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Parental alienation.

I wonder how many thousands of Dads, who falsely been accused of domestic violence, and have a restraining order on them, as a result who are not allowed to comment their problems on a great forum, like this, because they would breach the order imposed on them for something they didn’t even do. 

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Just a Dad


Welcome and thankyou for your valued input. You must have read my mind as I am still a dad that was served with a fake restraining order that was served on me prior a family court custody hearing a a while ago.


You are not alone here just-a-dad. I understand your anguish on this matter.


I do hope you can reply (if you wish to) as it will assist many Dads that are experiencing the same.

I have had many years of experience on this matter and it is awful that some females make use of of an intervention order as means to their own goals. 


I have had this occur as well (intervention order whilst in the family court} ...Just in my situation the Federal Magistrate criticized my ex partner for issuing me with an intervention order, to be benefit her own cause.


I understand your pain


my kindest always

