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Should I just suck this up?

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

OK, this isn't easy for me to write bcas I respect police also but this is my situation.

I aparantly unlawfully entered a friends property, that's right a friends property. He wasn't home and I wasn't believed. Anyhow I was put in a mental institution. I preferred the hospital choice over the police station choice thinking I'll be in there for a couple weeks.

3 months later I came out overmedicated feeling like shite...misdiagnosed with a mental illness as a " safety net" seriously!!!!

3 months of my life where I couldn't work, and live my normal life. Inclosed in a small space, going crazy.

Should I just " suck this up". ?

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If I listened to the mental health worker that said; "there is nothing you can do" or stayed with the psychiatrist that tried to convince me I have skitzophrenia and offered me a road block I wouldn't be in this position. I would not accept the road blocks. I knew it wasn't right what they've been doing to me. I didn't give up. I wasn't expecting to have a way out either even though no matter what I wanted to find one. I even thought about protesting. Anything to open a door. Now there is a silver lining in my life.

I always believed I should have choice over what goes in my body and a say on my own health. I know myself better than they do...

Thanks for the support ladies and I will keep you updated. I'm also thinking about not taking an oral med now as I'm on my way out of this order ( I hope) and still not being blood tested for my levels. And I think you get chances. My world is improving.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Simona,

Thankyou for writing to me, I was wondering if you were in the same boat as me, you are. I'm also on the shot. And the case manager checks to make sure I get it, that's all that's monitored and not the two orals. Zonked out. I've been wanting to write to you as well as we r going through something similar. Keep fighting Simona xox

Hi monkey_magic,

You write with such energy. So vivacious and spirited. You shine 🙂

Sending hope and comforting thoughts,

Pepper xoxo

Thankyou pepper,smiles.

My case manager wants me out of the order too, today she said I'm normal lol and I know she likes seeing me lol.

I do have a lot of energy which is why I can't handle meds slowing me down. I'm in high spirits because I just need a letter to get out of this order, only a step away now where at one point I didn't know it was possible because no one told me, I just believed in my " making the impossible happen".

I scared the last psychiatrist by saying I told the police. I couldn't bear the fake diagnosis and forced meds that hindered my life. I'm very in tune with my body and this whole situation confused me. He even cancelled our last appointment. A decision I was very happy with.

You have to take a stand for yourself even if the odds r stacked up against you. Closed dead ends can equal an open window....it took me being angry, confused,upset but I finally found the open window....almost flying free. Making it this far means the world to me.

How are you Monkey?

I really hope you are having a beautiful day : )

I LOVE my life unmedicated. If only every day could be like today.. I feel stable and happy and am in the process of building up my bony malnourished body. My mh worker can see how far I have come. I have gained 1 kilo : )

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
I am so so happy for you. I also feel better off the oral meds, so much better. That is great, keep up the good work.

Hi monkey_magic,

I’m glad that things are starting to look up again.

Even the tone of your posts have lifted and that can only be a good thing 🙂

Happy for you and sending kind thoughts.

Pepper xoxo

Good news will do that. It's my goal in life as well to stay lifted. I'm still a bit down/ stressed at times but hopefully that passes soon...

So...how are you doing? What's going on pepper?? Hope u start to lift soon hun , I really do xxx

There's been a lot of chatter in my brain/head. Went to the gym and felt much better. Going to swim both days of the weekend. Still struggling emotionally/ mentally but there's hope..to climb that hurdle will be so good...

Been thinking of you Monkey : ) I like reading your thread and keeping up with whats happening. I don't so much get chatter but rather visuals. I have been trying to distract a lot too and use grounding techniques. I really admire how gutsy you are and full of energy : )