgement

Because the only judgement that matters is yours.

I felt your soul too.


Thank you Mum DD. You made me cry. That doesnt happen much. (ALL TRUE)

I agree with Matt. I also think that your son is lucky to have you. Also all true. I am practising telling the truth.

Its easy as. (Lie)

My happy story is still being alive. I have many disorders to break through DD. Somedays its too tough for me. Somedays are alittle better. Somedays Im okay. But Im alive. I wanna move forward too with the other brothers, and with your son.
