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Trapped in a relationship with a PTSD sufferer, and psychological abuser

Community Member


I’m Clancy,


I have been trapped in a relationship that is becoming increasingly toxic by the day.

I have been in this relationship for 32 years. I have attempted to break free on three occasions previously, once prior to being married, where he threatened me with physical violence.In hindsight this should have raised a large red flag, however, when he broke down in tears I felt doomed.

My husband will not allow me to severe the ties. His controlling nature has intensified,

and he is constantly demeaning. He is careful only to do it behind closed doors.

I am currently recovering from a health issue, largely caused by my environment. 

I have a checklist of tasks, and just have to work through those.
Any advice from someone who has been through a similar situation would be particularly helpful. As well as general advice from supporters. So grateful to have signed up to this forum. 

4 Replies 4

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Clancy


I feel for you so much, given the incredibly stressful and depressing nature of the the relationship you're in. That's a lot to be coping with on your own. I'm wondering if you've got friends and/or family to support you at this time where you need to make a tough decision, to either leave of stay (with a plan).


While my husband would never be a physically violent person (it's not in his nature), I can make demands of him or pose ultimatums in the way of much needed change in our relationship. While I used to fear him becoming angry with me, when it came to certain requests or demands, the fear was more about verbal conflict and insults. I suppressed a lot of stuff so as not to rock the boat. Then things changed over time as my self esteem developed and I became less fearful and more demanding. 'I'm leaving, unless you begin doing some much needed work on yourself' was one of the demands. I imagine you can relate when I say - If the other person in the relationship doesn't work on what they need to be working on (when it comes to self development), we end up trying to accommodate their nature and problems. We end up trying to manage our self and them. Kinda like 'I'll manage my stress in this situation as I manage their anger, by not getting them angry'. They end up taking no responsibility for the development of themself or the relationship.


If you can't begin making requests or demands for much needed change in the marriage without facing physical threat, you need to leave. If the only way you can stay in a stressful and depressing relationship is by 'behaving yourself' in every way he wants you to, that's definitely not good for you in the way of physical, mental and soulful health. Completely losing our self in service to another can be deeply depressing. It can lead to looking in the mirror and asking the question 'Where have I gone?' or reaching the revelation 'I no longer recognise myself, who I once was'. I don't believe anyone is worth losing our self over.


Clancy, if he flat out refuses to change or develop himself in ways that'll come to serve you and the relationship, chances are he's never going to change as long as everything remains the same. He'll remain in his comfort zone while you manage what remains uncomfortable, stressful and depressing for you. That's not fair on you. You can't be expected to live this way. I'm wondering if there's someone you can go and live with for a couple of weeks while you start to get your head around things. Maybe there's someone who can lead you to see the way forward more clearly, especially if you need to start making plans to leave your husband. If you leaving him is what it takes for him to finally go and get help and he goes on to significantly change through that help, exploring the relationship much further down the track may be an option or maybe, after much needed time apart, you'll reach the conclusion there's no going back. I hope you come to hear from those on the forums here who can offer you the insight you need, based on their experience. ❤️

Hi therising,

Thank you for your words of encouragement, and I apologise for the time it has taken to respond to your message. The issues appeared to be insurmountable.

While it taken a long time to have the courage to end the relationship, and also to have the strength to share my decision with my family, my health decline over recent months has reached a point where I have no alternative but to leave. I  have a number of support people who have offered a safe haven until everything is resolved. I understand this will be a long and tortuous road, however, I experienced recently the positive effect of being out of the environment for a period of time, albeit short. I am leaving tomorrow. 

Hi Clancy


I wish I was there to support you when it comes to this incredibly challenging decision you've made. Your decision would not have been easy either way (to stay or to leave). The decision you've made is one that is going to lead you down a positive path of personal growth where there will be opportunities to be found in the way of developing a greater sense of self love, amongst many other things.


I'm wishing you only the best for today, a hugely emotional day for sure. I'm so glad you have much support from a circle of people who sound like actively loving friends/guides. Don't forget to give yourself permission and freedom to feel and express your emotions if that's what you need to do. Not sure if you're much of a reader but I've found a fascinating read to be 'Becoming Supernatural', by Joe Dispenza. The book goes toward revealing how emotions can play such an enormous part when it comes to not just our mental health but our physical health. In a nutshell, the book helps explain what's not just natural but what is incredibly natural or super natural when it comes to how we work as human beings. While I imagine you're going to have some stressful moments after today, the book may simply offer a shift in focus occasionally, away from what feels stressful. Could be a chance to feel the writings within the book instead of feeling your thoughts and fears regarding the future. We humans tend to feel what we're focusing or meditating on at any given time, something that's incredibly natural.


Sending you a massive hug as you step foot on your new path today 🤗❤️. The most courageous step on a new path is the first step, the step we've never taken before.

Hi Clancy


I hear you, I have been in a similar situation many years ago, I wasn't married but lived with an abusive partner, the only way was to leave with support of friends and family.  


Take care of you first, it's not easy and your doing great reaching out for support.