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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



1,044 Replies 1,044

Hey Carol

Just sending you a bearhug for your pain ((Carol))

I did read your response and thankyou :-)...I will have a look see and find a recent pic of Prince and put it up before the weekend.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Carol,

I like Jame's post, I use mouth guard which has stopped most of my tension headaches, do you have one?

Nothing I can do right now, bed I think will be the trick.

Hugs, xx

Oh Carol. I have not logged on since Sunday, but was so sad to read that you have been in extreme pain with migraine-type headaches for the past 3 days. How awful for you. I had so hoped to log on and see that you had been experiencing some improvement! Not the opposite.

Carol, I am just so sad and so sorry for what you have to go through. I dont have any solutions, same as your GP doesnt, nor apparently does anyone else in your medical team, at least as far as any short term solutions is concerned. It does appear that it is a long term thing and I hope that the pain management people can help in some way. It is all very well that these people want you to be realistic about your potential for improvement. But we all need hope. My hope is that you prove all these naysayers wrong. That you can experience a full recovery. Sorry reply is brief.

Sherie xx

Hey Carol, sorry to see you're still in so much pain. That really sucks. I imagine you've been too sore for exploring the threads a lot today, so if you haven't seen my reply to you on my thread yet, I'll just say thank you for your words last night, I appreciate it. My little birds are doing their best to peck your headache into submission.


Community Member

Hi Carol. How is the pain hun. I hope that it's becoming less intense. I'm worried that I may have upset you by saying I saw that film (I hope not). The sun is shining today - hope you can sit out in it and enjoy some warmth. It's meant to pour down with rain tomorrow. Missing you Carol. Hope I've not upset you. love Emmy x

Community Member

Hey Emmy,

Not at all beautiful. I was just trying to help you get the strength to make your own choices rather than trying to make others happy. Of course I am not upset with you, hugs. I still have a shocking migraine. It is getting worse rather than better. I will write back to others when I feel a bit better. I saw everyone was looking after you on your thread. Big hugs for you Emmy. I just feel crap xx

Community Member

Carol I'm sorry to hear that the pain is getting worse. I know I've said it before but I'll continue to say it - I wish I could take the pain for you. Are you resting or the pain doesn't allow it?? I'm so relieved I've not upset you (prob overthinking once again). Take it easy beautiful girl. Emmy xx

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hey Carol, sorry if it's been suggested before... have you tried daily stretches? And by that I mean through the neck, upper back and shoulders. That was what my work colleague struggled with - neck tension from jaw clenching and vice versa. So relieving that musclar tension might help with the headache. His physio gave him some specific streteches for that area.


Community Member

Dear Emmy,

You're wonderful. I doubt you could do anything to upset anyone, you are honestly too nice to purposefully hurt anyone intentionally.

Dear all,

I am thinking it might be the ADs causing this. I read today that they can cause throbbing painful headaches. Will try and go to GP tonight. The ADs are definitely causing the teeth clenching.


a mouth guard would help but while I am not scared of the dentist I have a very strong gag reflex. I can't even have the little tray with fluoride in my mouth...the dentist paints it on instead. Hubby tells me they pour stuff in your mouth when you get a guard. I just couldn't do it. It is embarrassing vomitting at the dentist. My physio specialises in tmj but the easier option is to change the ADs.

Blue, thank you, your friendship means a lot.

Sherie, I wrote on your thread lovely. I will beat this, just not this week.

Paul, thanks for the bearhug, I can imagine it from your old profile pics with the green machine 🙂

Moon, where shall we play today?

Feeling sorry for myself today.

Love me

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Carol,

Sweetie, thanks for your post on my thread I'll read up soon.

Umm I'd forgotten about the gag thing I do that too, the dentist had to make quite a few attempts to get it right, but she is very persistent... Really why would you choose to be a dentist?

Good luck at the doctors today, I hope a change of AD's works for you!

Love and hugs, xx