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I can't find the right place for me to post

Community Member

I don't know any more where to put a new thread if I make one, or which ones to join in. I always used Anxiety because that is my major condition but that has been relatively under control lately - I feel Depressed today - but I don't qualify for the topics there either. I'm depressed mainly because there doesn't seem a place for me. I love some of the threads and personal thoughts for example in Staying Well, but I can't join in there, because I don't have any tips for Staying Well.

I tend to have almost paranoid thoughts through over-thinking "problems" that I would like to talk over but don't know where to talk them over before they reach the paranoid stage...I want to avoid that. I join in the Social threads saying light hearted jokey things because thats the only place I seem to belong.

I dwell on any problems my adult sons have in various aspects of their life and want to "fix things for them" - our relationship is very loving and close though - they are wonderful to me - so there is no real "problem" with my relationship with them....so I don't seem to belong in the "relationships, family" section either do I?

I worry about them all the time - when I tried to express this on forum I think it was misconstrued that I had "empty nest syndrome" - trying to adapt to my sons' leaving home....No, that's not it...they've been gone for years and years...I am a grandmother.

I liked the Getting to Know You, or is it Me? thread very much - but have been given suggestions how to start my own thread and what section to use etc and get the feeling I'm being steered away from there too.

So I am still confused. I don't feel particularly anxious today, so this shouldn't even be in Anxiety! Do you see my dilemma?

In fact the more I write the more I feel like crying - I don't know where to go next.

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

Well I guess you better hang on to your flamingo, I would be pretty sure it is going to be needed again - I get the feeling you underestimate the public's appreciation for your bowling prowess.


I can see from your other post the THE SEASON is approaching once again, and it is never something you look forward to. My I ask if there are pantomimes in your area? They can take a mind off a lot if available.


“Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality.” (LC aka CLD)



Community Member

Dear Croix...no doubt a Christmas thread will appear and I'll be able to put my deflating insulting remarks on it along with all the other ones full of good cheer....haha...I'd look terrific in a Grinch costume.  

No I don't underestimate the public appreciation...I know they think I am great ,rest assured.  Its about the only thing on this ghastly planet I am sure of....and I hold tight to my flamingo.  Its part of the reason I hate this chronic pain so much....to be forced by my ageing body to let go of it and let it fly into just a memory.  What a journey though!

I have heaps of experience with pantomimes ...animal costumes and wicked witches, old hags and innocent young princesses.....been there done that....yes they are fun that's for sure......having a Cat Scan on my spine this week.....there's only a couple of doctors here who prescribe medicinal cannabis  for pain and I believe it is very expensive!.....and yes your quote at the end is correct...I agree with him.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

Do Grinches wear boots? If so it wold be two sources of satisfaction, grinching and enjoying the boots


"Look, I don't wanna make waves, but this whole Christmas season thing is stupid, stupid, stupid!"



I had thought if there were pantomimes this year they might have space for a bowler (with flamingo) to be involved in some way.


I hope the cat scan is revealing and gives your clinical support something concrete to deal with. I'm not really sure what might be the best type of medication for pain as there are so many possibilities (and we're not allowed to name any here anyway:)


You will just have to get a liter flamingo🦩 and resume bowling!




Community Member

Hey Croix...talking to someone who had just been on a trip to an island destination which crosses the date line (is that how you put it?). said she lost a day coming back here...e.g. if I were to leave over there on Christmas Eve, I would get back here Boxing Day!!   what a wonderful idea.  (I think she may have had a couple of hours of December 25 but not enough to count.  I am seriously considering this...what do you reckon?

(actually, this is a true story....years ago another mate of mine was relaxing on a plane that also crossed the  dateline and feeling very smug at avoiding Christmas Day.....but would the flight attendants let her?  No way.....their announcement "to make up to all those passengers who are missing the joy and celebration of Christmas Day "....and proceeded through the plane with those stupid Santa hats, having sing-a-longs of Carols and the full bit!!    See, no matter how hard you try, you just can't escape it....I shut all my doors and pull all the curtains shut but Christmas still seeps through the cracks....I have to hide!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

Just imagine if you were flying in the other direction, instead of missing one Christmas you would have the benefit of two!


While I"m sure you remember our previous conversions may I just remind you for any forthcoming day, be it Christmas or another significant event  planning a full day well in advance can leave you too busy to spend long hours in unhappy reflection.


Using phone/Facetime/Skype or similar to contact your offspring and grand-kids can be pleasant, as maybe visiting or talking with a couple of fellow bowlers -you have enough imagination to think of such for yourself.


As OW said  "...I am hardly a Christmas present.” 



Community Member

Croix...I am fairly sure Noel Coward was born on Christmas Day...thats why he was called Noel.  (I didn't bother to look this up, I hope I am right).  My older sister is pretty housebound these days so  of course I can't let her be on her own.....another close relative and his partner will no doubt ask us to join them at their place for lunch ...at least there'll be food.    When my partner was alive we had a beaut Xmas Day, eating gourmet canapés, drinking and loving each other....then at night there would usually be Chevy Chase's Lampoon Christmas movie or whatever it was called.....old James Stewart was usually on somewhere too in his Its A Wonderful Life.....oh and yes in the weeks preceding, my favourite Love Actually was played on just about every channel there is....and yes I watch it every year....quote "Let's get pissed and watch porn!".....(Bill Nighy)

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

Although he wrote umpteen plays and films in al sorts of genres I remember " In which we serve" the best as it stars Mills, Attenborough and Miles, in other words the standard British crew (hey that's a funny as they were crew on a ship:)


It look like you will have at least a couple of visits and phone calls on the dread day, that'll 'll help. And if you do get home tired you might not have much energy to watch movies. If you do I do think if it was me I'd avoid your standard Chevvy Case, Jimmy Stuart and Hugh Grant viewing and go for something completely different, here's a small spread:

Moonstruck, The best years of our lives, The importance of being Ernest and for a change of wit The best of Dave Allen. Then again A Muppet Christmas Carol is fun too.

A couple of those are in full on YouTube.



Community Member

Well Croix...hate to tell you this but your selection of Xmas movies for me was way off the mark.  Please note Chevy Chase and Christmas Lampoon nor James Stewart's famous one hold no real attraction for me either...they just happened to be on in the background while my man and I were indulging in other delights......I happen to know  Importance of being Earnest inside out and back to front already...I studied it a lot to give me some bowling tips!  Dame Edith Evans...I luv ya!!

Did you know Noel Coward himself was in In Which We Serve...I am fairly sure.  Johnnie Mills (thats what his friends always called him) and the others were great mates in real life too.  Dickie Attenborough's brother certainly chose a different career path didn't he?

No I shall certainly not be giving up Hugh Grant and the crew from Love Actually....Bill Nighy's lines are hilarious...the other one that's usually on is The Holiday with Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black,Cameron Diaz....its terrific.

I think I saw a tiny clip promoting a new one....the first time Tom Hanks and Robin Wright are together since Forrest Gump....I just saw a fleeting glance...hope I was right.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

You were right, I expect it would be the movie "Here" released this year. As for my suggestions I pictured you retracing steps, and wanted you to have fresh fields. True my suggestions may not have fitted, not important.


Dickie's brother, David Rabbitborough, is still going strong in his 90's and not only revolutionized explanations of the natural but also made his mark as administrator in the BBC. I still remember his presentations about animals that started him off before the 'Zoo Quest' Series.


I also remember the Goodies using the Attenborough technique of a long pole and rope from a speeding Land-rover to catch Rolf Harrises


Another movie from the"On which we serve" era was "The best years of our lives" with Dana Andrews -a completely different perspective. If you did not already know the injured soldier really was that injured and acted in the film specially as a result.




Community Member

Croix....Glad that's right...I hope to catch that new film, sounds terrific...Tom always is.  Speaking of anti-Xmas people - I knew a British decorated war hero and his wife well when they lived on Qld's Sunshine Coast..he said he and his men were captured by the Japanese  on Christmas Day.   "The day is nothing to celebrate for us...we just take some champagne and fresh mangoes to a quiet spot on the beach, just the two of us, to get away from all the pointless crap".