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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hi everyone!....Thankyou for being a part of the discussion

Hey BT...great to have you as part of the forum family...and thankyou for mentioning 'focusing on the good has taken my mind off the bad and helped me with my own well being'...I hope you have had a good day!

Hey Gambit.....thankyou for your balanced post re FB!...As you mentioned above Facebook can be a curse..especially to people who are emotionally fragile with any degree of mental illness...You made an excellent point when you said "Its also a great way to connect with like minded people through the various interest/hobby groups"..This is a huge positive for sure Gambit

Hey Sleepy21.....great to have your input! I am like yourself as the cons outweigh the positives for me especially when we have to provide all of our personal information to FB...

I found it strange when not one of the many directors/CEO's of FB actually have a Facebook account when they were held accountable for allowing young children apply for an account..

With the appropriate privacy controls enabled it is a helpful social platform (as Gambit mentioned)

my kind thoughts


yes FB can be very negative and even depressing at times.

What I try to do is always anwser in a positive way and not the get bogged down in all the negtive

If it is too negative or a very heated discussion I don't even bother anwsering

I have joined a couple of groups which I know are private and find this good

Also have started my own Group sharing my Trials and adversity which is getting good back.

FB can be useful if used positively but in general I think the bad outweighs the good.

Considering the site was born out of an idea to rate female college student on their 'hotness' says it all really. Zuckerberg begs to differ and says that that was another site called facemash that rated hotness. That site created outrage and was shut down and all of a sudden we have facebook. Just a really seedy, privacy zapping idea I believe. Makes me sad its been a vehicle for school bullying to continue at home out of the school grounds too. Therefore I think whatever positive facebook provides the negative outweighs it.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Beyond Blue has become my new Facebook and i come on here more and find the people genuinely care.


tbat is great you have found d a safe p,a e on beyond blue.

i go on fb not for support but to catch up on people I don’t see in real life due to distance.


Hi everyone! New members are always welcome to post too 🙂

Hey BT.....thankyou for your helpful balanced post....You mentioned "I have joined a couple of groups which I know are private and find this good"....This is important on FB and good on you for ignoring the negatives..Nice1 BT

Hey CS...Always a treat to have your input and thankyou! Just for myself I have found Facebook difficult as it can be brutal sometimes....You mentioned " Makes me sad its been a vehicle for school bullying to continue at home out of the school grounds too" This is spot on CS as young people have enough on their plate without Facebook's invasive focus into our lives....just my opinion as an individual who used to be a member

Hey Mark (Matchy69)....Great to have your take on Facebook and thankyou! What a wonderful post...If anyone missed it Matchy69 mentioned "Beyond Blue has become my new Facebook and i come on here more and find the people genuinely care" You Rock Mark!

Hey Quirky...always great to read your posts and thankyou! Me thinks that Matchy was referring to how Beyond Blue works with the kind people like you that are online..Facebook isnt moderated as you know so we can leave ourselves open to unwanted judgement and criticism...not to mention allowing graphic pics of animals suffering that occurred during the wildfires we have been through. I do appreciate and respect the benefits of FB where communication with loved ones is concerned which is a huge bonus as you mentioned.

Just for myself...I didnt like FB having access to all of our personal information when we joined even when we exercise all of the appropriate privacy controls available to us when we are online

Anyhow....more importantly I hope everyone has a good week 🙂

my kindest always


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi All, what frustrates me is that people send you a message or a video to watch and if you don't view it or respond in an unfavourably way it's then taken as though you're not a friend anymore.

Not necessarily so.


Community Member

This great forum to be on, however not everyone is on here.

I my own post on FB sharing my life journey which is getting some great result.

Also I am in other groups and if there are negative comments posted, I message the person and give them some positive advice and generally we just message each other after that./

rest of group does not need to know or be offended in any way.

I believe we all need to focus on the positive not the negative.

will talk gain later.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everyone...New members are always welcome to post too!

Hey Geoff....you are spot on about some 'friends' on FB.....Besides the benefits of Facebook I find the 'friend' tag isnt really accurate...(just from my own experience that is) Thankyou for your support as always

Hey Blufftuff.....Thankyou for your helpful post re Facebook!

BT mentioned "I believe we all need to focus on the positive not the negative" You are making the most of Facebook in such a positive way....and thankyou for sharing how Facebook is beneficial to you. Great post BT 🙂

my kind thoughts


I only use it for my hobbies and I only have fellow hobbyists on there, so it's pretty useful for that. But... yesterday I wanted to know if a local shop was open after 6pm, so I asked on a local "ask it, answer it" page, and let's just say you need a thick skin on pages like that. I think some people just wait around for an opportunity to let a random stranger know what a piece of rubbish they are. And the mean people tend to gang up. It's kind of like high school. Will stick to my hobbies 🙂