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Covid-19's Impact on YOUR well being....Help us help others!
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Hi Everyone
This is a difficult and unprecedented time we are all going through. Out of 10 how has Covid-19 impacted your well being?
Just for myself...I come in at about 8....A brief post will help us help others more effectively!
- 0 to 5 .......... Low impact...................Coping well and not really worried about Covid-19
- 5 to 7 ...........Medium Impact.............Concerned about Covid-19 yet is doesnt effect me
- 8 ................. Frequent Impact........... Very concerned and checking media/news reports
- 9 ................. High Impact..................Frequently concerned and experience some difficulty functioning daily
- 10................Very High Impact...........Difficulty sleeping...increased anxiety...loss of concentration and/or feelings of helplessness
The forums are a rock solid safe and non judgemental place for anyone to post 🙂
my kind thoughts always
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I'm a little up today (5 or 6 today).
Called to see if I need to test/isolate (i've got a bloody cold). Figured it's best to check even if WA is calm for now.
Am waiting in the hospital carpark for my turn. It's most likely a cold.
Three things have stressed me out.
1. When I rang the hotline they told me I had to go to a covid clinic (nearest is an hour each way). Or I could go to a drive through test place apparently (also an hour each way) and I have to see a GP first (somewhere?!) and get referred for a test. After all that I phoned the nearest hospital (30 mins each way) and they said come in and wait in the carpark. What's the point of a hotline if the information isn't accurate?!
2. Guilt. I have to isolate till the results come which means harder work for my colleagues. I clean at a school and we're already two staff down. Everyone is exhausted. Hubby will have to leave work to pick the kids up from school.
3. In WA we're still not restricted having few cases for now. So even the nurses don't seem worried. I feel like a hypocondriac.
Thanks Geoff for your reassurance. I appreciate it.
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Hi Quercus,
You must have reached the same person I spoke to - except my connection was so bad, I thought I was talking with Donald Duck! Be sure to follow up for the results if they don't arrive in a week.
A quick shout out to blondguy who always looks for the positives in people and pays tributes - you have my support 100%.
And Golden82, thanks for your constructive criticism - I don't agree, but I see where you are coming from and respect the sentiment (however, especially down here in Victoria, there is always room for a few more rainbows and butterflies!).
Lastly, ecomama, not watching the news - just like a toothache, the more attention you give it, the worse it feels (and doesn't it tend to take over everything?). PS. that 'reset button' is still at the Patents Office - will keep you posted 😉
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Hi Nat
You really did the right thing going through all that. I mean the BEST outcome is that you 'only' have a cold, but the worst being unwell with this highly communicable virus will be ruled out by all you went through plus the coming self-isolation. (I decided you don't have the virus just BECAUSE lol).
It is SUPER responsible of you.
I went through and still go through feelings of guilt.... just because.... I wanted to thank you.
I really hope you can gain some MH space and know there's NO reason for you to feel guilt.
It's up to your employers to put on more cleaning staff to cover people doing the RIGHT thing and following through with testing and self-iso.
The pandemic has turned people's lives into a nightmare I can see, mine too but I feel guilty even saying that.
I want to thank EVERY ONE who is doing it tough for any and all reasons during this time.
You are saving lives.
Love EM
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Today is a 7/8 day.
Feeling anxious and guilty thanks to work. My work has been awesome. Hubby's not so much.
First they wanted a medical certificate so he could use covid leave. The nurse had to go ask a doc to write me one and I felt stupid.
Then they told him he's not allowed at work even to sign paperwork until I have proof of being cleared. They weren't happy either when hubby said the only proof we will get is a text message.
And yet our kids are supposed to still go to school. How does that work!?
I got home, showered and then slept for 18 hours! Thank goodness for Hubby doing everything and caring for our kids. I felt a bit sad to be keeping away from my kids even if I agree with it.
EM your decision about it NOT being covid cracked me up and I think the same. The sooner the results come the better.
Tranzcrybe you're spot on about Paul.
I'm so grateful for everyone who has been able to keep writing on the forums to help others.
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Thankyou for getting back to us Nat and you MUST keep us updated with your results when they come in. Yeah it's tough but you did and are doing the right thing.
MMmmmm kids and school - hot topic!
My kids have been through SO MUCH even yelling at the TV when a "person" admonished teenagers for doing the wrong thing with a FULL ON guilt and shame spiel at them.
My teens were so stressed being forced to go to school on public transport alongside elderly passengers... they started whispering "sorry" and holding their breath as they passed an elderly person.
I took leave for myself AND to drive them to school and back every day for months.
If we can all just do our best and try to do the right thing. That's all we can do.
My bf lives in the U.S. and repairs the instruments that test for covid there... it's a living nightmare there. They're flying him and only a few of his colleagues all over from Alaska to Mexico.
I'm a 10 for others and a grateful 3 for me, to be any more invokes guilt lol.
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Hi Everyone....new posters are strongly encouraged to contribute too!
Hey EM...Thankyou for sharing that you are a '3' You are a breath of fresh air on the forums and your feedback is Gold when you mentioned "I love the community feeling here on BB and how so many diverse experiences and therapies and healings can be shared" That is super helpful to the bulk of the people that choose to read the forums without posting..Nice1
Hey Geoff...Thankyou heaps for your valued support and experience always...It must be nearly 20 years now?
Hey tranzcrybe....Its always a treat to read positive feedback and thankyou for the super complimentary post! Your input is always heartfelt and refreshing to read, wherever you post..Thankyou heaps for your 100% !
Hey Quercus...being a 7-8 is a pain especially after what you have been through....You mentioned "I got home, showered and then slept for 18 hours"! You are and have always been a legend Nat and I think you speak for a lot of mums on the forums....and myself too...This is exhausting to go through albeit temporary...Nice!
so many amazing people on the forums
my kind thoughts always
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Hi Everyone, great comments by all that thoroughly deserve it, and thanks to Quercus and Paul, it's coming up to 19 years very shortly, I really don't know where all these years on the forums has gone.
Just because no one makes a reply, doesn't mean people don't read your comment because there is an abundant number of those who only read and only wish, when you feel comfortable, it's possible for you to write just one line on how you are feeling.
It took me quite a while to post my thoughts of what and why I was struggling with, so please don't suppress or keep the pain you are suffering from, we only want to help you.
Take care.
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Hi Geoff and everyone else - that is a good reminder about people who read the forums without posting. I myself started reading the forums in 2009. In 2014 I signed up so that I could read more sections of the forums and then in about 2016 I very slowly started contributing!
I am about an 8 today. This week has been tougher for me, nothing significant has happened yet I have been feeling as though life is more of a struggle. It feels as though I am spending so much of my day trying to use strategies to help keep me on top of things. My psychiatrist has recommended weekly appointments for a few weeks to help keep me on track. This virus is costing me a fortune in MH bills! My partner thinks that it is a necessary expense and seeing as though we haven’t done any travel this year (and it doesn’t look as though we will be the rest of the year) we have the funds and I am grateful for that. However, I would much prefer to be visiting my interstate family and friends than sitting in my psychiatrist’s office 😞 What a crazy year this is.
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Hi Fred, thanks for replying and there maybe people sitting on whether or not to post but a little afraid, or have typed out a well thought out summary of how they feel, have it sitting there in front of them, edited it, not once but cut out the important issues that concern them and then delete it.
Please decide to post it, all we are trying to do is offer our support, suggestions from the experience we had to cope with, nobody knows who you are.
Take care.
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Wow Geoff.. 19 years is amazing and shows what a good heart you have. I was so happy when they introduced the life member badge for you.
Back down to a 3 today. Result in... Negative as expected thank goodness. This cold is a shocker though so I'm glad I've stayed home.
Kids and hubby have gone strawberry picking and to the aquarium with his parents today. I decided to stay home and realised to others a trip out like that would sound unreal. Just shows how strange the world is at the moment.