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Should I just suck this up?

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Valued Contributor

OK, this isn't easy for me to write bcas I respect police also but this is my situation.

I aparantly unlawfully entered a friends property, that's right a friends property. He wasn't home and I wasn't believed. Anyhow I was put in a mental institution. I preferred the hospital choice over the police station choice thinking I'll be in there for a couple weeks.

3 months later I came out overmedicated feeling like shite...misdiagnosed with a mental illness as a " safety net" seriously!!!!

3 months of my life where I couldn't work, and live my normal life. Inclosed in a small space, going crazy.

Should I just " suck this up". ?

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I need everyone to pray for me, I really do

What the hell am I supposed to do..too late, it's in my system, I'm being controlled by an order, what the hell am I supposed to do...I'm having side effects. I want this out of my system, what do I do???

I am well informed now. I know what these meds do. I've watched documentaries, I know the truth about psychiatry, I've researched. I've researched real life stories..

Heavenly Father, i believe in you and hope in you. I love you above all things. Thank you for bringing me safely through the night. Today, i give myself and everything i do to you. Keep me from evil. Bless my family, friends and all those i love. In Jesus' name i pray. Amen.

Thinking of you Monkey

This hurts and is offensive! I totally regret taking a pill, I totally regret any injection of drugs and what choice did they give me...I regret all of this...I need help

Help, help, help, help, I'm crushed. Make this stop, can someone stop them from doing this to me, please can someone make this stop

I can't let them administer another injection, I can't do this to myself, then I get a warning, then police take me to the hospital, then they'll prob force medicate me again...I need help

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Thankyou Simona I just got your message and am reading it over and over...

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MM~

There are some things we don't have control of at times, and they can be very frightening. You have the order and no choice over meds, some like me have other things. When my spine plays up and I wonder if it is going to calm down or if I'm going to be on heavy pain meds plus stuck in chair or bed permanently then I get frighted, and have no course of action other than to wait it out.

I try my hardest to distract myself, books, movies, talk (sadly no exercise of course), even posting here. These are all made more difficult by pain and physical restrictions but are what I've got.

I'm not telling you this because I want you to feel sorry for me, just so you know being a bit trapped is something a lot of people have one way or another, and dealing with it follows established means. (I'm sure you know all this already, but coming form someone else it might reassure)

If I could sort your order I would - as would any of your friends here. Do what you can to take you mind off it. You will get through, you are tough and a survivor. If you can be beside he ocean, swim, walk - even run or the gym if you are up to it - that may help. Seeing a friend ... well you get the idea.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Croix,

Sorry you have those restrictions and feel the way that you do. I'm worried. I'm am worried!!! This woman moved away from me the other day..I'm giving off a different vibe after meds, pretty sure it was a drug induced psychosis. I really don't feel the same, been having thoughts of harming. I'm stuck though. I can't tell doc bcas he can put me back in Hosp. I don't want to be traumatized by hospital again. I have to stay quiet because I need my freedom, its the meds that are doing it ( they can make ppl violent) . I'm humiliated!!!!! I'm staying in the house on the bed, coming to terms with all this, wasn't expecting this you see. Thankyou for your ideas, I will go out later to the gym...I'm coming to terms with a lot atm...my brain is different ATM, so is my body