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Community Member

It's been almost 10 years since my TFMR... i'm fine 99% of the time, but gosh my heart is heavy tonight. Such overwhelming sadness and grief. Time doesn't heal, but we sure do learn to live with the pain. 

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear EssyBee…


I am deeply sorry that you had to go through that and your struggling so much with the pain…


Time…no sweetheart it doesn’t really heal our loss…trying to live with the pain the best we can, is sometimes very difficult….My heart goes out to you…🤗 a gentle warm hug…if that’s okay..


I have had a lot of trauma in my life…yet like you 99% of the time I do okay…then something will come along and trigger those past times and it all comes flooding back into my thoughts..


Do you think that something has triggered you to be feeling so overwhelming sad?..if you need to talk to someone, need to get your feelings out and it’s getting to much for you right now…. Just a gentle suggestion,  asked with my concern and care….would you please consider to give our trained counsellors a ring?….They really are very understanding and helpful….the number is bottom of this page, but I’ll pop it in here…1300 224 636…..


We are here for you also on these forums, if your not up to ringing them….if you feel to talk please do so…we care about you and want to try to support you through this…


Thinking of you with kindness and care..
