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I don't talk about my anxiety with my offline friends

Community Member

Hi everyone,

My name is Jess and I'm 23 years old. I love doing photography as its a passion of mine, love animals, love walking/doing exercise, cooking and being with family and friends.

I have been with this pesky mental illness, anxiety, since late 2014. I recently came onto the internet looking for forums and found this website. I got sucked into reading the anxiety forum a few days ago and I thought it was about time I made an appearance as we're not alone in this world.

I'd love to chat to those who are experiencing some sort of anxiety and hope to make new friends as I don't talk about my anxiety with my real friends.

Hope to chat soon, Jess 🙂

109 Replies 109

thats the problem now PL

i dont even want to be near the horses. actually its the last palce i want to be now

Try and find something different you might enjoy? Going elsewhere could help.

I thought my artwork might save me but it hasnt.

Tonight im dealing with the daily dose of night time anxiety plus my health anxiety has flared extremley bad.

I literally have no where else to go. Except to health professionals and the horses and wherei need togo to run errands

Community Member

How are you today?

What did u get up to?

Tried going for walks? Its free and benefits everyone.

I'm good today and was the same yesterday, keeping busy. Had work (the job i'm quitting) yesterday morning, took the dogs to the park, did some shopping, went for a walk (in the freezing cold) and watched a movie. Today we're taking Maggie to the vet to see if she's lost any weight as she's been on a diet for almost 2 months. And I have work tonight (my second job), hopefully 🙂

Hi Jess

Thanks for asking!

I'm really well and enjoying my retirement : gives me a lot of time to pursue my interests like music, movies and sending photos, via text, to family and friends. Yesterday I took a great shot of my wife with Barney (my Beagle) which I cropped to create a good shot.

My mental health journey would take a long time describe on paper. What I can say is that a combination of the right psychiatrist (who has handled my complicated medication) and many hours of therapy combined with physical exercise and love of music and a loving wife of twenty years has brought me to a level of stability.

I am sending encouragement to you with the difficult road ahead living with mental illness. It's not easy but I'm sure that you will find your way through with a lot of help which shall come your way I'm sure.

I am also a firm believer in the power of prayer ....

Best wishes


Hi Johnno,

Great to hear that you're travelling really well! The shot you took sounds wonderful 🙂 (would love to see it)

Oh thats okay, you don't need to describe your journey, just as long as you're in a good place today. Exercise, music, therapy and a loving family member is all you need really to bring you some stability.

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it. I feel like I'm already on the road to recovery by keeping active, doing what I love, surrounding myself with family and friends and also taking it one day at a time. I will be seeing a psychiatrist next week so that will only add as a benefit.

Jess 🙂

hi PL

im doing a bit better today, i was in quite a pickle yesterday and i was also diagnaosed with boderline personality disorder as well. it explained alot of me but was quite a shock diagnosis.

how are you going today?

Hi SN,

Glad to hear you were doing better yesterday. Also good to hear that you found out why you're feeling the way you are.

I'm going good, keeping busy with work etc. Went for a walk up a hill this morning, was a little apprehensive as I'd never been up there before. But I did it and I'm glad I did; was worth the huff and puff. Took some photos and sat enjoyed the view 🙂 thanks for asking

thats super great to hear! i bet the view was amazing! you wouldve got some cool shots from up there hey!