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Anxiety due to Covid 19 and I've used all my sessions on my Mental Health Plan

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


My PTSD was triggered several months ago. As a consequence of this my anxiety level has been through the roof. At the beginning of this year I started seeing my psychologist weekly, as I didn't feel safe. Consequently I used up my mental health plan fairly quickly. Finances are really tight at the moment, so my therapist has given me a reduction in my fee which I am grateful for but also feel bad about. I've always paid my own way. In the midst of this the Covid 19 isolation happened. The stress it has caused me is enormous. I'm coping with the isolation, it's the financial side of things that is worrying me. That and the fact that one of my children is a teacher. I have lost a child and I am constantly frightened of losing my remaining child. With recent talks of lifting restrictions, my anxiety went through the roof again. I just wish this pandemic would end. In relation to the mental health plan, when the Govt initially announced funding for telehealth psychology appointments, I was hopeful they would extend the sessions on a plan. I totally understand that the pandemic will trigger mental health issues for people who may never have had them in the past. But I feel like for those of us already dealing with issues.... well I know Covid 19 has pushed me to the edge.

Sorry for venting, I'm just feeling very frustrated and anxious at the minute. It has taken me years to be able to confront my past, and due to my financial situation, I have had push out my sessions.

I know I'm not the only one feeling it at the moment. I also know that there are many more worse off. I just needed to vent what's in my head, in the vain hope I might get some sleep tonight.

Thank you for reading this.

10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Mara, and understand the situation you are facing and feel very sorry for how you are going, particularly the loss you are grieving from.

With this lockdown due to COVID-19, you may be able to extend the mental health plan under special circumstances, my doctor said he could do this until I reminded him that Workcover was paying.

Our PM under these conditions may be altering this situation, knowing that it's affecting so many people.

Would your psychologist reduce the time of the session to be able to bulk bill you?

Hope to hear back from you.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Geoff,

Thank you for replying to my post.

This week is always tough due to the loss of my son. This year it’s especially hard. Thankfully once I get past special days such as Mother’s Day, birthdays, anniversaries etc it get easier, it just is really hard in lead up.

My psychologist reduced my fee by a little more than a $100. He’s been so good to me over the years, I feel bad about the reduction. I’m trying to keep a record of it all because I hope to pay him back once I get through this wretched year.

I keep hoping the PM will increase the number of sessions on the mental health plans. I fear they won’t because of the huge debt the country will be in after we finish with the Coronavirus.

It’s just been such a terrible year for so many people. I keep trying to hang on to the fact that there are many others in far worse positions. My head knows that, just wish my anxiety would settle down.

Thank you once again Geoff for your reply. I do appreciate you responding.

Take care


Thank you for your suggestion Re: extending the mental health plan but I’ve already done that. By the beginning of April I had used all of them. My

Hi Mara56,

Thanks for reaching out. We're so sorry to hear about the loss of your son and that this is an especially tough week. We hope that you can find some comfort in the community - please know that you're not alone and many of our community members have been through similar experiences of loss and can talk through these feelings with you.

It's great to hear that you have a psychologist who is so good to you. We're sure there is no need to feel bad about the reduction, he would not offer unless it was appropriate for him and not too much of an imposition. If you find that the Coronavirus is causing you anxiety, we would recommend that it might help to also take a look at out dedicated Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service where you will find a lot of targeted information as well as another 24/7 helpline staffed by specially trained mental health professionals.

Feel free to reach out here again whenever you're feeling up to it.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for your reply. I will look at your Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. Thank you for the info.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable ringing the helpline. It has taken me years to to build up the trust I have with my psychologist. Trust is a huge issue for me. I am sure you have wonderful people on the helpline but at this time I just don’t feel ready to open up to anyone else.

Thank you once again for your response to my post.

Take care


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Good Morning Mara, there could never possibly be a good week when you have lost a child you love, and I am so sorry in this much complicated period we going through.

If your psychologist has reduced the fee is because he can see the pain in your eyes, so he feels connected to you and definitely wants to help you, so it's working both ways.

There may be people worse off than you, but you shouldn't look at this situation other than the position you are in, and what the PM decides on doing to everyone through this stage, is not known, but hope that with any counselling, it's extended.

Take care.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Good morning to you to Geoff,

Thank you for your compassion. To be honest there are days when when I truly don't want to continue in this life without my son. The only thing that has kept me going is my other child and his children. Then Covid 19 came along. Apart from video chats, I have not seen my grandchildren since the end of Feb. I have missed them terribly.

Added to the usual emotional slump around this time, we put our house on the market earlier this year. We had an offer early in April which we were happy to accept, then the lockdown happened and the buyer backed out. Due to the current situation, we took the house off the market. Then a bit over a week ago, restrictions were lifted in our state, so my husband decided to put it back on the market again. I honestly believe the timing is all wrong. Thousands of people have lost their businesses and even more are out of work but my husband wouldn't listen. Selling a house is stressful at the best of times, let alone during a pandemic. That said, we need to free up some funds. Financially we're up against the wall at the moment.

Then to add to everything my husband was in accident yesterday with a semi-trailer. He's fine, the cars not. Thankfully we have insurance but we had to find the excess. The other driver didn't stop. I am very glad he's ok but it's another expense we can't afford.

Honestly, I wish I could cry. Due to the PTSD, I really if ever cry. It's not a choice, it's just the way I am. I wish could, I'm sure I'd feel better if I could but it just doesn't happen.

I'll leave it there Geoff. As I have to run my husband to an appointment.

Thank you once again for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it.

Take care


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Mara, I can certainly relate to missing your grandchildren, because I do, but over these past weeks, I've been talking with them on a program similar to skype, where they can show me the drawings, how they can ride their bikes and whatever else they're excited about, you only wish you could give them a cuddle.

Putting your house on the market means you're losing so many memories, good or bad and closing a chapter in your life.

If the other driver didn't stop then his insurance company probably pay for the repairs, but is there anyone else who saw the accident to relieve you from paying the excess.

Do you have any equity in the house loan, which may help you out financially?

I feel so sorry for the situation you are in and, please get back at any time, especially after what I've said.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Geoff,

Sorry it’s taken a while for me to reply. A lot has happened in the last couple of days, resulting in me being in a much better place than I was a week ago.

I have been video chatting with my grandchildren a couple of times a week. We are so lucky to have the technology we have today. Thankfully we had restrictions lifted a little bit in our state, so I was able to see see my son and his family yesterday. It was so lovely to see them all, definitely balm for my soul. I hope you are able to see your Grandies soon. All this isolation is tough on the kiddies too. Mind, I totally support whatever we have to do, to prevent the spread of this virus.

I’m not sorry to be getting out of this house. It’s a lovely home but a lot to maintain. Physically and emotionally, the Home Opens really take it out of me. Memory wise, we’ve only lived here 7 years, so there is not a lot of emotional attachment to the house. Also unfortunately, I’ve had a lot of health issues, requiring multiple surgeries, so what memories I have of our time here, I will not be sorry to leave behind.

We have equity in the house but at this stage we’re really trying to manage on a scaled back income. Just keep hoping and praying it sells soon. Mind, I seriously doubt that will happen in this climate.

Re: my husband’s car, I encouraged him to report it to the Police. The insurance company told him he didn’t need to. Thankfully he listened to me. The day after he reported the accident, the Police got back to him with the name and address of the truck driver, as well as the registration number for the truck and trailer. My husband passed the info onto the insurance people, so fingers crossed, we will eventually get the excess refunded to us. Very impressed with the fact that the Police followed it up and got back to us so quickly. It was a huge pressure off our backs.

I saw my psychologist last Thursday and we had a breakthrough. I feel so much better after that appointment. He has been so good to me. I am so grateful that I found him.

Thank you so much Geoff for replying to my post. It truly helps to know that someone is out there reading my thread. I have been in a very dark place for months. The support I’ve found on this forum has helped enormously to keep me afloat.

Thank you once again.

Take care


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Mara

I'm sorry you're dealing with so much, hugs. Deepest sympathies for the loss of your son, much bigger hugs.

And now to selling your home, boy that's a pressure and a half. I really hope it sells quickly and for a great price.

You have a psych you feel comfortable with, which is awesome and he sounds even better by accommodating to your difficult financial time. We all have to 'shoulder some pain' through covid19 so accept the gift from your psych, I'm sure he knows you're grateful! More and more are volunteering their services and demanding changes from Govt, so we are seeing a better Australia from it all from my view.

Ofcourse there are others less fortunate than us, there always will be, but you are important in this world to yourself and many others, so your mental health matters A LOT. Please feel validated.

I'm working on validation too alongside you lol. I don't trust anybody really either. I took a leap of faith calling a number of helplines over the past few days and it actually enabled me to cry. Something that is difficult for me too. I didn't realise it was a consequence of PTSD.

I guess we need to steady ourselves and sometimes we need to do whatever it takes.

Thankyou for starting your thread and opening up here. You have helped me feel that I'm not so alone in my journey.