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Domestic abuse
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Dear Steph~
I think you may be crying at the loss of what you wished for, not what you had. Dreams coming to an end is so hard.
Someone that hurts you, cheats on you, lies to you - I admit I'm a bit limited in my experience of some walks of life, but it is not the love I know.
Being angry at yourself - pulling that anger in - is not fair. Anger going out to those that really deserve it is most helpful at times - or it has been for me.
I'm going to distract you for a moment - your picture before this one -the bottom half of the monkey, I'm glad you took it down, it was too reminiscent - not for me, but another. Funny how something so harmless can mean different things to different people.
I guess too much kindness at the expense of self can be a great trap for the warm-hearted -if that sort of makes sense.
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Ah Steph,
I will give you a massive hug.
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Hi Steph,
My warning bells are clanging. I am scared for you because I made that mistake once. I hope my fears are groundless, and that you are aware of the risks with your recent conversations with him, and that your tears are grief that you are accepting...But...I have to say this or else I may regret it.
Please be strong. I know you feel alone, your tears are valid, you have lost so much, but you know that this relationship cannot be included amongst those things. I know how easy it can be to let you guard down a for just second, and that is all he will need. You have come so far in these past few months. Don't give yourself the chance to let yourself down. Please stay home at your mum's for a few days. If I were you, I wouldn't go out and I wouldn't have a drink. At all.
You have given so much wise advice to others. Please take the time to re-read some of it. You have written so much that comes from such incredibly strong resolve after too many hard learned lessons. You can say it better than me:
2 February 2017 in reply to I am enough : You will get through this as you r enough. I have faith u will. We learnt our lesson. You weren't to blame & we can do so much better. I can understand what u mean about the hell.... Try not to give that speck of dust too much thought OK, you need to have space for the loving,gorgeous,good guy that ull find in the future....We r now educated & won't fall for the same type again. If u need to get it all out feel free.I know u can b built back up again....
2 February 2017 I am enough & anyone else that wants to break free from abuse listen to thing song, so so good; Run by Nicole Scherzinger.
There is so, so much more, please keep reading.
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OK everyone about the monkey....I thought the whole pic would come through cas that's how it looked as I increased that box thing to full size but it didn't look like that when it came out. I changed it straight away but moderation took a while....glad I kept everyone guessing though lol.....
About the guy I was seeing..I've been thinking about the good times, also the negative....I'm premenstrual so extra emotional. I've been grieving. He isn't always " safe" to be around, especially under the influence of alcho.....when he's sober heart of gold,intelligent. There was miscommunication while we were seeing each other...there r a lot of decent men around and I know I didn't deserve the way he treated me...talking about PTSD he has that....when I slept over he would hurt me in his sleep possibly due to flashing?? I can't c myself ever getting back with him...but have been thinking about whether to c him or not....I was feeling like I owed him...I know I don't though after what he put me through. The cheating was emotional...talking to other woman on- line & I'm sure he was being sexual with them on- line....
I actually want to punch him in face, but karma got him...karma always get him...
Ok as hard as it will be for me I'm not going to c him.....
Done,the end, good riddance
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I used to worry a lot about coming violently out of a flashback or from reliving a scene and maybe hurting my wife due to aggression and violence as I did not seem to have much control. However it never happened. I think my very great concern, love and worry got through even though I did not think I had any conscious control.
Worst I ever did was an involuntary jump up and shout.
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Lol Croix,
You're funny.... The shout out & jump is def better than hurting the poor woman....
I get the whole PTSD thing I really do, I've seen it and lived it...and I think its curable but that's just my opinion and I have done it in the past, I've also pulled myself out of a psychosis.....you have all these mental ppl wanting to medicate you or institutionalize you but I actually think some ppl can do it themselves. I did...I knew how I got myself to that point so I knew how to get myself out of it...a skitzophrenic cured himself of it without medication.... He wrote a book about what the psychiatrists don't want u to know....he did it through therapy, good sleeping eating pattern, exercise....it is possible, in my opinion, but maybe not for everyone 🙂
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At one time or another, we all have a bond and share things with another person … but then for whatever reason and many varying reasons, these bonds break and we move on.
Yes, sure these bonds were good at the time, we all know that, but when the bond breaks, it’s time to let go. To hurt, to cheat, to lie … those are bond breakers, big time.
I’m not sure now how long it’s been since you’ve seen this person, but please please, keep chalking up those days and also, it might be time to either delete him from your social contacts, if there’s a way to do that … just to make the cut even more final.
It’s hard now, but as the time goes along, it WILL and DOES get easier. I guess that’s not much consolation for you right now.
Do you have other good support networks around you, to help you?
Please also come here as often and post as often as you need.
Kind regards,
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I have my good moments during the worst... Then last night I hear a gunshot, then helicopter... There r always police helicopters circling where I live...I think the feds could be up there as well close by...I read the papers, hear violent stories... I wana go somewhere safe....honestly sick of being scared