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Im new. Unsure how to start.
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Thanks darlin good to hear
No rush just in your own time ok hun
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no rush at all, just do what you can
its been a few days since your last post, how are things going for you?
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Thank you all for you caring posts.
Im not going too well. I do stuff to distract me and then when i stop even for a minute all the negativity and SI come flooding into my head.
I sat on the beach in the sand listening to the waves roaring in and meditated. It was so beautiful. Afterwards all i could think was how i dont deserve this beauty. Im tainted.
Grandy. I tried to throw the deadline out and make a new one but i just dont deserve it. So instead of changing the deadline i moved the date. Hopefully that gives me time to figure out what i truely want.
I do have emergency numbers i can call if i need to. I put the card in my phone cover. Im just not sure if i can make muself call them anymore. Past experiences with these numbers havent been pleasant.
DB. I use that slow breathin and focusing on each part of my body every night when i try to go to sleep. It works to get me to relax but sleep doesnt come. Nightmares are bad and im scared to sleep i guess. Hate reliving CSA. Cant deal with it. Just want it out of my head. Want to forget it happened. Wish it never happened to me. Don't understand why it was me.
So sorry i dont post more often and visit your threads. Im just trying so hard. In everything i do is an effort.
Sick all the time. Apparently its all in my head. Cant live like this. Its destroying me. Im at my wits end. I dont know how to survive anymore. Im sorry im disappointing you all. I dobt for one moment want anyone to feel like im not listeningto your advices. Im so thankful to have you all here. I just feel like im failing you all. You have more faith in me than you should. I have no faith left.
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You're not doing wrong by us.. thanks for thinking though ☺
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Dearest Sapphire,
You are not a failure, it’s okay to sit on your bed and cry your heart out. It’s okay to feel anxious because you are going through a lot. It’s okay to feel defeated at times. Its not okay, to not talk to someone, to not get help, to not have hope, and to give up completely. You can and will get well, I believe you can, because just as you and others here as well, I am going through hell atm but I also believe I can get well again, Sapphire you deserve it... No, don't listen to beasty now....listen to what I just said...You Deserve Peace and Happiness..You really do sweetheart.
Everyone moves differently and maybe a lot of people are going to reach their breaking point, the point in which they get too caught up and they fall down..or get to a certain point in which life decides to send them over the edge, but this is Sapphire that's not you...You are stronger then that..
Sapphire at the moment you feel like a failure, we learn from failure we get stronger as we go along so as long as you learn from you mistakes and continue to progress anything is possible, we just have to go for it. Do the thing you feel is impossible, The opposite of what beasty is feeding us, and I bet you/and I can do it, and eventually we will defeat him.
Sapphire changing the date on you deadline is not good, no....because by doing that, that's what you've made your goal to be...Please, please, throw it out, You have to change your goal on your deadline to something to look forward to something that will give you joy, pleasure to look forward to to.. Please try hard to believe my words,
Never close the door to hope.
Hope helps us to push through some of the our most painful times in our lives and gives us the strength to get to our finish line when we don't think anything will. Grab hold of your hope and never ever let it go..
Please, be kind to yourself, go easy,
Kind thoughts,
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Thats the stuff I'm talking about Grandy WOW .. that comes from somewhere very deep, so powerful
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Hey loveley.
The pits are the worst yeah but youve come back up before. I believe in you and your ability to rise. For now just rest and do what you can manage. Your not letting anyone down at all.
IIt might be worth speaking to your gp again or get a second opinion on your pain and stomach/swallowing troubles. Are you still doing your dbt lessons and practicing them?
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Grandy. Thank you so much for being here for me. Im sorry to hear your not doing too well either. Im hoping you can fight this better than i am. Your post is really encouraging.
I keep rereading the posts you lovely ladies have posted to me. Trying to get back up. Trying oh so hard. Its painful. Ive made a big decision to go off my meds once again. I honestly feel they are making me sick and tired all the time. Also they are not working. So going off them to make me think more clearly. I know what happened last time was bad but i just feel like it has prepared me to get off them for good. I dont feel like i need them. They are poisoning my body. I want to try more natural alternatives. And i cant afford the meds anymore anyway. Im so broke and need the money for bills.
I have no faith in the health system anymore so am just gonna try this on my own. Im thinking of quitting therapy also. I dont feel like it is helping me at all. I feel like since i started i have just gone backwards. Sunk into this deep dispair. So today i set my plan into motion and hopefully i can help myself.
I dont want anyone to worry about me. I can do this. No meds no therapy. Its all poisoning me. I dont like being controlled by anyone or substance so i feel like this is the best decision i have made. I feel good about this.
Love to you all. ❤❤❤
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Sapphire darlin obviously the decision is yours but tbh I think goodbyou have thevresolve but going off the meds put you in a bad place before and you're doing it so hard atm what about doing it with GP supervision slowly as opposed to suddenly.
Yes I am worried about your choices but know I'll always be here for you
Keep your strong mindset its invaluable in these times
You are strong and you can rise again just please be careful.
Care about you Sapphire 🤗
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Thanks Deebi. ❤
I know last time it didnt end so well. But i think it has prepared me to be able to do it this time. I feel like a change is coming.
Thank you for your support. I dont want anyone to feel obligated to be on here with me. I know everyone is going through their own problems and I dont want to take away from that. Others need help more than i do and deserve it more. I cant expect to be helped if i cant help others. I dont know how to give good advice. Im not that educated on MH. So am afraid of saying the wrong things.
I am being extra vigilant with going off meds. I will be careful i promise.