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- Could be a major issue with my lady , not sure wha...
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Could be a major issue with my lady , not sure what to do in it. Thoughts ?
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As a few know from my other thread l met someone new about 10mths ago and again thanks so much for the help and thoughts back in that thread too it really helped . Unfortunately we have a could be a pretty big problem and l just dunno what to do about it or how to look at it.
You see she moved over to oz with her hubby 6yrs ago but they split up 2yrs later and divorced . he changed and got violent, nother story. Anyway they'd done visas and we're all set and approved but 3mths ago she got a new letter from immigration and they're reviewing their visas because they got divorced. better not go into details here but the whole thing is now the lawyer can't say whether they'll still approve her original visa or if she'll have to go for a whole new visa if the decide now something wasn't right .
Her and her h paid 14,000 for their applications 7k each , the most ridiculously dearest visa in the whole damn world that l can find by almost triple and ridiculously hard , most other countries in fact are only 3 and 400 dollars or euro . Well they were approved and basically just waiting on the official stamp so to speak and that was it.Butttt, so if she does have to reapply guess what , they don't refund the first 7k, she's gotta pay another 7k. as if the first wasn't enough, what a scam..
Anyway , l know how it might sound but nope it's all 100% legit l've seen all the original stuff from her and her ex 6mths ago because she was going through it all and showed me and l've seen the new letter even went with her to the lawyer and heard the whole story directly from him too.
l dunno wth to do . l mean we have a beautiful relationship l'd think marriage later for sure if it kept on like this but atm it's only been 10 mths and if it was any other country l couldn't care less about 3 or 400 bucks. But if it does come to that then we'd have to find about 8k all up l don't have it ex and me habe forked out a fortune on d's school this year and braces , she doesn't have near enough , l just dunno. And whatever we are , we just haven't been together long enough for me to tryst the whole sitch anyway yet.
Now l'm scared to let things go on with us right now because if worst happens there's nothing we can do, she'll probably have to leave the country and we bth end up broken hearted . The lawyer says she could know in a month or 18mths no way to tell.
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Actually she did see a new agent/lawyer too a few wks ago. She went over all the docs and gave a very detailed list of what gf should change and it was a lot. Her case is 30 pages and even though 29 of those is just utter bullshyt 70% of it has to be changed . So that's turning into a major hold up too, but she's making progress. She not doing well though , the stress of it all is really mounting,
Hope your doin ok. rx
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Hi RX,
I'm sorry things are so stressful for you both, sending lots of good vibes your way.
I'm glad she has what sounds like competent legal help! It can sure take a toll on you and relationships. I hope you get the chance to rest and enjoy the outdoors soon. We're leaving tonight for our camping weekend, I'm excited but my partner is going through a tough time and a bit worried about it. Hope it'll do everyone some good.
On my own visa front I have great news, the first step of the partner visa has been granted!! It's a big relief, I'm still slowly realising but I'm starting to get excited to be able go visit friends & family 🙂
Take care and good luck,
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Hey Mil.
That bloody fantastic , huge congrats .
Enjoy the wkend eh , and thx a lot for that Mil
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Thank you RX and also for your support all along 🙂
We just got back from our camping & hiking trip, it was great! Some tough bits due to weather and intense exercise but would it be a real trip to Tassie without snow and hot sun within 3 days? Hehe
Did me a lot of good and to my lady too.
How are you going?
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Hey mil , haaa that sounds great.
Haven't been to tassie but yeah l know it can dish out the works.
Once we were going across the vic high country and through the snowy mountains, on a 40 degree summers day but guess what , there was snow everywhere, even some still on the road. l've got no idea how that can even be but God it was surreal, truly beautiful. We were stopping to play in the snow and cool off.
gf's stressed and upset with over load redoing her whole case , right through Christmas and all, poor thing. But l'm just in awe at her courage and determination .
Really nice that you got away for awhile anyway mil , glad in helped.
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Yes I love that in Victoria! You can get a bit of both worlds and you know... it's never boring!
Sending lots of strength to your gf to go through the whole redtape ordeal. It's so stressful but hopefully it will help her application!
If you get the chance, I really recommend Tasmania. Simply stunning!! Just be prepared for all kinds of weather at any given time haha
How are you going RX?
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Hita mil.
pretty 50 50 atm actually , women mainly , yep you guys haha. As if things women wise weren't complicated enough right now , l heard from ex 2wks ago and we've been talking a bit. gf knows we do still talk a bit , but this time it got a bit tricky. At first she wanted to come over , she's back in the US atm. We had a strange in ways , thing back when and it didn't work out , later on l met gf now.
But anyway , it all worked itself out and l feel like we finally have some closure now and l can get on with my life and her hers.But between that and gf's hassles right now , been a full on few wks women wise let me say.
Apart from that , on gf's situation God l dunno , she's doing her best but tbh it's all more confusing than ever and the advice totally changes by the bloody week. She goes to massive extreme to follow what they suggest you wouldn't believe, then they change it, Done it right through.
l really just dunno again right now tbh.
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Oh my, an ex makes an entrance! I hope you've had time to see through some of the confusion now? The heart shoudn't be a difficult thing and yet I find it so often is...
I don't have a lot of experience in the matter, the relationship I'm in is my first truly serious one. Before that it was all pretty messy so usually when I hear from an ex it only makes me glad I'm past that!
I think it's great that you're transparent with your lady and it sounds like getting closure with your ex was a good thing? Just a lot emotionnally maybe...
Hope you're doing well. Any plans for the end of year festivities?
Cheers from Mil
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Hiya mil
thx for that. And yep , afraid so , timing huh. But l'm pretty sure it worked our for the best with ex, lucky you , no ex's to worry about , although maybe messys just as bad huh, hope not. Although , now this isn't good , but l've got a feeling it isn't quite closed yet, my sitch l mean.
Nah haven't got to new yrs yet , you? Although our main town is pretty cool new yrs could even end up there haha. Got a great beach , if it's a nice night could be good.
Sorry to say but gf's been a bit of a mess . l'm really worried about her . She found out she'll get 4 to 6 wks notice for the hearing probably late jan somewhere and the hearing probably march . So close now after everything she's been through and things aren't ready ideas and advice keep changing , poor thing.
Anyway , we'll try to have a good christmas eh .
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Hey RX,
So sorry to hear things are a bit complicated for both of you!! Yeah messy was... some fun but some damage too. I got lucky to find my lady when I did 🙂
I hope you can have a nice Christmas and New Year's to forget about all that for a minute.
Here we'll be spending Christmas with my partner's family, which is nice but quite taxing for her so we'll keep it short and do our own thing for New Year's I guess, don't really have a plan yet.
Just had a nice weekend with lots of food and friends, my stomach is already unhappy with me but my heart is quite content! Hehe
Happy Holidays to you RX