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My bf broke up w me bc of his anxiety

Community Member

My bf broke up with me last night. I’m distraught, I thought I supported him and did the best i could. The thing about him is he has a bad past with anxiety and is an extreme overthinker, he has seen several psychologists about it and has anger issues. Because he is an overthinker in the relationship he used to overthink a lot of things. He kept saying “u deserve someone better” “someone who gives me more time” “he doesn’t want me to deal with his anxiety” I told him and reassured him I do deserve him and he gives me plenty of time and I’m there to support him. He kept saying he doesn’t deserve me, and how I deserve someone better. Not my best moment but I was begging for him back, why did he break up with me what did I do wrong???

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear New Member~

Welcome here ot the Forum, I'm glad you came because you are thinking you did something wrong, and in fact you are very mistaken.


I guess you need to realise that when a peron has an anxiety condition their thinking is not logical or in proportion to events. It can come out in all sorts of ways, often in over-reacting and imagining the worst, often in not realizing their own worth. It can come out in other things -at one stage I was frightened of going down the drive to the post box for the mail - go figure.


You sound a loving and caring person, and you sound as if you have done everything you can. If he is saying "you do not deserve me" then maybe he is genuinely thinking he is doing the best for you.


It is no good arguing with this, the answer, at least for me, was professional help with therapy and medication. As the anxiety was brought under control  my thinking became more reasonable, and particularity the willingness to accept advice from someone who is trusted - so if they said I was over-thinking I believed them and calmed down.


So what do you do? My partner stayed with me, let me know she was there for me and encouraged me ot seek medical assistance and stick with it. Over time it became obvious there was a lot of improvment and I"m very glad she stayed.


I don't know if this is practical for you, I guess it depends on circumstances.


I do know it is a most upsetting time for you so may I ask if you have anyone to give you support -family or a friend perhaps - who you can talk with and lean on? They only have to listen and care, that's enough.


I hope this helps and if you would like to say how you are getting on you would be very welcome

