Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Galactic_Gizmo A hard decision
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I live in one place, hubby has agreed to move near my family. I have received a job offer. I will be near my family, which I have wanted for ages. The problem is…I love living here and feel like moving will affect our kids’ options and opportunities ... View more

I live in one place, hubby has agreed to move near my family. I have received a job offer. I will be near my family, which I have wanted for ages. The problem is…I love living here and feel like moving will affect our kids’ options and opportunities growing up (my husband also requires medical help which would be more challenging to get there, but he said he doesn’t mind). I don’t know what to do and I don’t know how much my anxiety is affecting my decision-making skills. The thought of moving upsets me greatly, starting the job fills me with dread. But I feel so guilty about choosing not to go and the position would be a great career opportunity. I am going to disappoint so many people if I don’t go. I don’t know what to do. How do I make the right decision?

rhianna_jn Pretty creeped out...
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Hi everyone. I am writing this because I am literally at my wits end. A few months ago, my partner and I decided to look for a share house with his friend and his girlfriend because rent is a little too expensive and we’re saving up for a place of ou... View more

Hi everyone. I am writing this because I am literally at my wits end. A few months ago, my partner and I decided to look for a share house with his friend and his girlfriend because rent is a little too expensive and we’re saving up for a place of our own someday. I was weary of moving in but desperate because I wanted a better house, as well as more money. My housemates copy everything we do and it has gotten to the point where I’ve honestly considered calling the police and reporting them for stalking. I may come across as a tad paranoid, but here me out. It started out as a few small things. For example, they bought some items for them to use in the house and when we bought ours, they threw their old ones out and bought the exact same as us. They stole our date night idea that my fiancé and I had been doing for nearly two years, they’re always watching what we’re doing, moving into a different room when we leave a room, deciding to cook or do the washing straight after we do ours and as of late, they have been coming home shortly after or at virtually the same time. Even when we leave to go out, they decide to do the same thing. I’m so sick of hearing that imitation is the sinceriest form of flattery. It’s friggin creepy and I don’t know how much longer I can deal with it. If we speak to them, they’ll deny it. Sorry for the vent. Has anyone else felt as though their identity is being mimicked and it’s driven them crazy?

blahish Feeling like the outsider
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I have always felt like the outsider in the family while my mother's son is the golden child that can't do a single thing wrong. Yet mother keeps making me feel guilty for "not keeping in contact with him and going to see him" Yet not once in the las... View more

I have always felt like the outsider in the family while my mother's son is the golden child that can't do a single thing wrong. Yet mother keeps making me feel guilty for "not keeping in contact with him and going to see him" Yet not once in the last 7 years has he been home to visit us. Last Christmas was the first time he had been back in the same state as the rest of his family yet he couldn't make it home for Christmas because he rather does his own thing and has christmas with friends. I am so over feeling like the outsider, I can't turn to my mother as her response is always"don't want to know about it, not my problem" or " you know what your brother is like"

em415 5 Year Relationship - Lately things aren't right
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Hi everyone, So my boyfriend (M29) and I (F23) have been together for 5 years, we now live together in a house he bought and have a dog together, things have been great we talked about marriage, kids and our future together. But things have seemed to... View more

Hi everyone, So my boyfriend (M29) and I (F23) have been together for 5 years, we now live together in a house he bought and have a dog together, things have been great we talked about marriage, kids and our future together. But things have seemed to go downhill in the past 10 months and I don't know if it to do with my recent depression low or what. Pretty much I have noticed that I seem to annoy my boyfriend now, he is always too tired to talk or even listen after work and never really seems interested in what's going on in my world. Even when I suggest to go away for a weekend or fishing he just shrugs my ideas off. Last night we were with friends and I said somethings about how laser pointers are bad for dogs (Random I know) and he just shot back shutting it down with a negative comment. I later sat down and told him that the comment was rude to which he replied that sometimes I just say stupid things… which for someone with social anxiety who struggles enough I am starting to feel like I can’t even be myself with him in case i “say something stupid” again. Recently we found out we have different goals at the moment, mine is to travel and study and his is to save up money to buy his grans house..(which I will hopefully put money into as well) Now I was fine with this, we agreed a solo trip would be great for me but since then he just doesn’t even act interested in my trip, I want to be able to get excited with our future goals together but it just seems like he doesn’t care as he isn’t the one going. I am trying my best to support him as I am not sure if he’s going through something and not telling me? (I have asked him) but we just keep falling back into this negative pattern where I just don’t feel like I am doing enough to keep him happy and if he is this annoyed now it’s getting harder to see our future together which scares the daylights out of me. I know its not anyone else's decision but just wanted some feedback or support on the whole situation. Granted I am also not perfect and there are things I am working on for this relationship like how I struggle with constructive criticism and my own personal organisation but I am tired of these ups and downs and just want some ideas on how to get my life back to normal. (Sorry about the novel)

Shelly19 Feeling anxious
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Hi I have been with my fiancé for nine years we became engaged three years ago and only started living together at the start of last year. I have a son and he has a daughter and we have just had a child together. We have had our moments during our re... View more

Hi I have been with my fiancé for nine years we became engaged three years ago and only started living together at the start of last year. I have a son and he has a daughter and we have just had a child together. We have had our moments during our relationship but I love him very much, he suffers from depression and it is slowly taking its toll on me where I don’t feel happy anymore. Our house is falling apart and needs lots of fixing as we are tight on money at the moment but we are getting by. But a major problem in our relationship is making decisions my partner wants to buy his daughter a car for her 21st and we can’t afford it and I don’t think she really deserves it she has never had a job she treats her dad like crap and has one child and is pregnant again. He has decided he is buying her a car he knows I don’t agree because we can’t afford it but his going to do it anyway and it’s making me feel really anxious. I’m not sure if I’m just overreacting I really need some advice thanks for you time.

ACP Between a Rock and a Hard place
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My partner of 13 months who I’ve lived with on/off since December broke up with me the other night after being kicked out of our house by my parents. He has depression and a drinking problem and the last month has been very hard on us, I’ve been trav... View more

My partner of 13 months who I’ve lived with on/off since December broke up with me the other night after being kicked out of our house by my parents. He has depression and a drinking problem and the last month has been very hard on us, I’ve been traveling a lot for work and while I’m away he and my parents haven’t been getting along. All of them drink, my step dad has mental health problems like my partner and my Mum is a very difficult person. It’s a tough set up - My parents are strict with the house, mum is a OTT clean freak while my partner is not. He’s very chilled but has approached our living situation as a share house set up which I’ve argued it’s not. In the last month we’ve had two big fights. Both I’ve said things I didn’t mean, I told him to leave the house and we fought badly. We would discuss and make up, leaving me thinking we were getting closer to being better as a couple but deep down I knew we shouldn’t be living at my parents house. It wasn’t working and I could tell my partner was struggling - Bit of background, my parents never address issues they have until it reaches exploding level. I grew up with this so it wasn’t a surprise to me but they had so many issues with me and my partner but never addressed them with us, causing bigger issues. The other night I was out and returned home to my parents passed out from drinking and my partner in a rage. Apparently they had kicked him out, telling him that no one wanted him in the house and he needed to get out. Partner was also drunk. He was so angry it scared me and now, he’s moved out and broken up with me - all in a matter of a few days. im at a loss, I don’t know what to do. My parents are now saying he’s manipulative and a liar but I know my parents, they lie and exaggerate to make themselves look like they are the victims. I don’t want to lose my partner, I love him and want to continue to be with him even though his mental health continues to be a struggle to deal with. That being said, I don’t want to burn bridges with my parents. I’m so heartbroken at my break up, I’m getting nothing but “woe is me, he was mean to me” from my parents and I feel trapped in the middle. My parents punish me for what he does and he punishes me for what they do. My partner is ignoring my messages which is painful too. I’m trying not to be the crazy girlfriend and message him heaps but I’m struggling. Any advice would be much appreciated How can I keep my relationship with my partner and my parents

ne0cats Loneliness and Work Problems Causing Major Anxiety
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Hello, I'm not sure if my problem belongs here or on a different board, but I'll post it here and see how we go. A few months ago I posted in the new forums after a really awful break up. I was forced to make a quick decision with moving, I had just ... View more

Hello, I'm not sure if my problem belongs here or on a different board, but I'll post it here and see how we go. A few months ago I posted in the new forums after a really awful break up. I was forced to make a quick decision with moving, I had just started a new job so my financial situation was a problem, forcing me to rely on a credit card. It was all really horrible and up until a few days ago I was still terribly affected by the break up. But after a turning point I can finally see the bad and feel less awful about it. However now new problems in my life have started. While I had friends support me after the break up, each one who supported me had disappeared. One was there for me the first month but once they stayed over at my new place, they've sort of been less available to talk to. The second friend that was there for me is no longer my friend. They ended up moving in after a month of me being here but past trauma (He was a guy btw) affected me and I avoided being in my own home. My friend caught on, forced me to tell him whether I wanted him here, got violent and ended up leaving. I feel super lonely quite often and I hate it as it turns me into a needy person. I have tried to make new friends but I am not very good at being friends with girls as I am not into make up or clothes and stuff like that so I feel it deters them away from me. And I really don't want to make friends with anymore guys. I honestly think I'm not ready friendship. Is there another way to counter act loneliness? The other issue I have is my job. Its been absolutely awful. I'm on a years contract covering maternity leave at a small company. I was immediately thrown into the job but there a lot of different things to learn and I have a lot of trouble grasping it so I ask a lot of questions. Even though this was okay in the beginning, my bosses have started to get snappy. What I am allowed to do and not do also keeps changing. Also I have to talk to our reps, and one is very rude to me. It got to a point where I was at my desk and had to call him. I sat there trying to stop myself from hyperventilating. One of my bosses also attacked me personally for my writing at a meeting in front of everyone. I want to leave but I feel guilty because then they are really screwed. My family tell me its okay but I just panic at the thought. I wouldn't leave till I have another job and that time may be very soon. But the more I think about it, The more I panic. I don't know what to do.

belle1419 Why do I suddenly hate the thought of being around people?
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I’m a year 12 student and throughout my entire schooling life, I’ve been a very social person, I’ve had many friends and I’ve always enjoyed the idea of talking to people and going out with friends, but this past year the thought of even talking to p... View more

I’m a year 12 student and throughout my entire schooling life, I’ve been a very social person, I’ve had many friends and I’ve always enjoyed the idea of talking to people and going out with friends, but this past year the thought of even talking to people in my class makes me so upset and angry. I get very emotionally even thinking that I have to talk to them and I don’t know why this has suddenly happened? I do have a boyfriend and at the moment, he is the only person I like to talk to in my entire school. He will often bring up an idea of going out with friends on the weekend or after school or even just sitting around with others at lunch, which before I would be so happy to do and I would always say yes, but now I get so upset that I pretty much almost cry at the thought of it, and I don’t know why? I even get angry at the thought of having to be near my best friend.. i dont know what to do about this, I’m not sure if I’ve developed some sort of social anxiety or if I’ve just developed hatred for my friends.. If you have any tips, please share with me! I need guidance..

Belindaam How to go on when there is little left?
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My ex husband decided many years ago that he no longer loved nor cared about me, but unfortunately forgot to let me in on his decision. So here I am, after a 26 year marriage feeling like everything that I have worked for and cared about, now amounts... View more

My ex husband decided many years ago that he no longer loved nor cared about me, but unfortunately forgot to let me in on his decision. So here I am, after a 26 year marriage feeling like everything that I have worked for and cared about, now amounts to nothing. I do not have a career to fall back on, as I looked after my child, the home, my husband and worked only part time for the last 18 years. My husband was unfaithful to me 8 years ago, but we decided to work to save the marriage, and I did, but he didn’t. Life went on until 2 years ago when I found out that he was cheating on me again. I kicked him out, and instead of the standard feelings of remorse, he was instead very angry. In the years of our marriage he never commented me on anything, spent little time with me or his daughter, and was away with work regularly. I thought that friends and family would side with me, but instead they have sided with him, even though I have never lied to him, did everything for him, and supported him through two sackings with work and a failed business. I feel so betrayed by him, by friends and family but most importantly by my child who, even though she has seen him both physically, emotionally and verbally abuse me over many years, has decided that she will not take sides. I am now left to try and sell the family home, but need to fix it up before then. I will hopefully be able to move closer to my daughter who is now in another state at uni, but am feeling overwhelmed by the situation. I am struggling to pay the mortgage, have few friends and little support. He has now become Mr Popular, with his friends lining him up with dates, having a full social life and having little responsibility. I feel like That I have been treated like the perpetrator not the victim. He sees his daughter only once every 3 weeks if that, yet seems to have everyone fooled that he is a good father. I feel like I have lost my best friend, my daughter, friends and family and am stuck with every possible responsibility. Some days I struggle to get out of bed and cannot see a way out of this misery. I cannot believe that he has turned on the one person who was always there for him. I have no self esteem, no belief in myself and no idea how I can possibly improve my situation. I am still crying like it happened just yesterday, even though it has been two years. Please, does anyone have any advice as I am really struggling to function each day

KC007 Feeling disconnected with my partner.
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Hi, I have been living with my partner for almost 2 years now and we have been together for about more than 4 years. When I met him he did made me aware that he is an avid video gamer and at first I thought it wasn't really a big deal. We are each ot... View more

Hi, I have been living with my partner for almost 2 years now and we have been together for about more than 4 years. When I met him he did made me aware that he is an avid video gamer and at first I thought it wasn't really a big deal. We are each other's first serious relationship and so for the first 2 years before living together video games did not bother me. 1 year in when we moved in, I was already complaining about the playing time he does at home. I feel left out and find myself begging for his attention. I tried to immerse myself in his gaming scene, but I find him getting bored because I'm not doing any good. He told me several times that I have to hang out with friends or find a hobby to do so I don't feel bored when he's playing. The problem is I don't have much friends here that I connect with. I try to make an effort to connect with his friends and their partners too but they love to drink and stay out late at night and I am just not into that scene. I am from overseas and in the 5 years that I've lived in Australia, the people I still confide with are friends from abroad. I don't have many friends here since I struggle a lot meeting new people due to social anxiety. I find myself very dependent to him when it comes to unwinding especially on my days off. But latlet I have been irritated because during the limited time off we have with each other most of it he spends in gaming. A couple of days ago we fought because I told him I felt alone and we haven't had an 'us' time in awhile. The next day he came home and did not play. But then the last weekend, he spent the entire night solid 4 hours playing with friends since I got home from work and spent maybe 1 hour with me. I got angry and spoke badly of him which later on I regret until this day. This was when he told me he will never change but he thought we were great together and okay and he never thought I would say all the bad things about him. But then impulse got into me and I thought we were going to break up.