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Scared of liking someone

Community Member

Hi everyone,

Recently, I think I've started to develop feelings for a guy that I've met at uni- for reference the two of us have been talking over snap for nearly two weeks now and have hung out once in uni. So far, all I'm seeing from him is green flags, and maybe even some signs that he likes me- he asks me how my day has been, he told me over snap that he thinks I'm really pretty when he was drunk and the next day he confirmed that he does think that, he's told me I have beautiful eyes, and during the day we hung out after class he was really easy to get along with and we joked around a lot. All my friends are saying it sounds like he likes me, but due to my past experiences with guys I'm afraid for a few reasons.

My last relationship was nearly four years ago and even though it was only a few months and I was young, I was left with a lot of self-esteem issues- him and a girl who I thought was my friend at the time but actually wasn't were close with each other throughout our relationship and would always say they loved each other, and he facetimed her on one of our dates. He also made a joke about my acne, which at the time was a huge insecurity of mine, and didn't treat me very nicely overall. My other major experience with a guy during high school was with this guy who liked me consistently for four and a half years whom I was friends with, but he could never seem to take no for an answer and would constantly find ways to subtly touch me, be around me and do things which made me uncomfortable- making a photo of the two of us his wallpaper, always staring at me, implying to his dad that we were dating and even going so far as to admit that he used to drive his car past my house sometimes. 

Because of these past experiences, I'm afraid of a few things. I'm afraid that this guy might not actually like me but is just saying nice things to me because he has some ulterior motive or is trying to play me, because I'm convinced that no guy could ever actually truly like me as a person. I'm also afraid that even if he does like me, he'll either turn out to be an arsehole like the guys who have liked me in the past, or he just likes me for my looks or something- again, because I don't believe a guy could genuinely like me. 

All my friends are trying to reassure me and I feel so stupid- does anyone have any advice for me, or any kind of input on this situation at all? I hope everyone is having a wonderful day ❤️ 

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Lyssaa, every relationship is different, it's really impossible to judge one person with another, even though there might be some small hints they may seem to be alike, but surely they have had another upbringing, different eduction as well as experiences and you shouldn't automatically believe they are indentical.

If you believe he is playing with you, then dump him, however, if he has driven past your house, that's a positive sign he really likes you.


Life Member.