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DOG, a New Years resolution;
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Hi everyone,
I have made many new years resolutions over the years, I think I've resolved to lose weight for the last twenty odd! My target this year is alcohol, so I am seeing how many Days Off Grog I can have. I started on NYE day so will have completed sixteen by the end of the fifteenth. Is anyone doing this? If you want to do it with me, just post your number of days. Anything else is optional.
Kind regards, John.
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Hi all;
Firstly, to Hideaway – way to go, what an absolutely awesome effort; 310 DOG days, as Joelle (LFM) said “an amazing accomplishment”.
May I ask that during the 310 days did you mostly feel pretty ok with it all? Did you find that you ‘took up something else instead’ of drinking? Eg: like some form of exercise or sports activity or to just drink a lot more water or tea? Just wondering to see how you managed yourself during that time, or was it like riding a bike and that you just did it automatically?
AND, I’m really pleased you’ve come on board – great to have you in amongst this; and because you’ve done this, I hope there might be ‘other viewers’ out there who were thinking of coming here and posting about their achievements or efforts, that this is a bit of a catalyst to them so they will post here. Come on folks – the more the merrier. 🙂
Secondly, my DOG days have been put on hold for a time; I got to 30 and that’s where they stay for the time being. I kind of feel bad for not continuing, but then again, I know that come May, I will be off for about 20 or so weeks; having said that, I do hope to post a few more before May.
Thirdly, John – mega congrats to you as you seem to be powering along now and that it’s not so much of “having to do another DOG” because it seems like it’s now habit and as such, you don’t even have to think about it anymore. I hope that’s how it is for you. Either way, you should be heaps proud of what you’re achieving. Now, wasn’t Feb going to be the commencement of the reduction of another ‘potential vice’ for you? I’d imagine that you’re approaching that with the same style as what you did with the grog?
Fourthly, to Joelle – I’m not sure where you’re up too with the abstinence, but would be heaps keen to hear for where you’re up too?
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Hi Neil
Interestingly, I did not really replace it with anything else. Always been a big water drinker, still am. Similarly with gym and fitness. The thing is (I think) that grog allowed me to forget, and to stop thinking. It provided a very short term respite and sense of happiness. So no real management strategy. If anything, it is the thought of a negative effect that grog can have on illness and medication. So back on the wagon I go!
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Hey Neil,
Good to hear back from you.
I've done 9 days no chocolate or junk food, 1 day with a little dark chocolate snack, and 2 days with a little bit of milk chocolate.
I've sort of lost my appetite so eating food hasn't been so consistent. Apoarently I'll be working on that with my psychologist next week.
I psyched myself up for exercising and getting into it but after a visit to my physio yesterday, he's limited what I can do. But I can still cycle, so I'll be developing a strategem to involve that. Which means, I really need to invest in come cushioned shorts haha.
Don't worry so much about being on the grog again, I have faith that you can get back on the wagon as easily as jumping off, if and when you decide to, plus, we'll all be here to support you.
I've caught you up now, thanks for asking after me, I appreciate it.
Take care everyone
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Hi guys,
I haven't been posting the last few days, man cold! Still quite lethargic. Starting day forty eight in a few minutes, although a spot of brandy wouldn't go astray at the moment!
Kind regards, John.
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Hi there Joelle
That’s awesome to hear of your 9 days of no chocolate or junk food. By now you will hopefully be in double figures; another small milestone. Small milestones are great to reach and achieve. It’s a definite ‘feel good’ experience. Because it gives you that knowledge, that you’ve got the inner power to do things like this.
That’s also great to have that professional backing (physio) for advising you what can and can’t be done at this stage with getting back into a fitness regime. Invest in all you need to make things comfy – it really does pay off in the long run – and don’t forget good socks and definitely shoes are big things to make sure you’ve got as well.
Sorry to hear John that you’ve picked up the ‘man flu’; but I guess when you’re not well, I’ve always found that to make it so much easier to be off the grog at that time, not that you appear to need that kind of motivation at where you are now, as you’re simply caning it.
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Hi Joelle
I’m very interested in hearing more about the ‘epic cycle’ that you planned to do. Hope it went well and would love to hear about it.
Ps: if my memory serves me correct, you are in the region of Far North Queensland, yes? If yes, wouldn’t your bike have needed flippers, as I’ve been seeing on the weather channel that up in your neck of the woods, you’ve been getting heaps of rain; and more is predicted soon, I think.
And for those friends of Beyond Blue who are in or around the Brisbane area, batton down the hatches – big rains are a comin’ for Thursday and Friday.
Ps: I’m assuming that your chocolate dry run is still going ok? And that John is master of his domain in the no booze section?
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Hey Neil,
My epic cycle was...an epic fail. I shouldn't have gone through with it.
I woke up this morning with absolutely no energy. I slept through all my alarms to wake up early for preparation. I ended up forcing myself out of bed at 9 am. I made breakfast, and not the right kind of breakfast for a long cycle, but all that I had at home.
I was so tired while on the bike that at one point I was looking over my shoulder for cars and just spaced out or something because the next minute I realised I had slowed down and rolled to a stop that I just simply fell over. You can laugh at this, I know I have. and the rest of it...I had no energy and I was lost for almost all of it. There was a 30 minute stretch when I knew where I was going, but the rest of the four hours I was trying to find my way. The map didn't tie up with the trail signs. Sigh...I did about 35 km today though, but all the time just wanting to go home and trying to push myself to find that way. Wasn't really enjoyable. I'll have to try it again some time.
Haha, I'm in VIC, how come you thought I was North QLD? I must admit that cycle scuba diving/snorkeling does sound fun.
And yes, my chocolate dry run has been doing well, I find the cravings have stopped, and it's easier to say no to having any.
How have you been?
Take care,
PS- John, how's the man cold going? Hope you're feeling better
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Hi Joelle
Well I’m totally flummoxed by this – why oh why did I think that you were from FNQ? Well, somebody out there in Beyond Blue land is – now who is damnit? Come forward and present yourselves! 🙂
I’m also a little confused (again) by your biking adventure. You wrote that there was a 30 minute stretch where you knew where you were going, but for the rest of the 4 HOURS … Joelle, was that the epic cycle that you call a fail? If so, I must disagree with your summary of this – to be out there and biking for 4 HOURS is one hell of an awesome effort; and even if as you state “you were going so slowly, you simply fell over”. Ps: I’ve always loved that analogy. With regard to people when they’re out shopping and walking and sometimes I’ll think, wow, if you were walking any slower, you’d fall over!
But to be out there for that amount of time, it is ALL good. A superb effort.
And awesome to hear of your abstinence from the chocolate and related products. Keep skipping those aisles when shopping. Oh oh, and the other thing I forgot to mention with regard to grocery shopping – NEVER do it when you’re hungry; it can lead to all sorts of things to be put into the shopping trolley.
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Hi Joelle and Neil,
My man cold is all but over, although I had an accident on Thursday night where I was blind sided by a bottle of very smooth cognac. Probably a mixture of the tail end of the man cold and some crappy stuff at home. It sets me back to day one (in a row) but I am officially on day 51 this year. Tonight I went out and was back on the water.
Joelle, that is a funny story about the bike riding, but jokes aside, I don't think I could cycle 35kays if my life depended on it. You should be very proud of yourself. Imagine how you would have gone if you had been better able to prepare.
You guys have a good weekend and remember that one slip does not a train wreck make!
Kind regards, John.