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Community Member

My husband is an interstate truck driver. He works huge hours and not home alot. I understand his work and why he does it. But when he's home he does some work out in the yard or cleans his truck then he sleeps. That's our lives in a nut shell. We sleep in separate bedrooms. There is no intimacy, besides no sex there is no loving intimacy. We never do anything together. I don't ask for much. Today I suggested a couple of drinks on the back verandah and just chat. That ended up with- let's watch a movie with him falling to sleep 5 minutes in to it and me going outside with the dogs.

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear New Member~

Welcome here to the Forum, I hope that if you look around you wil find others in the same position and how they coped.


It sounds as if your husband is really pushing himself when driving, and the short periods at home are more like recuperation ready for the next job rahter than enjoying being with you.


It would be easy to suggest that  you take up interests of your own and whilst they may stop you feeling quite so alone I doubt they will not go very far in rebuilding the relationship with your husband.


Perhaps it might be possible to be more of his life rahter than waiting for him to join you when he is in a tired state.  I do not know you circumstances and so am hesitant to make suggestions Perhaps traveling wiht him on some journeys might be possible, or if not have a regular contact time based on the time he will stop overnight..


I'd expect after seeing to his vehicle for the night he will be tired, but maybe some light hearted conversation might be something you both can look forward to each day.


Do you thing you could explain to him how isolated you feel and discuss what remedies might help?


After all it is a two person problem

