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So angry
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I am so angry and confused.
A few hours ago my 22yr old daughter called be upset and confided that she has been having a sexual relationship with her therapist.
I told her that her therapist has betrayed her trust and that she needs to report him. She thinks she is in love with him.
I asked her to call beyond blue for and unbiased point of view. She just finished telling me that the beyond blue person she spoke to said that this was ok as it is mutual.
Seriously is this true?
I am furious, angry, sad, hell I feel so helpless right now
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Good Morning Periwinkle2
I am so happy to hear from you but believe me the last thing I want to do is make you feel unwell or like you are to blame here. I just want to bring some things to your attention that you may not have considered and it really is best to find these things out now, rather than down the track when your feelings may be more intense.
I think a break is a great idea, I am sure you read what I posted to your mum in that a break does give him the opportunity to show his true character, his true feelings and it allows you the time in the break to think about what you need, but to also show you that he is in this for the long haul, or not. Sure it will not be easy, you have feelings for this man, that is why I also wanted to talk to you about your plans for therapy and if you would consider seeking a new therapist? To help you with this, to help you with what you initially where working through that saw you in therapy to begin with and to also put some things in place should this relationship end. That you are mentally strong and that you have people on your team. We care about you and while I am sure this is not easy for him either, our aim is to get you strong and get you well, with or without him.
I also want you to consider what a future looks like with this man, not today but 20 years down the track when you are say 42 and he is potentially an old man that needs caring for, what about children?, does he already have children and has finished...just some things to think about.
I also am kind of disappointed that he has not had a conversation with you about reaching out to your parents...while I know your mum might reject it, the point is that he is not making any effort to show his investment in this relationship, to put your parents at ease and talk about the way in which you became involved and give your parents some kind of explanation and reassurance. Sure you don't need their approval or their permission, however I am sure that any partner would want a pleasant relationship with his or her future in laws ...just some more ideas there too....
I am so pleased and proud you are here to chat and I hope this is helping Periwinkle2.
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Hi again Sarah.
cant honestly thank you enough for your replies. You are helping me more than you can imagine.
im lost for words at present. Very overwhelmed - got a lot of other stuff happening as well.
I’ll keep you posted with how things are travelling.
again, can’t thank you enough.
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Hi Mary.
Cant thank you enough for your message.
Thank you for also sharing a bit of your story. Must of been so hard for you.
sending my love, x
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Hi everyone, just a quick note to check in.
Today my daughters grandfather died and she has also received devastating news about her good friends health. I spoke with my daughter this morning and will again tonight.
Just wanted to let you all know she also has so much more going on so posts may not be as frequent.
Sending love to all x
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Hi Periwinkle2
I am happy to be here for you anytime you need to chat and about anything really, as much or as little as you feel comfortable to. I can hear things are really tough right now and not just only with this situation but sounds like you have a few balls in the air. Please try to take some time for you, to regroup and to mentally recharge.
We are here for you and care so much.
I hope that you can find something nice to do over the weekend that makes you feel good about you.
Sarah x
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Oh Purple4, I am so very sorry for you and your family and for PW2 also, she did just post saying she had alot on.
We are here, to support in whatever capacity she or you need, to chat or just to vent as much or as little as you need. We are here.
Please take care of each other in these times, and once again my heartfelt condolences for your loss.
Sarah xx
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Dear Periwinkle
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Please remember, as Sarah has said, we are always here for you. Hearing a whole heap of bad news is not good so please be gentle with yourself. Grief takes its own time to heal so please allow the grief to wash over you and go away. It hurts, yes, but you will heal more gently.
You have my prayers for your well-being.
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Thankyou Mary and Sarah
The grandfather that died today is my ex husbands father. There was no closeness what so ever between us. I will only speak for myself as my daughter can comment when she feels up to it.
The sadness I feel is for my ex husband, my children due to their mixed emotions and my ex mother in law who is a beautiful lady who has lived a very hard life.
My daughter loves horses and spent time with her horse today. I am so happy that she has this outlet.
Im exhausted after a huge day at work. In a sense it is a blessing for me to be so busy during the day to keep my mind off of these issues.
Mary I am so sorry that my post triggered terrible memories for you. I can't even begin to imagine what you have been through. What an incredible woman you are to be reaching out helping my daughter and I. Saying thankyou really doesn't feel like enough. Sending you a huge hug that I hope warms your heart x
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Hey everyone!
feeling freaky tonight!! Despite everything going on I feel absolutely fantastic. I’m having a hypomanic episode (I suffer from bipolarII disorder).
been driving like a maniac and singing my head off, not a worry in the world. Wondering how long this episode will last haha!! Maybe my brain is just switching to protect me.
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Hey Periwinkle2
While I am happy to hear that the mania is proving you a break and some time to feel good.. just want to do the parent things and ask that you stay safe on the road. Singing your lungs out is wonderful... maybe just not with the crazy driving.
How are you feeling today? I am so ver sorry at the loss of your grandfather... very difficult to have added to your plate... hugs to you.
I read that you have a horse.. I love riding and have done it since I was nine. I hope that this can bring you some relief and some nice time to be with nature and with you horse. What type of horse do you have?
I am so happy that you came back to chat Periwinkle 2... I hope you are feeling ok today.
hugs to you