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Season's Greetings everyone.
We have a lovely cheery Christmas and New Years thread started up in the Social Zone. Hope you can drop by there and share some joy and happiness.
This is the alternate thread, where you can share the not so pleasant memories of Christmas or the concerns you may have for Christmas 2016.
For me, my depressive brain decides to hassle me about Christmas in November! That is so unnecessary! I need to break this habit!
So on this thread you can share the negative and hopefully find a positive at the end.
You might like to share what the worst present was that you ever received, or how sad and miserable you are at Christmas.
By sharing, we may well be able to help and support each other through a time that can be very tough for some.
This is the place to vent, the thread on the Social Zone is also waiting for you to add your happy thoughts and memories of Christmas and New Years.
Thinking of you all, hugs from Mrs. Dools
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Hi Shred, I'm sorry to hear of your sad news. It must be especially hard for you this week with the anniversary coming up. Why do bad things always happen at Christmas!
Sounds like you've got a very astute and kind niece there, that's lovely. Hang in there hun, as each day passes we get closer to it being over and life returning to some semblance of normality.
Hi Mrs Dools, that must have been fun with the kids even if the horses weren't keen haha.
I was reading a local community FB page today and some people were talking about volunteering on Christmas Day, serving lunch to homeless folks etc. Just wondering if anyone here has done a similar thing or is planning to this year? I'd love to but I have the family thing to do.
Maybe it might give some ideas to people who will be alone this year? Just a thought.
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Morning all
I had a poor sleep last night but have woken to another day -
I guess that the most difficult thing about struggling is letting go...
Sounds like Riding for the Disabled went well Mrs Dools despite the heat...
The Swan sounds beautiful Kaz...
I have my niece with me again for a while today - she brings me peace and understanding. Hopefully though when we meet up with someone (we have to) I can manage that without embarrassment.
I really just want it all to pass ...and be somewhere else....minus the Christmas stuff - even the traffic an parking in my local town is hell!!
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Hay shreddy,
I cant even get out to the shops. Its that bad. My sister is doing my Christmas shopping for me.
Its wounderful to have friends and family.
Keep your chin.
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Hi Everyone,
Kaz, there has been mention in earlier posts here about assisting/volunteering for Christmas. It is a great idea, good to renew that suggestions with new comers to this thread. I helped out at a Church luncheon last year. We served the people attending and sat and ate with them. Then up again for the next course.
Someone in all their wonderful wisdom decided now was a good time to rebuild the regional shopping centre and mall. The car park is now only 1/4 its original size. People are parking on the main road now with trucks whizzing past. We have a large elderly population in our area! The availability of Disabled Parks has dropped by more than half.
Some shops have closed due to their rent increasing even though the new centre only has a roof on it and no walls.
Another bright spark decided December was an excellent time to pave out the front of our local post office. The building is on the main highway from Adelaide to the Riverland and to Sydney. This means trucks, more trucks, caravans and thousands of cars a day not noticing the 25 km sign.
The workers trucks are all parked next to the work site so once again there is no parking. The workers have blocked up the side road with their trucks as well. The Post office is full of parcels. They need a sack truck so people can get their parcels safely to their cars up the road.
Shred, your niece does sound wonderful.
Matt it is a good thing you have family to help you out, but not so good that you are unable to get out of the house. Do you have a garden at all? If so can you sit out there for a little while?
I'm trying to think of a Christmas joke, but can't recall one. I can't recall any jokes actually! Ha. Ha.
Does anyone have a funny Christmas story to cheer us all up?
A few years ago I made a gingerbread house. My nieces helped to break it up with a couple of (washed and disinfected) hammers. It was hilarious. We had bits of ginger bread house going everywhere. Certainly made it easier to eat! Ha. Ha.
Cheers all from Mrs. Dools.
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Well I am even more overwhelmed now. My specialist in our capital city who sees me once a year in July, rang the other day - I had some blood tests and they'd like me to come down for a chat bit earlier - like January!!
They usually only discuss the 6 monthly tests with me on the phone, to save me the trip!!
You've gotta be kidding! I plan to be away early Jan baby sitting my grandkids while their parents are at work, I am already stressed out preparing for this - a parcel for the kids went astray in the Post..hasn't been returned to me either, so goodbye Christmas presents! Now I have to get more. I can't afford much more outlay this year!
the regular exploratory surgery I had in November - usually once a year..they want to do AGAIN this month...so I go thru the whole thing again next week a few days before Xmas! (at least it is in our own hospital, so don't have to travel)
They can be delightfully vague when they want to...."No, nothing to worry about"...."Well why do I have to have it again so soon then? And why do the Brisbane guys want to see me so soon? No straight answers.
Specialist's nurse said my ABC's are higher than my 1 2 3's or something...and I am very low in..something else, and they just want to have a talk with me!! I put all my tiredness, not feeling up to par etc down to Christmas stress (which I never deal well with..I hate it) the excessive heat, getting older with the usual aches and pains associated.........now of course I am imagining I am seeing funny symptoms everywhere, looking up Dr Google....and have another long trip in front of me in February!!
haven't told my family and don't think I will...they will only worry and add to their own Christmas stress.
On top of that...my work was supposed to wind down for the year this week...boss has extended it to next, right up to Christmas Day!!! Didn't ask me if that suited, or if I had anything else planned! I was so looking forward to being "free" from him this week!!!
Sorry folks, but I just had to vent somewhere.....why, why this time of year??? Someone please tell me why Christmas is so horrible for so many of us???
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Hi Moonbear,
I was happy to listen.
Sometimes just getting it off your mind is enough!
I hope that some happiness, love and calmness comes to you for Christmas.
I believe it will happen.
You deserve it.
Take a nice deep breath and think of something happy.
Peace to you moonbear!
Mrs D,
I haven't spoken to you in ages. I can get out of the house. I just don't like busy shopping centers. To many people.
I hope love, kindness and memory are your Christmas presents this year.
Peace to you Mrs d.
Its a pleasure as always. I hope that happiness, love and peace are yout Christmas presents.
Peace to you kazzl
Peace and happiness to everyone!
Smiling with joy
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Sad that so many of you are struggling at the moment. Ironic so much distress is striking at what is supposed to be a time of "good cheer".
Moon, there's so much on your plate at the moment. Not getting straight answers is so infuriating, waiting for them so stressful...the white coat brigade should be more mindful of what they're putting patients through ! Not much is achieved this time of year as everyone is focused elsewhere. Hopefully, the way you're being fobbed off is only due to seasonal slackness.
You were so looking forward to leaving that job behind...I'm wondering what stops you putting an end to it right now. Your employer didn't have the decency to inform you of his decision. That's showing lack of respect and consideration, that's taking you for granted. No wonder you are feeling angry and pressured...but why not take good care of yourself, shed some of the overload weighing you down and tell him to start looking for someone else ? Wouldn't it bring a bit of joy into your life ? When everything becomes too much, it is a good idea to take a courageous plunge and make a wise decision to turn things around. What makes you think you don't deserve to take a break when you so much want/need to ?
Well done Mrs Dools, riding for the disabled does a terrific job. I'm with you re volunteering. It is a gift that gives twice, not only to those in need but also to oneself as it takes focus away from our own woes. As I have done many years, I'll spend Xmas morning taking over at a private animal shelter, so that staff can enjoy family time and a well deserved break. K9 inmates don't need to be left unattended for longer than usual. As it is located out of the way, I can travel there and back via deserted backroads. All remote dirt tracks...so no need to approach "civilization" !
To all of you, hang in there, the wave of madness will pass. Diving under is the safest way to go but finding a life jacket or hanging on to a buoy helps too. Calmer waters lie ahead. What/who will your buoy be this year ?
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Oh what a pain in the a......s I've become lately!! For goodness Moonstruck....focus on the positive...of course there's a positive, more than one. I realised today that focusing on negatives, or possible bad outcomes was completely USELESS......what harm could it do, what did I have to lose by focusing on possible positives? Nothing, that's what...nothing to lose.
Got stocked up on some vitamins and natural herbal stuff which, whether they are useless or not, will make me FEEL better (even by the placebo effect) simply because I THINK they will....and I do, already.
I am not so tired...so there, old body and troubled mind...I AM IN CONTROL.. Hey isn't it great that my specialist is so on the ball, that they call me if my levels of something are even down a bit....and want to check how I am in person, not just miles away on the phone...How good is that?....that I am on their list of regular patients....(not easy to get on a list up here with Qld Health)...they keep close tabs on me...that's a GOOD thing silly old Moonstruck!
So it's going to be a bit tiring and stressful looking after the grandkids, so my son doesn't have much room at his place..so what?? We will be TOGETHER....I get to spend time exclusively, on my own..with my 2 Grandkids that I ADORE......so what's not to be grateful for??
the only thing I have absolute control over is my Attitude - to what is happening. I can't control what is happening....but I CAN control how I deal with it!! So instead of being anti-sick and tired, I am trying to be
Pro-Wellness.. (well that's enough sunshine, lollipops and moonbeams for one night folks....keep smiling)
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Dear Moonstruck
Yes - you will be with family and that is ultimately one of the most wonderful gifts we can have.
Enjoy - sure you'll be tired but happy tired I expect.
At least your family isn't fractured like mine...
Peace to you and kind thoughts
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Hi Moonstruck,
That really sucks! It is frustrating when you don't get straight answers form medical people. I am sorry you now have all of this added stress and rushing about when you are busy enough already.
Shame the boss decided to extend for another week. Would have been nice and considerate if he had announced this earlier to help people prepare.
This is a great place to vent. I know I do! Ha. Ha. No one hear listens to me! Ha. Ha. again.
One day at a time my dear, or maybe even cut that day into chunks so life seems more manageable.
Hopefully that parcel will show up sometime! I have received Christmas cards in June that were posted the previous November. Who knows where they end up!
Thinking of you Moon and hoping you will be okay.
Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools