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Introducing mmMekitty
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I am mmMekitty, named for my cat, (my avatar), who lived 7 years. It has been five or so years since, but I still miss her. Mekitty an I had a simpler relationship than any I have had with people.
The photo is the one I to retrieved after my hard drive crashed. She had wandered off, was away for six days, when she turned up again in the middle of the night. I cried with relief. This was the photo I used for her Lost Cat poster I put up around the neighbourhood at the time.
As for me, I cannot see the detail of the photo nearly as well as I did then, and then my sight was poor. I am now using text-to-speech software, zooming on my pc, voice over. Since I find this stuff difficult, I get really frustrated.
I used to keep all my emotions in check, so much so, I thought and said I did not have any feelings or reactions to anything. That changed and I could not deny the existence of my emotions. It was a terrifying time. What was happening to me? I was falling apart and all this unidentifiable stuff was pouring out.
I have had to learn so much since I began seeing the Psychiatrist I saw back then (1993 - 95). From learning I had to put words to the experiences, name, own, accept them. Still uncomfortable. I beat up on myself too much, I know.
I used to do things I can no longer do to my own satisfaction. I still sing, but not like I used to. I cannot paint like I did. I cannot use pen and paper to write, so have managed to adapt to keyboard. That is something. I have been working on being more sociable, less isolated, but last year, when COVID-19 retrictions required face masks be worn, I found I could not - which is what brings me here.
I have had to curtail so much of what I had been doing. I am feeling the isolation now. How ironic! I resisted even thinking I needed anybody, then I try to have some friends, join a writers' group, get help with things like housework and shopping, going to places for fun and entertainment, only to have to withdraw again because I cannot wear a mask. It bites, like a scorpion.
I will make a thread, now I found the place to click to create one! I think my problem was with how I have my desktop appearance. It looks like any ordinary link, hiding below another, for creating a feed link. Now I know.
I suppose I will get around to talking more about myself. I will need to be careful about how involved I become, so please, don't expect me to pop up everywhere. I would burn out if I did that.
(Purring) mmMekitty
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Dear mmMekitty (wiht a wave to Mum Chris)~
Mum Chris I wrote you a serious post on your thread, here I'm not going to be so deadly earnest:)
And if you want to follow mmMekitty's excellent advice on cutting and pasting emoji characters look at Grandy or Demonblaster's posts, They have rich seam of icons throughout.
Actually I fondly remember cucumber sandwiches, thin, on white bread with butter, sliced into triangles and served on three-tier silver serving trays - together with Indian tea in porcelain cups and saucers. One lump or two - or would you prefer lemon? A civilized way to take afternoon tea.
As my father was a vicar we often had such occasions with parishioners or the bishop. Actually his being a vicar helped when we came to Australia, no camps, straight into a rectory as he had a parish to go to after a short stay in a hotel.
All very disappointing, no kangaroos at all and boiling hot days and nights plus giant mosquitoes that needed a runway to take off and land. I had to go to school of course and on the very first day there was a geography test - which I pointed out to them was completely unfair, who on earth had heard of the Tasman Sea -argh! Sadly I did not do well 😞
mmMeKitty, you and your (ex) step-sister were lucky to have German and French to choose from, in Britain the languages were Classical Greek, Latin and (optional) French taught by a gentleman who flew over France during the war- his closest French experience. To be fair the masters for the other two languages had never spoken them either. As it turned out all three tongues were pretty well useless.
I invented so many excuses for not doing my homework in these subjects I was dubbed to have the 'Croix book of excuses'. The 'dog ate my homework' was nothing on my tales of woe:)
As an aside the French schoolchildren, who went to an école nationale d'état spoke marvelous English, a sad reflection on the English public school system.
I guess that's more than enough for now
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LOL! Shortly after our arrival in Australia, our class was given an outline map of Australia & asked to indicate where the capital cities (including Darwin & ACT? I'm not sure). I got every one wrong. So much laughter; I was so embarrassed. Another day my nose had begun to bleed, & I called out, innocently, "I have a bloody nose", which is a perfectly acceptable thing to say in USA, but not here!
Since I discovered my text-to speech reader would say a word or three, to describe the emojis it encountered in documents people might send me, emails, & on websites, such as this, I like them more than I used to. Then I found I don't have to go into the upper menus or even to use the Windows key+full-stop to bring up the emoji panel. I simply use the application key or my right mouse button where I want to use an emoji, within these text boxes, if I want,or in a document, & there is the emoji panel, type to find one, or select from what is already showing. I have kept my panel showing he most recently used. The only thing that bugs me now, (& I am sure Croix will be delighted) is that I can't select a whole bunch all at once!
I've said before, & I will say again, there are not enough cat emojis, & no walrus.
I wonder, Mum Chris, if you thought how you would like to represent yourself, possibly for your avatar picture one day? In a sense it does not matter to me, because I can find you easily enough. Just another casual curiosity about avatar pictures, & when people don't choose one.
I only wish I could see Croix's picture better. For a while I wasn't sure at all what I was seeing, then someone said something about Croix being a Walrus....😺 & I was happy with that info. Avatars are not described by my text-to-speech reader.
I've had the idea that learning Latin would be useful in the sens that it would inform the student of the origins of so many of our English words, suffixes & prefixes, certain common phrases, things like that.
I did snooze a bit earlier, but making lots of typing errors is getting on my nerves, so I'll , it's goodnight from me. 😸❤️❤️❤️❤️💤& happy dreams to you
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Dear mmMekitty~
Well I guess Latin does have some uses, particularly in legal circles and naming natural specimens, but in every day speech not that much.
If you want to see my avatar I guess it will need enlarging, and Beyond Blue avatars do not do that successfully as they are too low a resolution. Mine is an altered part of an illustration called The Walrus and the Carpenter (or Briny Beach) from Lewis Carol's Though the looking Glass, an illustration done by John Tenniel in 1971
Actually the poem and illustration have been seen as a social allegory with the walrus as 'the fat cat' -if you will pardon the expression -and the clams as the exploited. masses This however is not why I selected it.
Actually you can find out on this page
About the fifth post down
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-sigh, that's 1871 of course
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avatar not chosen as I was a tumble weed didn’t think I belonged
Something to think about my eyes are 1/4 open so maybe for another time. I love the soothing ocean but never get there. Something be achy as my ideal.
My bones are painful and I’m being careful to not do more injuries.
Super busy at work and 8 hours a day i need to focus outside of my emotions.
Take care mmMekitty and enjoy the morning restarts.
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Thanks Croix,
That will be a nice little diversion to go into. 😸
I think my BMI would qualify me as a 'fat cat', but only in the physical sense. I am not a rich & snobby hob-nobs wot's hob-nobbing looking down my nose - that's gross!. 😺
& I never have eaten a shell fish that spoke to me either.
I'd made my appointment for my GP to phone me for 11:45, but she didn't phone until 12:45 - just when I'm getting ready to phone my PDr. That's why I had agreed to 11:45! But I did ask her if she had given a precise diagnosis, what sort of breast cancer I have, & she said something I didn't recall just five minutes later. Something about it being in the milk ducts, carcinoma in situ, I think she said, & one may be invasive, but there nees to be more investigations to know more. Oh, & something about being positive for two hormones, oestrogen & one of the others.
I admit, I don't know what this means.
Then, the motor mower people deciding that the time to mow our place, & to take more time going over the grassy areas (hardly what I'd call a 'lawn'), but going around the rubbish people leave in places, during the entire time while I was talking to my PDr.
& they didn't cut back the weeds outside my back door again.
& I made a mistake while paying him, not a terrible mistake, but I was just telling him I fear I will make a bad mistake one day, even after checking what I'm doing 2 - 3 times over.
I got some sleep, woke, then wanted for more, because I'm not getting enough. & managed 2 more hours. So, late start, messes what minimal schedule I want to keep. It was worth it.
Later I walked up the street. Hot & humid. The local pollie put on an Xmas thing,, mostly for kids, with an energetic woman magician entertaining them, & loud music.
I come for the sausage sizzle. There were not too many people there, at the start, so, maybe more came by later, for Santa & turning on the tree lights.
I went to Woolies & picked up a couple more things & also got some non-talking calamari, & came home.
The dogs behind their fences startle me so, I fear them getting out too, I think one day I'm going to be so startled I'll trip up & fall.
I ended up feeling hot, sweaty, my hip & back hurting, cranky about the dogs, but full up with 2 sausages on bread, & onion, For some reason, I can't make taste so good at home.
His long break is all too soon away, now. 😾
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Dear mmMekitty~
Non-talking calamari? OK, unusual but I believe you, though I have had chocolate that went snap crackle pop in the mouth
As for "rich & snobby hob-nobs wot's hob-nobbing looking down my nose", I'm afraid my parents fell into that category, which ultimately led to my disinheritance after I fell in love with an "unsuitable" person.
Best thing that could have happened.
I'm sure your test results will be made clear in time, well before you have to make decisions, it's just a pity you have to wonder in the interim. I ask my GP for printouts of test results, which can be a help to the memory afterwards. Perhaps if they were emailed to you then you might be able to read them.
You are being inscrutable again, does "His long break is all too soon away, now." mean there are only
20 days till Xmass and associated seasonal breaks?
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I didn't mean to be obtuse. I phone my PDr Next Thursday & the next after that, then he is on his break until January, when I see him Wednesday,19th, in person, unless circumstances mean more lockdowns, or, what if I'm too ill? Because I don't know/can't predict, - we are all living in these uncertain times, but they really feel more certainly uncertain for me now.
Just as well I am txting this to you from The BB Cafe - it's bucketing down, with lots of lightning & thunder & neighbours out there! (I think they're on something).
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Hi mmMekitty
I had a whole post to send you then got interrupted now it’s gone. I was going to say I hate dogs charging the fence it scares me a lot
Now I have had a fall and waiting for dr can’t handle emergency room although I probably should have. Hopefully just sprained but it’s bad I can’t walk at all. Stupid mistake. Rushing instead of taking care.
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Oh, I've just missed you... hope it is okay, a sprain, & nothing worse. It surely is uncomfortable waiting in A&E.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️sending these on after, hope they find you & warm you