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Be Yourself but who am I?

Community Champion
Community Champion

I have often been told to just be myself but then I am encouraged to be softer, think less, eat less, worry less, relax more , exercise more, be more confident, less timid, less cautious, more adventurous,less selfish, stop being a people pleaser, be happier, be kinder , ask less questions and the list goes on.

I find this confusing if I am to be myself why must I change?

The other problem is who am I, which self should I be: the introvert, the extrovert, the cautious, the risk-taker, the overthinker, the fast talker, the quiet one, the indecisive one, the spontaneous one, the carefree one, the worried one, the selfish one, the altruistic one, and much more.

Thse two words be yourself seem so easy for many people but not for me as it fills me with many questions.

I will limit myself to two questions .

Can you be yourself without changing?

Is it possible to change/improve a part of yourself and still be yourself?


1,920 Replies 1,920

Paul You made me smile when you said if you see the ceiling in the morning you know it will be a good day. For me if I can see the floor, with nothing on it, then I know I haven't been up late sorting out my books and my stuff!!

I appreciate your words of encouragement.

Tony, I agree with your morning ritual .When this routine changes I get a bit uneasy.

I like routine, not sure where the wannabee hippy girl of the 70s went??

Oh Quirky,

I am so sad,can't you get a puppy or kitten? You would find so much enjoyment.

Today the motivation came thick and strong. Let organise all the Medicare and health insurance stuff. 35min and I spat it. Good news I am going to a big shopping centre tomorrow to sort it out and managed to organise to have coffee with a friend.

This will throw me in the deep end,I am very anxious about it.

Nearly forgot, I hate surprises too. But I would love some from hubby to me.


Hi Quirky and everyone else too,

Thanks for all the suggestions on self motivation. Very helpful 🙂

Kind thoughts,


Later, my place is on a highway and no fences, nit good for a pet. I grow some lavender well it grows by itself but no real garden. Glad you achieved a lot yesterday.

Pepper, thanks for your thanks- appreciated.

Thanks everyone reading and posting, I appreciate the support.

My problem with motivation is maintaining it. One day I will make lists and do a lot and then the next day it has gone. I have my shop so I know I must open it every day but some times I just want to sit and read in the sun and ignore others, not good for a retailer!!


Hey Quirky

Dint best yourself up about lack of motivation- it's hard for anyone to maintain even for those that don't have a MI .

i can't remember what sort of shop do you have ?

Im in retail to and I know how you feel - some days I just want to say ,

"no I don't care want you want, why you are here annoying me when I'd really rather be reading in the sun"

As you say not good for business 😂

Have a good day


Thanks stressless, I have a bookshop with gifts and toys . I am so lucky and I miss my shop on the few times I get away.

Maybe I worry too much about motivation when if I am getting up each day, walking and opening my shop, I must be motivated to a certain degree.

How do others keep up the motivation, is it like Tony says all in a routine/ritual.


Good morning everyone,

I was thinking about something that was discussed before about what part MI plays in who we are. I used to blame all my bad decisions and destructive behaviour on my bipolar. Then after I had been on medication for many years I realised I occasionally made poor choices and impulsive decisions even on medication, so I could not blame my bipolar.

It was a scary thought that maybe making selfish decisions and risk taking behaviours are a part of who I am?

Can anyone relate or help me make sense of that?



Hi Quirky,

How bout a goldfish 🐟

My thought on this

How do you know that the meds are working good enough to alter YOU.

What about for us women that have all those hormones running around changing all the time. And males,teenagers,other health issues.

Full Moon,weather, and sex even.

I am doomed will always be in this race of bipolar.

I would love soooooooooo much to be able to blame my mistakes on bipolar,mental health.

But I think we all have a choice and that is why we are human.


sure I was manic when I convinced family to give me 30k to by children's brand name clothing to then on sell online,

Now this doesn't make sense, because if I wasn't manic, I would of done it.

I haven't canceled this, 😡

Later, I dont like keeping goldfish in a small bowl!

I think we have choices but sometimes our illness can influence that choice.

My problem is what happens when I am medicated but I still make rash decisions- no illness to blame. So that is me someone who makes bad decisions not all the time, so I can learn to live with that.

Thanks for your great answer, I like reading what you have to say.


Hello everyone ,

I just spent the weekend volunteering and I feel in a good mood but tired.

Does what we do determine who we are?
