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Is it PTSD or just anxiety?

Community Member

Firstly new here.

December 2019 at 34 weeks pregnant I had a car accident which wrote off the car but I survived with baby intact. Hit a tree and rolled. Still don't know how I survived it.

Then at 40 weeks got induced after a week at being 3cm. Rough birth. Episy. No epidural, but everything else medicine wise. Suctioned out. Nearly emergency caesarean. Post birth had a haemorrhage and again nearly ended up in an emergency room. Came round ok after an iron infusion. Baby was fine.

Went back working at 20ish weeks postpartum. Had issues with driving due to the amount of gum trees around. Did counselling. Worked my way through it and use podcasts as distraction technique.

Husband and I are discussing subsequent children now daughter is over 2. Keep getting very anxious about birthing again. Not sure if just anxiety (hx) or if possible repressed issues from birth of daughter.

My anxiety is there about baby 2 regarding finances (will be fine), pregnancy itself (had bad morning sickness with no1) and then the birth and after birth. I am so worried that I'm going to bleed again or that I won't be able to conceive again or I'm too old (32)

Sorry to be frank but I have found I need to be regarding both these issues. The car accident has meant that I do not drive to from my current home town to my town that I previously resided in for 5.5years. I can't drive past the point I crashed. I get so upset and I need to do breathing techniques when I've tried.

Regarding the baby I want to give daughter a sibling but I am terrified of dying or having to be induced again. I'm petrified everything that was an issue the first time!


2 Replies 2

Dear Amor90
Firstly, welcome to the forums we are so glad that you found your way to this supportive and welcoming community.  It is great to know you feel safe to be able to share your experience here and we hope that you find the support you are looking for.
We are sorry to hear that you are feeling the way that you are right now; having gone through such a traumatic experience it’s understandable as to why you would be feeling triggered by the possibility of birthing again.  It takes a lot of strength and resilience to work through this and to learn ways to manage the anxiety so please make sure you are giving yourself the credit you deserve right now.  In terms of your question as to whether your experience relates to PTSD or anxiety, we will always encourage you to speak to your GP and/or a mental health professional in the first instance but it’s also great you have reached out to the online forums for support as it is in moments like these, we like to offer a friendly ear to listen to these troubles and discuss any options or assistance that may be appropriate.
In addition to posting in the forums, we also invite you to call or chat to one of our trained mental health professionals who will also be able to listen and offer care; it’s completely confidential and available 24/7:
To call us, contact 1300 22 4636
To use webchat, Click Here
We’re sure you will hear from some of our lovely community members here on your thread soon. They’re an amazing community, and will have understanding, advice and kind words for you.  Thanks again for sharing. It’s a powerful and brave first step towards feeling better.
Sophie M

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Amor, thank goodness you and the baby are fine and although we'd like to answer your question we aren't qualified to do so, however, as frightened as you may be about having another baby, no one knows how this pregnancy will be, it might be totally different and the doctor looking after you will be conscious of your previous birth and closely looking and maintaining your health.

If we have a car accident then it's always going to be difficult to drive past the spot it happened, but there is a program called 'desensitisation' which you can type in your search bar.

This allows you to gradually overcome any situation you fear and may help you in regard to both fears, let us know how you get on.
