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Be Yourself but who am I?
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I have often been told to just be myself but then I am encouraged to be softer, think less, eat less, worry less, relax more , exercise more, be more confident, less timid, less cautious, more adventurous,less selfish, stop being a people pleaser, be happier, be kinder , ask less questions and the list goes on.
I find this confusing if I am to be myself why must I change?
The other problem is who am I, which self should I be: the introvert, the extrovert, the cautious, the risk-taker, the overthinker, the fast talker, the quiet one, the indecisive one, the spontaneous one, the carefree one, the worried one, the selfish one, the altruistic one, and much more.
Thse two words be yourself seem so easy for many people but not for me as it fills me with many questions.
I will limit myself to two questions .
Can you be yourself without changing?
Is it possible to change/improve a part of yourself and still be yourself?
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Hello Dear Quirky,
Would you be your true self if you changed yourself for others?…
Being ourselves is doing, feeling and acting the way we do….No one else can change who we really are, and if we did change to accommodate anyone else….are we really being true to ourselves?…
Hugs precious lady…I love you for the person you are…
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Grandy what if someone suggests one tries to relax more because they feel it will help that person.
i mean they don’t want to change me fir sake of changing but for self 8mprovement. I feel many use this forum for a better understanding of their ways.
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Dear Quirky and All,
I am finding that there can be a difference between someone suggesting we change something about ourselves based on a projection from them that may not fit us, and someone suggesting we can change because they have insight and they care.
So I think it is important to consider where the other person is coming from and to also check in with ourselves as to whether there is validity or not in their assessment of us.
Recently, when I was in a very bad way with strong depression and anxiety, I finally got the courage to go out into the world after days in bed unable to move. A woman at a cafe asked me how I was. I said I'd had a tough week but was getting there, starting to improve. She then made a sarcastic put down comment which was basically no one is going to help you, get over yourself.
Given the state I was already in this cut really deep. Based on my childhood conditioning of always being told there was something wrong with me, I immediately started to think, yes, there is something really wrong with me. But another part of me knew what she said couldn't be further from the truth. I have always had to survive on my own and have never expected anyone else to take care of me or solve my issues. I have always been proactive at trying to solve things too. So whatever she was projecting did not fit me at all and then I could reject it, knowing that is not who I am.
I think what I'm trying to say is that if we know ourselves and who we are, we can then more accurately assess someone else's interpretation of us. I think we can still be ourselves and make some changes, and sometimes people may suggest something that might help us, but our core self still remains underneath even if we make adjustments to how we are in certain aspects of ourselves.
In my experience I have learnt much more from how other people themselves are as people than I have from what they say. It is often said that children learn more from the energy and behaviours of the adults around them than they do from the words those adults say. For example, a parent telling a child to settle down and behave when the adult is unsettled and angry, doesn't really help the child who absorbs the parent's angry, unsettled energy which contradicts the verbal instruction they are giving to the child. I think that rings true in adulthood too. So I even tend to question people feeling the need to tell others what to do or how to be. I think the greatest thing any of us can offer in this world is how we act. I find being around a person with a kind energy does more for me than someone telling me their opinion about how to be in the world. As corny as it sounds, actions speak louder than words.
Also, I think at certain times parts of us come out more than others. Sometimes we will feel more introverted and want time and space to ourselves. Other times we might feel more extroverted and want to engage with others and do something social. Sometimes we feel brave and sometimes we feel cautious. I think it is quite normal to pass through different stages and I think we can still be ourselves within that.
There are certain approaches to therapy now such as Internal Family Systems that recognise we all have parts to ourselves and that that is quite normal. When our parts are well integrated our mental health is at its best. When a part becomes dissociated from the rest we can start to struggle with our mental health. Sometimes that part just needs recognition and nurturing to re-integrate. All along we are still ourselves, with all the parts that go to make up who we are.
I'm not sure if that helps or makes sense, but those are just my thoughts that came up in relation to your post. I always love your thoughtful posts Quirky.
Hugs from ER
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Quirky. Well here it is...I found this thread of yours but with these old posts. Have you posted much in the 7 years since I wonder? Just checking in to see if you get this and if you know "who you are" yet? Love Moon S
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Welcome moon
the two posts previous to yours were from December 2923 so not too long ago.
I think I have accepted I am a work in progress and to try not to base my self esteem on negative things people say to me.
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Quirky.....thanks for this one . For some reason I can see today your more recent ones. Weren't there the first time I got on here..never mind, one of the little mysteries of life.
Love to know who these people are who are telling you negative things about yourself....or have I interpreted that wrongly.?
I think I can be my own worst enemy, always lining myself up and comparing myself to others. Facebook is a powerful force in letting us read about and see photos of our acquaintances living seemingly perfect lives....looks lovely, big smiles, having fun, plenty of company, glittering events, long walks, cruises.....you name it...."they" appear to be everything I am not and having much more satisfaction in life. Of course I know that's not true....everyone has problems, fears, regrets, dilemmas to sort out, bad hair days, short of money etc....with their Facebook page presenting them as having the perfect life!
I am writing to you and I don't write to many on here these days. (can't find most of them) so that's a plus for your self esteem as I am pretty special, and very choosy about who is worth using my literary skills on.....(what a load of crap....I am good at writing crap)......have a lovely day.....love Moon S
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I have always admired your boldness from the first day as newbies we were trying to find out where to post.
i am impressed you replied as my thread is not a regular thread that many have. I love when people reply.
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Found you 😊
As you know, since splitting with my partner I have changed. I was sad & nit completely happy with him. It was nit the person I wanted to be. Sometimes at work I go through phases where everything & everyone annoys me. I have no patience for errors. I love the team I work with, they are a beautiful bunch of people, but I get these negative feelings. Again, it's nit who I want to be. But it's me.
I think I'm both situation s here I was my authentic self despite not wanting to be that person. I admit, when I am THAT person I don't feel good about myself & I question who I am. I'd much rather be the happy, easy going relaxed me.
I would like to be able to control this more often.
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CMF.....of course things including aspects of "yourself" or the "you" you would prefer to come to the fore. Don't stress too much about this "other side of you" that you don't want to surface.....it's still you. Wouldn't we all be boring if the same cardboard cut-out, paper doll each and every day....same reactions, same moods, same words and actions when interacting with others...like a robot. whether we like it or not, we are human, heaven help us!!! I haven't been the happy easy going relaxed "me" for ages now since my partner died......don't believe "she" will ever come back. If I am to remain alive though, I will be some "version" of me, as real at the moment (I hope not forever) as the "other me"that I miss so very much. She was a fabulous vibrant person.....now gone with the wind!........I grieve for "her".. You'll be fine CMF....
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I feel at times I am becoming a person I don’t like. I can try to change but I need to accept this teary sensitive , impatient irrational side is also me.
can anyone relate.?