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The news and politics these days

Community Member
You can't escape the stuff on sexual assault and violence against women and minorities.

It's hard and it hurts. Memories in my head that should never have been put there by men that I was supposed to trust, even a complete stranger.
This isn't a go at men. Rape culture sucks. Society sucks.
People deserve to feel loved and safe, and to be believed when they say those things were violated.

If this stuff on the news hurts you too, I see you, I hear you, I sit with you. Know you are valid and your story matters. I'm sorry for whatever happened. Know you aren't alone.
6 Replies 6

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Centaured..

It does hurt, when we hear, witness some type of violence..against women or men....That’s why I do not watch the news...and I’m very particular and very careful with what I watch on tv.....those things I have control over...but it’s outside in the public..that I can’t control what I saw and heard a week ago...that took me down and into hospital now for a couple of weeks.....

The PTSD memories will not leave us Centaured,....We have to try so hard to be aware of our triggers...and stay away from them, and learn coping tools to help us, bring us back into the now....especially the triggers take us back in time....learning how to manage them the best we can...Because we deserve a life free from fear...we deserve to be loved and cared for...everyone does..

Kind thoughts, Dear Centaured..


Community Member

Hey Centaured,

I'm in strong agreement with Ggrand on avoiding the news, especially visual media. The media thrives off focusing on the darkest, most emotive things it can get it's hands on. It uses red text, dramatic visuals, intense language.

By all means read the news, if that is tolerable. I do that because it is less triggering. But I never watch it.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Centaured,

It can sometimes feel like you can't escape the news and other media. Even things like movies and reality TV can set me off. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in this.

Community Member
Hi Centaured,

I am so grateful to see there are others struggling with this too.
I have been avoiding watching, reading and listening to the news as it has been incredibly distressing lately.
I do however suffer with guilt around shutting out the people who are sharing their stories.

Community Member

its far too frustrating to read the news and hear people far too unaware and i mean everyone at every level of these stories. people tell me i shouldn't be so radicalised but the good sensible people are handling everything with absolute moon logic. i learnt this week that "the lucky country" was originally coined to convey australia is a "lucky country run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck" (donald horne, 1964) and its the only way i can rationalise this shit

been mostly consuming the takes mary pemberton has been writing about this over at the shot - she's brilliant. i watch press releases and interviews and i can pick apart exactly what dogwhistles and tone they want to mean because a pemberton piece described this is how they delegitimise or reverse victim. i can apply it to my life. i picture it all crystal-clear and the complex interactions they have for a maximum of two days but by the third day its gone, i can't see it anymore. happens every time abuse enters the news cycle

Community Member

I'm late but the Porter stuff has really gotten to me. A lot of the things the victim was being attacked on are true about me too, it felt like watching what would have happened to me if I'd come forward. I'm so worried victims are going to feel the same watching it unfold and it prevent them coming forward too. I feel so terrible for the victim and her friends.

Very unrelated but, eight, I loved TWEWY when it came out and seeing your pic made me realise how long ago that was lol