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I don't talk about my anxiety with my offline friends

Community Member

Hi everyone,

My name is Jess and I'm 23 years old. I love doing photography as its a passion of mine, love animals, love walking/doing exercise, cooking and being with family and friends.

I have been with this pesky mental illness, anxiety, since late 2014. I recently came onto the internet looking for forums and found this website. I got sucked into reading the anxiety forum a few days ago and I thought it was about time I made an appearance as we're not alone in this world.

I'd love to chat to those who are experiencing some sort of anxiety and hope to make new friends as I don't talk about my anxiety with my real friends.

Hope to chat soon, Jess 🙂

109 Replies 109

Yes it sureley is.
We can only do what we can 🙂
The BB forums are
very conforting and safe, I had the same opinion when I first joined
and that was a few months ago now.

What is it in your
family that runs in the blood? The only people in my family who own
horses are my mum, sisters and myself, no one else has them nor do
they really like them.

Yes I do like
helping people ut im not much on being taken for granted which is
what has happened all my life until a recent hospital admission made
them open their eyes and realise im not a slave.

Oh yes the beauty
that is captured in some photographs is extraordinary! And with that comes the imagination of being there.

Do you own any pets?
Id like to hear more about your too 🙂

Community Member
oh whoops comforting not conforting lol

Community Member

Hi Jess

I'm new to the forums but wanted to introduce myself and give you my support. I also have anxiety although my situation is different to yours and I am sorry to hear of your struggle. It is wonderful that there is a community where we can share stories such as yours.



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bookworm

Welcome to BB.

I have been participating in the forums for a little while now.

It's a great way to connect with other anxiety sufferers. The exchange of information is insightful and it's a good way to help out friends in any way if possible.

I see that you are a bookworm. What do you like to read? : I would love to know after being a librarian most of my working life. Books really are wonderful!

Sending you best wishes.


Hi Jess

Great to hear that you are getting back to the gym. Definitely good for reducing stress levels.

Today I had a really good guitar lesson which will improve the song that I have finished composing.

I am impressed with your photographic achievements. Keep up the good work.

Best wishes


Well, my family don't really have anything in particular that runs in our blood. We've only owned two budgies and three dogs ever since I can remember.

I can understand being taken for granted - those who are in purely in need are those who greatly appreciate people like you.

Like I said above, we've own budgies and 3 dogs but currently only have two dogs. Their names are Maggie and Polo. Maggie is a purebred Lab and Polo is a Retriever x kelpie. Maggie likes to laze around and eat food - typical Lab. And Polo likes to play ball and loves walks. They're both black and you'd think they're related but they're just best mates. We've had Polo for nearly 10 years and Maggie for about 8-9 years 🙂

Hi Mel,

Great to have you on board. Welcome to this warm group of people who will provide the best possible advice they can - as will I 🙂

It definitely is wonderful having to share our stories as each one is completely different. And we are not alone in this world. Wish I thought of coming onto BB earlier, it has helped me express myself and talk to other people that can relate.

Whats your story Mel, if you don't mind me asking? Tell as little or as much as you like 🙂

Hi Johnno,

Wonderful to hear that you had a really good guitar lesson! I can only imagine how hard it is to compose a song but if you love doing it, it wouldn't be hard would it?

On Wednesday I was accepted into NEIS (New Enterprise Incentive Scheme) which will help me grow my photography business, I start next month.. exciting stuff! I'll be quitting my first job next month and starting that - two big steps in a matter of a months time. I hope I can keep my mental state on the low.

Well done Jess.

Keep up the great work.

All the best with your new enterprise.


aww your dogs sound really cute- not really into them-again my past- but its so wonderful to know that they mean so much to other people. ive had a few budgies on the past and even though they were super cute they are super chatterboxes and noisey!

how have you been anyway?