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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hi Sleepy21

you are spot on! We are having conversations on here and thats a healthy choice even though it may take a little while to get a response...only because we have to clear posts first to make the forums a safe place to post....mine included by the way!

New members like yourself can provide new members with great support..(only if and when you wish of course)...With some long term members/champions (like myself) it can be sometimes be difficult to do after being on the forums for such a long period of time

There are no expectations for us to reply or contribute to any thread on the forums sleepy21

you are doing well


Hi There blondguy thank you once again for your encouragement and understanding.

Hi BT.... No worries at all 😀and hope you are doing okay during this difficult time

kindest always



Thanks for organising this thread.

FB is a complex place but it can be ok if used properly.

Be careful and sensitive .

Thankyou Quirky for mentioning to be careful and sensitive on FB

It would help others in social media for sure if everyone followed your excellent post above as well as using the appropriate privacy tools available to minimise any possible issues

My kind thoughts


Community Member

It has amazed me how during the few months we have learnt to rely on social far more than we did previous.

Yes we must be cautious, and aware of how we use social media,

I am currently communicating with someone living on his own in a very remote area.

he refuses to have visitors but happy to chat with online (mainly Messanger) this helping his well being which is an awesome use of a form of social media

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

that's so nice! It can be an easy way to talk

For me it is very addictive so I don't use it much - but I have started an anonymous account on one social media platform, and i like seeing people's posts - i use it for news and views I guess, just to see what is out there in the world.

Facebook was harder for me with my suicidality - it made me feel vulnerable.
I think it's great to see that it can help some people, and also to be okay if it's not for you. It's an option we can use or opt out of also, if we need a break

Totally agree F B can be really addictive.

I am a member of 3 private groups which is great as they are all designed for people going through different struggles in life and it is a great way to encourage people and even walk their journey to help,

Also because you have built a relationship it is far easier to share your own struggles knowing there is someone there to encourage you on your journey.

I am saying this to say that not everything has to be public.

Have a great Day now.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Paul

Yeah I dumped FB over a year ago. I did this FOR my mental health and wellbeing. Also for my privacy and safety.

I only joined it to help breastmilk supplies for babies in ICUs 🙂 I loved the 'underground' groups.

There were some AMAZING 'underground' groups for women in or leaving DV. With zero $ from govt it was the work of women (and a couple of men) working together that could get a woman, including all children, out of the house and into a safe house in a day. We furnished such homes and there were lawyers, barristers and police (who had left DV) and all sorts of professionals helping women from day dot to end. In their own time. I know they save lives.

I couldn't have coped without their support and I still support this cause without FB.

I feel so much freer without FB. I text or call my friends, how old fashioned! lol.


Great to hear you have discovered a way to ensure your mental health and well being are improving heaps

I would say good on you for texting and calling if it works for you go for it

I still text heaps and don't consider it old school but my kids probably do