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Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

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Doolhof dot points for positive things to do in isolation
  • replies: 3

. Read a book . Google your favourite hobby . Draw a picture . Clean out a cupboard . Make a card for a neighbour or friend . Meditate . Practise mindfulness . Listen to music, maybe even dance around the house . Dress up for a meal and use your favo... View more

. Read a book . Google your favourite hobby . Draw a picture . Clean out a cupboard . Make a card for a neighbour or friend . Meditate . Practise mindfulness . Listen to music, maybe even dance around the house . Dress up for a meal and use your favourite glasses and dinner set .

Waltr New Poster Trying to find an Avenue to Vent
  • replies: 5

Hey! This feels like the first time I did therapy, scary but needed. Anyway just checking this chat board out as essentially I’m at a bit of a loss mentally. Spent a solid 2 years in therapy 1 full day a week but it just doesn’t go. I got diagnosed w... View more

Hey! This feels like the first time I did therapy, scary but needed. Anyway just checking this chat board out as essentially I’m at a bit of a loss mentally. Spent a solid 2 years in therapy 1 full day a week but it just doesn’t go. I got diagnosed with bipolar among other things a few years back but struggled with the medication, it just made me put on weight and turn me into a zombie. I just live in constant fear and mental pain, I have to walk through life hiding it. It starts as soon as I open my eyes, my mind is manic. I’m 37 and I had to step away from my business and essentially retire... which is just not doable, problem is all I know how to do is run a business. So I’ve tried to start back up again but I simply don’t have the stomach for it anymore. I always knew mentally I had problems but I also attributed that to the way I was as a person and it made me, ‘me’. A lot of people told me during therapy and when I was on medication was that it was destroying the real ‘me’. That aside since therapy I have cut out all alcohol, drugs etc and bad foods. I’m vegan now, I run up to 20k a day as it helps with my mind. Having ‘control’ over my body is a big awakening, it’s a positive I can control to not impact things around me, it helps. Overall I feel I’m a better person after therapy but I have days/ weeks where my mind just goes, it’s uncontrollable. Like a snowball building steam down a hill growing. It’s scary but I probably should meditate, enjoy the present and just be thankful for what’s around me, which I am. I am so thankful, I really just wish I was stronger mentally like I was for so long. I am grateful for the support system I have around me but I don’t want to alarm or burden them with the fact that I’m not coping again, I know that’s the wrong attitude but I don’t. I do feel I hide it well but the worry and the seclusion just isn’t healthy. Anyway I can’t really afford therapy anymore so I’m just looking for something like this online where I can connect with others who have the same thing and just get what it’s like to live with this. I’ve spent a lot of time learning about all this so hopefully I can help others in some way. Thanks for listening!

Quercus Struggling with homeschooling... I'm not cut out for teaching!
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, This mightn't make sense. My brain is overloaded and fried. But I need to try. Like many people... I have been attempting to school from home to my kids (5 and 6 years old). It has been three weeks now and I'm losing my mind. The constan... View more

Hi everyone, This mightn't make sense. My brain is overloaded and fried. But I need to try. Like many people... I have been attempting to school from home to my kids (5 and 6 years old). It has been three weeks now and I'm losing my mind. The constant emails from the school and all the online stuff they want parents to do are setting me off in a panic. Hubby had to go buy a computer and printer and show me how to use my phone to connect it to the net. The constant emails and messages and calls from the school are my biggest stress. I can't turn the phone off or ignore it all because they are my kids and this is important. But I don't know how to deal with the constant communication. It isn't something I cope well with at all. Today for example... Got home from my shift at work to an email saying workbook packages are ready for pick up for weeks 1 to 4 of term 2. It's not even school holidays here yet! Another email outlining how we will have compulsory daily attendance conference calls and the kids need to be in uniform for it. Another email about school fee options. A message about how the teachers have recorded videos for the kids to watch. On top of this are texts from family. Text from my friend (also a Mum) saying she's losing it and needs to talk. Missed call from another Mum who was worried because we missed yet another conference call (Miss 5s class telling News). I'm hopelessly out of my depth. The school work and time with my kids is fine. I was enjoying it too when we were just left alone. Being constantly on call is not ok for me. I can't seem to wind down which means I'm not sleeping. Once the kids are asleep and hubby has gone to bed (he's still works every day lucky him) I sit in the dark with a cuppa until I can calm down enough to sleep. Usually about 2am. Psychiatrist doubled my antidepressant and added a new medicine too. I feel like I'm living on nervous energy. I know I'll cope somehow because it's my responsibility to my kids. But they deserve better than a Mum who can't force herself to make a phonecall. Please tell me I'm not the only parent feeling utterly overwhelmed?! Nat

Nico_B Making The Most Of Our Isolation
  • replies: 2

Hi all! I would like to share a piece I wrote on making the most of your isolation and working out what matters most to you. --- // MAXIMISING OUR ISOLATION // Physical distancing presents many challenges, but one benefit is that most of us can slow ... View more

Hi all! I would like to share a piece I wrote on making the most of your isolation and working out what matters most to you. --- // MAXIMISING OUR ISOLATION // Physical distancing presents many challenges, but one benefit is that most of us can slow down, reorient our values and prioritise what matters most. Ask yourself… What do you want, need and truly care about? Whether bunkered down with loved ones or acquaintances, they’re our in-person family, community and tribe for the next little while. Find a way to work together. If you’re by yourself, find ways to enjoy your own company. It’s a crucial time for us to stay informed about what’s going on in our city, country and the world, but over-consuming news and getting sucked into social media holes is detrimental to our health. There’s plenty of important information out there, but there’s also lots of biased, unproven and impractical content. Know, trust and condense your sources. At times, all of us need to turn off, tune out and disentangle from this new reality, but always seeking escapism won't serve us. Whether it’s watching Netflix, eating meals or conversing with others, see if you can treat it as an opportunity to experience something that educates or inspires, to laugh or make others laugh, to be creative, to feel energised. Some things I’m enjoying right now include; extending my morning routine (which I’ll elaborate on in the future), reading, writing and sharing with others, discovering and developing online community groups and completing a course in permaculture living. I feel very fortunate and grateful for my privilege, and that I have time, space and energy to explore these interests. Whatever your situation is, know that you always have moments in time, even just 5 seconds, where you can close down your eyes, breathe deeply, check in with yourself and find some sense of peace. Calm. Connected. Optimistic. Expansive. Inspired. Free. Many of us have, or will, experience these feelings as well. Do you prioritise productivity, fulfilment, relaxation, helping others or something else? What can you do and enjoy more? How can you make the most of your isolation? There's nothing to prove to anyone. Just be honest with yourself. --- I would love to hear about any practices you are including in your home life to stay grounded and positive I'm also very open to any feedback or reflections and I hope you enjoyed! Nico

white knight Discover your inner heart
  • replies: 1

Only you have the key to your inner heart, a sanctuary, but so much more. Once you find that key your greatest challenge is over, from that moment on you’ll know the rest is an ongoing journey of peace, happiness and contentment.. a place void of tim... View more

Only you have the key to your inner heart, a sanctuary, but so much more. Once you find that key your greatest challenge is over, from that moment on you’ll know the rest is an ongoing journey of peace, happiness and contentment.. a place void of time for there is no rush so if you are impatient you won’t be when in this zone for you’ll want to live every moment of the pleasure. Tears will fall so easily But you be unaware because they are on the outside you will not care.... And so you search for that key to your inner heart, but elusive it will be. There are souls you can visit that will point you there google beyondblue he helped me for 25 years- Maharaji Dont be afraid, once you enter the room to your inner heart, although you have never been there, it will be more “home” than you’ve ever felt before. You belong there. I be all alone inside my inner heart Not a soul to share my grief but their is gold in my solitude belief, belief, belief.... Yes perhaps for the first time you will feel some faith, that has been wandering aimlessly. Alone, you won’t crave how you present yourself, no one will ever join you in your inner heart, their voices will have no volume. They knock hard but there is no sound because inner peace is found as you must do any simple task you don that well worn facial mask smile at all faces in the street Do your deeds and usual greets You fitted into mounds of outer dark back to the wonder of your inner heart... This road I suggest is a plan to seek. Your brain will be as if it is reset. Things like total relaxation you will introduce to your routine. You’ll love your new mental home. So to start. Find a very quiet place like the top of a hill or a spare room, relax, think about any sounds you can hear, accept them, consider the value of your mind, it is priceless, discount all thoughts about humans, their expectations, smile, focus on you. Most will not understand And all alone you will prop a rich man gave the beggar a dollar but the penny didn’t drop... So remember, this will be your ultimate goal. A place that is safe, no one can harm you there, no one can shout at you, no one can stop you from entering your inner heart. Find the key. You will know when you have it. The journey in finding your key is almost as amazing as using it. So don’t despair if it takes... A little longer than... forever TonyWK

Nimi Your Morning De-Stress Routine
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone! This morning and the past few mornings I have been finding it difficult sometimes to wake up and feel ready to tackle the day! Usually if I am a bit worried about something, taking a hot shower or listening to my favourite calming music ... View more

Hi everyone! This morning and the past few mornings I have been finding it difficult sometimes to wake up and feel ready to tackle the day! Usually if I am a bit worried about something, taking a hot shower or listening to my favourite calming music helps me out. Other times I like to do some stretches. This isn't always possible though if you have to get in to work at a reasonable time haha. I was just curious, for anyone else that has these times what do you find helps you? Maybe we can help each other out! Nimi

Jaz_B Anxiety and overcoming drug cravings
  • replies: 2

I am struggling. i'm 6-7 months clean and sober from any substance but im in physical pain from my anxiety with the cravings I have to numb myself and I don't know how to escape it "anxiety". I've done exercise and online yoga class and walked the do... View more

I am struggling. i'm 6-7 months clean and sober from any substance but im in physical pain from my anxiety with the cravings I have to numb myself and I don't know how to escape it "anxiety". I've done exercise and online yoga class and walked the dogs heaps, called 3 different helplines. I have personality disorder, I have C-PTSD "Complex post traumatic stress disorder" and I have an anxiety disorder which is pretty much inclusive of my clinical diagnosis. im having those cravings "self-sabotage" that I get when I really wanna use and numb myself its come out of know where and im snuggling to shake it off. im feeling so sick from my literal anxiety. im scared. I think im in need to abuse myself again.

Nico_B Finding The Silver Lining
  • replies: 2

Hello all! I want to share a piece I wrote on 'finding the silver lining'. After a rough 48hrs a few weeks back, I reframed my mindset by finding my silver lining in COVID-19. It helped me to feel positive, motivated, optimistic and opportunistic. My... View more

Hello all! I want to share a piece I wrote on 'finding the silver lining'. After a rough 48hrs a few weeks back, I reframed my mindset by finding my silver lining in COVID-19. It helped me to feel positive, motivated, optimistic and opportunistic. My hope is that this post will resonate and offer you a different lens to view your world from --- // FINDING THE SILVER LINING // We’re amidst wildly unprecedented times. Scary and challenging times. Historic times. Interesting times. Times of change. Maybe this all feels like a giant slap in the face and that “normal life" is indefinitely postponed. But maybe your reality doesn’t need to be viewed through that lens. Perhaps you’ll find a new wave of opportunities emerging. Perhaps you can see some light shining through. Remember that behind the clouds, there is always blue sky. An event you were excited for has been cancelled. A business you’re associated with has shut up shop. You're confined to your home. You contract the virus. These are all experiences that cause varying levels of pain, but you have the power to decide if you suffer or not. There is always a separation between what we experience and how we interpret that experience. As author Mark Manson wisely notes: “Because pain is the universal constant of life, the opportunities to grow from that pain are constant in life”. Let your pain be a mirror, a teacher, an inspiration, a motivation. What do you wish you started, continued or completed that’s nagging away at you? What are you avoiding? What is your intuition screaming out to you? With the closing of one door, another door always opens. For me, I see this as an opportunity to offer others some light, to prioritise those dearest to me, to write more, to appreciate the little things and be grateful for all that I have, to further upskill and educate myself, to reorient my career, to consciously reorganise my new life. Perhaps you can learn a new skill, discover a creative outlet, explore a fresh routine or develop a practice that will become sacred to you. Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to learn to love your own company. Just for one moment, I invite you to close down your eyes. Take a deep breath and ask yourself... 'what’s my silver lining in all of this?' --- I would love to hear what your silver lining is in the comments below Cheers, Nico

Guest_9043 I don't understand. Need help understanding fast
  • replies: 2

Can someone please help me? I need some reliable and easy to understand articles or you tube videos to help explain what is going on with me. I could not put my finger on it at all today. I need to know how to help myself. I guess the easiest way to ... View more

Can someone please help me? I need some reliable and easy to understand articles or you tube videos to help explain what is going on with me. I could not put my finger on it at all today. I need to know how to help myself. I guess the easiest way to put it was I was remembering things that happened to me as a child by both parents and then I would pretty much feel like her. Almost go back to that age. I was remembering things that happened to me as a teenager and feel like I was my teenager self, so again that I would pretty much feel like her at that age. No matter how hard I tried my mothers voice and scenarios from various times in my life kept repeating in my mind and I could visually see what was happening too. Like visions I suppose. It was a damn hard day. Tonight I burst into tears more like sobbed and whimpered like a child. I was so frightened. I had to really work hard at grounding myself and coming back to my space which is completely safe. I went into a daze most of the day, would just stare into nothingness. At times I wanted to lash out to my mum and dad. I need to get an understanding of what is happening to me so I can help myself. I just do not know where to start in order to help myself. It is really frightening when you do not feel in control and you don't understand what is happening so you can stop it. (Please do not suggest hospital) Thanks. 2quik

white knight Quotes on mental illness
  • replies: 19

A place where you can make a maximum impact with few words Ill kick it off from Stephen Fry, entertainer ”if I’m reincarnated I hope to return with my depression with me, I know no other way to live”... and one from me ”without bipolar I wouldn’t be ... View more

A place where you can make a maximum impact with few words Ill kick it off from Stephen Fry, entertainer ”if I’m reincarnated I hope to return with my depression with me, I know no other way to live”... and one from me ”without bipolar I wouldn’t be able to write poetry, a tiny but significant lifeline”... TonyWK