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- Im new. Unsure how to start.
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Im new. Unsure how to start.
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Hey loveley
I still here and i believe in you 💕💕
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Thanks Demonblaster and Startingnew. Means alot. ❤
Had sleep lastnight but still had nightmares. Feel like they are going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
I also managed to eat something today but felt super sick after. Pain is subsiding too. Its been 6 weeks since my op so hopefully this is a good sign that im healing.
Went grocery shopping with hubby today and had a massive panic attack in the middle of the shop. Was so embarrassed. Then had another when we got home. There were way too many people in the shop for me to deal with. It was all too much.
Small steps. Just need to take small steps. Oh that reminds me of a quote i read at the hospital.
"Little by little, one walks far"
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Thx darl ☺
When you feel panic attacks coming on try hard self talk Sapphire to calm yourself like "NO IM NOT HAVING IT" & focus on your breathing our mind goes into fright mode. This has worked a couple times for me in full blown anxiety attacks settled quickly.
Otherwise sounding good eating, you havent been much so hopefully that nausea subsides & less pain sounding promising too.
Yip babysteps hun
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Yeah i tried to talk calmly to myself but it didnt work. I was just so overwhelmed that it was too late and got out of control. Im now at the point im too scared to leave the house because i cant be around other people. I cant let this happen.
I feel like my mood is lifting. I think its the meds kicking in again. Should never have gone off them. So stupid! I should have listened to you. Im still really flat but feel a change.
Love to you all ❤❤❤
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Hey lovely
Remember the coping strategies we talked about earlier on when you first joined and also the coping strategies thread as well.
Maybe you could revisit the coping thread and find some more strategies to help you offline.
baby steps. Alot of people panic in a shopping mall. Ive had lots of practice and i still get anxious going to the mall. Start small take walks outside and up the street. Your still around people but you also know that your not being crowded in. The more you stay inside and let that fear eat away at you the harder itll be to overcome. I also found myself doing that. I found myself inside and never leaving the house for quite a few days. I started off by walking to the letter box. Then go for a short walk. Then id drive around in abit of traffic then more traffic then start going to the mall in quiet hrs.
Istill go during late arvo or even early morning ad its quite then. Maybe when you do shopping you could go early or leave it till late after noon.
Its good your eating a little better. I know you might feel yuk afterwards but start with light things like a piece of watermelon or a few berries or a few crackers. Your stomach will soon settle and adjust. You underwent quite alot so your body has to learn that its ok too. Sounds silly but your body has to adjust to the changes too. A little less pain is really good too.
I glad your mood is lifting even a little bit. Medications do help. Often when we feel ok and think we can go off them we start to turn sour again esp when you go cold turkey. Doing that can be really dangerous.
It sounds like your doing things to help yourself which im really proud of you for xoxo ❤
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Thanks Starts ❤
I will read the coping thread if i can find it. I will also start with short walks with my dog. Also going to the shops during quiet hours is a good idea. Yesterday it was packed.
Tummy is feeling a bit better today. I started eating yoghurt and other soft foods. I can only eat very tiny amount. Like a 1/4 of a small yoghurt. Takes me a whole day to eat a whole one.
I wont be going off my meds again unless its with a doctors advice/help. I just was so sure i was doing the right thing. How wrong I was. I really should have listened to you guys.
Im also going to see my GP next week to get a referal to a psych. Hopefully this will help me a bit too.
You both have been so amazing to me and encouraging. Youve really helped me alot and if it werent for you i dont know where i would be. Forever grateful to you. ❤
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Your more than welcome . I/we are more than happy to help you out ❤
For the strategies type in the search bar 'COPING STRATEGIES the threads started by me. Theres a few pages there and good descriptions. If you comment itll keep you updated. I have a few to add to it but havent had time to as yet.
We all make mistakes. We can learn from them as well and this time i think youve learnt a valuable lesson here. Its hard to listen when in a bad state as well so try not worry. Onwards and upwards ❤
I glad your tummys getting abit better. Slow and steady.
Its really good to hear your plans to better yourself. I am proud of you and with accepting help as well. Thats never an easy thing to do so well done!
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So good to be reading that positive post Sapphire ☺
You're welcome hun
Sounds like you're getting back up. Strength coming back happy to hear
Enjoy walking its great & gets you out for times
Good on you
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So monday i have an appointment with a psych that will be doing the DBT with me. Its an initial consultation. Then Wednesday i have an appointment with my GP to get a referal for a psych that specialises in BPD. And in 2 weeks i have an appointment with the surgeon and dietician to find out why i cant eat or drink. Everything i eat comes straight back up and makes me sooo weak and its really affecting me mentally. Im hoping all these appointments will help me out and i get better once and for all. Im over this feeling and just want to get better.
Startingnew, i visited your thread for coping strategies and posted a reply. Its my first reply on anyones thread. So i hope its ok.
Demonblaster, I enjoy walking but can only do short walks as i suffer from chronic back pain. I especially like taking my dog. She makes it easier for me not to panic when someone comes near me.
🌼 a daisy for you all.
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these are all positive steps Sapphire! well done! i really hope these appts will help. remember they dont work overnight but in time youll learn skills to be able to cope more and we will be with you every step of the way.
sending lots of comforting but gentle hugs xoxox
im jsut getting around to replying to threads now but i am sure its fine xoxox