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I don't talk about my anxiety with my offline friends

Community Member

Hi everyone,

My name is Jess and I'm 23 years old. I love doing photography as its a passion of mine, love animals, love walking/doing exercise, cooking and being with family and friends.

I have been with this pesky mental illness, anxiety, since late 2014. I recently came onto the internet looking for forums and found this website. I got sucked into reading the anxiety forum a few days ago and I thought it was about time I made an appearance as we're not alone in this world.

I'd love to chat to those who are experiencing some sort of anxiety and hope to make new friends as I don't talk about my anxiety with my real friends.

Hope to chat soon, Jess 🙂

109 Replies 109

Hi Jess

All my best wishes and encouragement for the week ahead. Sounds like you are a busy little beaver. Keep up the good work!!!!

I think that you are doing everything that contributes to a healthy mind which definitely keeps anxiety and depression at bay.

Talk soon.



Seems like you are having an intense struggle with mental illness.

You are definitely in the right place with BB. We are all in the same boat with our own battles and circumstances. Having people to communicate within the forum will give you an outlet to express yourself (which I can see that you are doing) inside a safe place.

The thing I do which helps is living life like a Mars Bar "work, rest and play".

Also, seeking out mental health professionals is a must.

Best wishes to you and hope to hear from you soon.


The view was amazing! Even though it was looking over towards houses etc, it was wonderful 😄 I did get some nice shots too! Some nice panorama's

HI Johnno
unfortunaltey yes and the struggle is constant with no breaks in between.

Yeah ive got my own thread with my stuggles on them so I dont over run anyones threads.

Thanks for your support as well
good motto btw

ill bet it was PL well worth going ill bet and the panorma views would really capture it!

hi SN,

It sure did! Pretty proud of the images I took 🙂 I have a dog shoot this weekend which is exciting. How have you been?

and so you should be! and for getting up the hill too! gold stars right there!

oh wow that sounds pretty exciting

ive been struggling but nothing new there, i just have to get back up and go again

Haha thanks so much!

It was exciting but it wasn't the best.. one of the lady's dog needed to be controlled alot.. and didn't like other dogs or other people.. almost ended up with another dog being injured but all is okay.

You been keeping busy? Do you study or work?

Hi Johnno,

I went to my first psychologist appointment on Thursday and it was very good. She talked about what anxiety is and we practised deep breathing to get rid of the serotonin etc. I have another appointment in a fortnight's time which I'm sure will be beneficial. Just thought I'd fill you in.

Hope you're doing well also!

Jess 🙂

im glad everything went well despite those hiccups. sometime really need to learnt to control their dogs.

yeah im keeping busy been doing paddock cleaning, looking after horses, studying- so far i have 3 different certificates and about to start another one. and i work full time caring for my pop. so my actual job is carer. in amongst the second job i do which is part-time horse caring.

do you study? work?