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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management
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Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.
After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.
A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.
Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?
I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.
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Yes, you are very lucky to have your husband as a support for you. I wish I had someone I could lean on when needed, but I guess I have here, like you say 🙂
No list of goals as such, but I'm getting around to doing things that I've put off. I just contacted a website about getting quotes to erect a carport, since I can't rely on my dad. I wish I could kick teeth in or scream and have my family care, but it's time to just move on with things and forget their attitude towards me and my mum (neither of us rated very highly) I've been thinking about this, since not long after my mum died, so 5+ years! When it's complete I may well sit under it in my car and bawl my eyes out...
Driving more is also on my invisible to do list, I just don't know how to go about that, when I have nowhere to drive to. I'm planning to make a trip to Masters since they're closing at the end of the year, but that's all I've come up with so far
I'm also fed up with the stomach aches I get, so am going on diet shakes for the remainder of the year, since not eating a lot seems to help, although my anxiety has been sky high this year as well 😞
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Hi Narelle,
Perhaps when you finish the carport on your own you will feel a different emotion instead. Perhaps you will feel pride in having accomplished something, satisfaction in not being reliant on others and hope that you can do more without others.
Perhaps you can try and find a nice park or recreational area that you can drive to. The weather is warming up. Maybe you can drive there then go for a walk then sit in the sun and read a book or take some photos. This will help you with exercise and the sun is a natural mood enhancer.
From what I have read the milk shakes may result in making the anxiety worse. Look up this search criteria on the internet and have a read through "nutrition for anxiety an anti anxiety diet". The result is from the calm clinic. Perhaps this may help as a guide to work out a suitable diet. You need to make sure your body gets the right nutrients otherwise you will become more unwell and we want you to improve not get worse 🙂
Keep positive xx
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Hey Carol,
I saw your angry post on the anger thread. Just wanted to say I feel for you.
I get these killer headaches from stress that last less than a second, but feel like someone's gotten a tiny sharp pick, put a motor on it, and barrelled it right behind above my ear. Repeatedly. Every 20 seconds. For anywhere between 4 hours to 4 days.
I can't concentrate. I can't do anything without being jolted and having all my thoughts smashed away.
And that's only maybe once every two or three weeks so to have that for as long as you have...
Hugs don't help headaches, but here's a hug anyway.
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Hi James,
Aww, I feel for you too. I am lucky that mine isn't a sharp stabbing pain though I did have that when going on and off a particular AD. They called them brain zaps.
Hugs make everything seem better. Thank you!
I read that you've been in hospital. I hope it is a good sign that you're out? I will check in on your thread.
You're wonderful, thank you for caring xx
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Hi Carol,
I'm sure that you've had a heap of people giving you medical advice so I'm sorry if this is another annoying suggestions.
Well actually two suggestions, firstly I do know people that have had success with acupuncture. Secondly I have seen a functional medicine doctor, who offered some dietary and supplementary help that I wouldn't of otherwise received. She checked a range of things (blood work, DNA etc) in more depth than the other doctors and specialist did. I understand that there is some link between body chemistry, food intolerances/allergies and headaches. Just a thought.
I hope today is a good one. xx
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Hi Wednesday,
Thankyou so much. I welcome any suggestions.
I looked into accupuncture. Because the cause of my pain is muscular not nerve damage acupuncture can provide only temporary relief. Physio can provide similar temporary relief as well as working towards long term improvement so I have chosen to pay for that.
The second suggestion would have been good earlier on when they were trying to diagnose me. I have had a lot of tests and all are clear. It took a while to diagnose but because of my accident, both the new neuro and new physio agree it is muscle tension causing the chronic headache/migraine.
I have found some places that do massages so I am going to look into that along with the pain management.
The other thing that exacerbates the pain is the depression which is caused by the pain....it is a vicious circle. This is harder to deal with. I feel down a lot. The ADs have stopped me crying all day everyday but now I clench my teeth all night which causes more pain.
Thanks for thinking of me xx
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Hello Carol,
Do you think the injection you had have worked? I hope so.
The Functional medicine doctor (as in GP) has extended training and looks much deeper, they will give you a different way to think of things. I could give examples but I'm not a doctor and it may by stretching the BB terms.
Hugs, xx
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Hey Carol,
A guy at work also gets headaches because he he clenches his jaw, so it sounds similar to your situation. And because he got headaches, he'd clench his jaw more etc.
He used to do meditation, he saw a physio, accupuncturist, even an osteo.
He found the meditation was helpful sometimes, whereas the doctors gave temporary relief, but a lot of it for him was stress exacerbating the physical issues.
I'll have a chat to him next time I see him - maybe he's got some advice of what's worked.
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Sorry Wednesday, I am not thinking very clearly at the moment. For some reason I have had a much worse migraine the last 3 days and the pain level is really high.
I will look into the functional medicine doctor when it eases. Thankyou lovely.
I read that you're not feeling so good today. What can you do when you feel like that? I hope there's something that eases your discomfort.
Big hugs from me to you.