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Hi everyone
not sure what parts to disclose here, feeling very uneasy posting. I feel like a lot of people here, know that I'm socially isolated but feel it's safer this way. I have a lot of mixed feelings due to covid19; feeling freer or even happier that movements were restricted as I have had little choice but to live this way for a long time. Then I realised how odd this reaction is, opposite to what I was hearing at work. Simultaneously I felt huge grief for the world. I'm experiencing compassion fatigue from all of this.
my life has been wrought with trauma & grief, tremendous violence & loss. I desperately sought help from authorities to stop things over many decades. I have fought so hard through courts etc, I know it has cost me a lot of mental stability a lot of the time. At least my children and I are safe atm. Feeling safe is another thing entirely!
happiness eludes me. I strive for the happiness of my children. I don't know how to attain personal happiness, so have strived for contentment. I work hard physically but feel far more exhausted by my mind. flashbacks and memories often come back relentlessly in my waking hours and in my dreams. Working hard physically helps me sleep better 🙂
I used to be very sociable, quite athletic and had a large family. The abuse has taken its toll. My relationships were undermined by the abuser, so they are lost. My physical health was severely impacted by the abuse also. I have a counsellor but I was advised by a close friend who is studying psychology to seek a more intensive type of therapy. I have completed countless hours in therapy through books, online and in person over decades. My counsellor is very impressed by my persistence, resilience and recovery but I feel awful most of the time.
I have no relationships with extended family anymore which is very sad for me. I have basically given up trying since doors are constantly closed on that front.
Soon I plan to take leave from my work to support my children all struggling in their learning from home programs. I will have to take leave on far less pay, so this presents obvious issues to an already stretched financial situation.
I know there is no magic cure for all the issues I have at hand but I still have hope that things will improve and that I can feel happy one day. I pray there are answers within this forum for me.
Thanks for reading.
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Hey EM,
Not much to say, just stopping in to say I haven't forgotten you and I'm glad to see you are in a positive space with things at the moment. Hope it continues to be good for a while. You definitely approach things with the right energy to make the best of life.
Kind thoughts,
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Dearest Blue, I'm thinking of you too.
Sending you peace and love.
Please allow yourself whatever time you need. I'm good, great in fact.
All good,
Love EMxxxx
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Update: even when things don't go as planned, I go with the floe and everything is working out for me.
I've been doing lots of Meditations, morning, throughout my day, evening, any time.
I'm now maintaining this state and it's INCREDIBLE.
I'm feeling a freedom that's out of this world. Lol but clearly I'm IN this world lol, just feeling that amazing message that happiness comes from within.
My NEW bucket list is forming solidly in my mind.
My idea was a catalyst that BURST through and just kept forming, I SEE it, have the VISUALISATION of doing all of it. It's EXCITING, I feel ticklish about it all.
The combination of my idea with my meditations I see my perspective of EVERY THING changing.
All of my relationships, I see leaving my job (the way it is), all the dreams I had are HERE.
I've released the habits of the "known" and JUMPED into the abyss lol.
Created new brain wiring. It's finally happened and I'm ECSTATIC!
I'm already achieving so much more every day, like I'm on a cloud.
Looking forward to attending a Week Long Event with Dr Joe Dispenza. Whenever that happens is FINE by me.
Onwards and UPwards everyone!
Love EMxxxx
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Update: seeing curved balls as "LIFE" and new opportunities.
So many things have happened since my last post lol.
That's life!
Apparently there's a point in awareness where "synchronicity" occurs more often than the pretty glimpses of it here and there (way back before demon if I remember correctly lol).
Sure there are some challenges right now I will deal with.
I know my resistance to dealing is simply my thoughts and perspective about these things ie the "past" person I was.
So being brave and jumping into another abyss lol, Dr Joe calls "the unknown", I like the abyss!
I'm finding it a learning and releasing practice to go within me to ask myself questions about my resistance, where it comes from and then strapping on my parachute, I JUMP.
Because it doesn't matter if I fail, this merely presents deeper lessons and more learning opportunities, before I JUMP again lol.
Doing alot of jumping over here.
The GREAT thing is that Yvette and other children of mine are EXCITED to bits about attending the week long retreat with Dr Joe TOO!! omg I didn't expect this reaction from them! YAY!
Love EMxxxx
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Update: maintaining raised vibrations, living with focused with intentions that match my personality, lifting higher.
Synchronicity continued today. Things myself, or people around me need, I find within moments. Happening at work and home.
It's like a Spiritual Collaboration. I'm enjoying this a lot!
I'm seeing people I work with DOING what I do, things I've Prayed about, no amount of talking can impart these skills, perhaps it's my years of modelling that's being passed on like osmosis.
My new program is unfolding beautifully at work. I have more ideas for professional learning for the Staff beginning next year. I'll take my ideas to my bosses and talk with them about it.
Alexa has 5 days until she submits her thesis lol. She's almost non communicado atm but sent an GREAT text last night saying she received AWESOME feedback about her Draft Thesis from her Professors!
Her work is SO IMPORTANT, has the potential to save lives of those that serve our country, it's worthy work and I'm so grateful her heart and personality is aligned with helping people and so is her work.
Oh the BOOKS I have on my purchase list! lol.
"Seat of the Soul" by Gary Zukav is my next one.
Money is flowing freely and easily lol. All things are working out for me and they ARE!
Love EMxxxx
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*** TW ***
death, terminal illness of friends, moving with grace and gratitude into the rest of my life.
I have 3 friends who have terminal illnesses. All of whom are expelling such high levels of toxicity in our talks.
My childhood best friend & first boyfriend both passed this year.
I visited T tonight. She was wild with resentment, hatred & unadulterated seething fury.
This was AFTER she asked why I wasn't at our friend's husbands funeral?
I didn't know he passed.
She apologised for not telling me, saying it was such a messy time, I get that.
I told her not to hold any feelings over that, I certainly never blame her.
Or anyone.
It just IS.
I will call that friend tomorrow to express my condolences.
Earlier this week I had a heavy, dull ache in my abdomen. I knew it wasn't mine, I instinctively knew it was my friend R. Then I thought "Love" and "brokenheartedness".
I decided to call her this weekend.
I did so today.
She said she was doing okay when I asked THREE times during our catch up.
Told her about Dr Joe and my meditation experiences.
Then told her about my abdomen, R and love etc wash over me.
To the abdomen description she said the f word loudly then said "We need to talk. Come to my house tomorrow. We need to talk".
God Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Sending love and many Blessings to all
Love EMxxxx
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My posts don't require a response. I most often post as a Diary, so ALL GOOD!
If you ARE reading, please know these are my thoughts on life, healing and relationships (mostly).
Re all the TW stuff. So this requires another *** TW ***. Please SKIP for any reason at all.
My grandmother, EJ, lived till almost 100 as most of my family had.
She gave me the valuable gift of TIME and opening up to SHARE her life experiences. They all did!
How Blessed and fortunate am I.
EJ explicitly told me of how she grappled with the progression of her life, esp through loss and grief.
It was a long tale, spoken over many visits. Thankyou Nanna.
Of course I didn't KNOW at the time that these precious talks were lessons to me, teaching me how TO navigate life into "extended time" (I'm moving away from using "ageing" lol).
I simply HELD SPACE.
The FIRST talk I remember this happening, I must've been 3yo lol. My G Grand Father sitting in a chair and me being obedient and sitting on the floor in front of him lol.
Like a child in a classroom!
I was always in AWE of him. Patience was a virtue that eluded him! lol.
He would yell at my Nana for food etc and I would tell him OFF! No one would abuse my Nana on my watch lol!
I learnt how TO and how NOT TO behave!
Ahh and so I come to a stage where people are passing over in quick succession.
I feel the loss in my forearms. Like I wanted to HUG them one more time. Say goodbye when I didn't get the opportunity to while they were still living.
So I do so to their spirit in my own way.
Blessing their path into the afterlife where they are free.
What a strange thing LIFE is, where in my case I have been faced with death of my closest people since a very early age. My sweet, happy courageous brother. Family. Friends too. All of my beloved pets.
But this is only in life. Our spirits will be free after wards.
Peace, love and JOY to all,
Love EMxxxx
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Hello Dear ecomama…
I read your words of love towards your grandparents with tears forming in my eyes…
If I was standing next to you as you were speaking them…I would have given you a gentle and warm caring hug….
I can’t do that…so instead I’m sending you one through the pages of this wonderful forum…
A gentle warm and very caring hug…sweetheart….you are one very awesome, strong, compassionate person who has a golden heart…..
A hug that tell you I care about you, a hug to let you know I’m thinking of you, also a hug, just because I want to to…
My kindest thoughts sweet ecomama, along with my care and love..
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Dearest Grandy, lol you're an omnipotent presence here lol.
Thankyou for always reaching out to me! and all the people here on the forums.
I FELT THAT HUG! It was then I cried tears of gratitude for you. Those tears feel very differently to tears of grief and mourning, don't they?
Happy tears!
I was and am so Blessed to have the most loving, appreciative, strong elders in my family, with the cheekiest sense of FUN! The STORIES I loved listening to all those precious decades of my life. EJ passed when I was 50yo!
I did so many brave things this weekend. My learning continues lol. I sat like a little fat Buddha chuckling whilst my friend T went off her nut about all and sundry. I was observing myself doing this and thinking wow, you've made progress EM lol, not sure if she appreciates you chuckling tho!
Today saw another friend. At the end of my visit she hugged me so hard and so long lol, then again and again, and said "I appreciate you in my life SO MUCH!" and I said same. We laughed and cried and talked about the hard stuff.
We have a PLAN Grandy!
I am SO EXCITED to have my friend walk this path with me, because she's EXCITED TOO!
Thanks Grandy.
Time for some quiet contemplation in my garden. The scents of the orange blossoms are next level lol.
Gotta grab it all up my nostrils while I can :-))
Love always EMxxxx
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Hey EM (with a wave to Grandy)
It sounds like you have a lot to process at the moment, and a lot of memories coming to the fore. You still seem to be in a really positive space with it all, which is remarkable in itself. Sending you hugs.
Kind thoughts as always,