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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



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Community Member


if anyone can beat it you can.,I've only been on this forum for a short time and you are a beautiful giving person. I can only imagine what your pain is like. My hip was stuffed for a number of years until the pain was so bad I had to get my hip replaced.Now my knees are giving me hell due to the extra weight and years of running taking their toll.

You can prove the medicos wrong.You have a positive attitude and there's more then one way to skin a cat. Don't be afraid to try another medical quack if need be..

Some of these medicos can be quite insensitive as well... One of my psychs last year said I can't wave a magic walk to fix you when I was at my lowest ebb and in April this year my vein dr absolutelly bamboozled me and had me lost with medical jargon when I had DVT which was almost catastrophic. You know with the power of the mind, being positive you can beat anything. I hope before long you have more pain free days then not.I and the BB Community are here for you I wish nothing but peace and happiness for you,

may your pain diminish and subside soon

regards Len xx

I second Len

Have you tried things like acupuncture? Asian remedies in general, really. Sorry if you already have and I'm being annoying, but Len's another medical quack made me think of it

I wish you could give your pain the finger and it would go away, you so don't deserve it

Sorry to Hijack your thread Carol.....Doh!

Len...Please stick around...a caring and heartfelt post....you are spot on..Carol is a beautiful and caring person...she is a gift to the forums. My Best..Paul

Community Member

Hey Carol, I'm back. Seems you've had some crummy days since I've been gone. But knowing that indomitable spirit of yours, it doesn't surprise me to see you bouncing back, either. You've had some pretty encouraging words from others here, and I'd like to support them. Statistics, and what the medics tell you, still allow a margin for error. My other half, though significantly younger than I, has told me he wasn't expected to make it as long as he has with his heart condition. Yet here he is, doing better with his health now than when I met him a couple of years ago. Also my grandfather when diagnosed with lung cancer was told he had maybe six months to live. He held out another thirteen years after that. Statistics and professional opinions are informed, but still a guide. They can change, and medical technology can change. There could be pain treatments around the corner that will greatly improve things for you, just as my other half's medication is doing things that weren't expected when he was younger. In the meantime, your determination will keep you going; that and possibly alternative medicines/treatments may achieve unexpected results. It's definitely not time to give up.


What a lovely message you wrote Blue!!

Thinking of you Carol xx

Dear Moon,

I am so sad to hear you are in pain my lovely friend. How can this be fair with everything else 😞 I am sorry I haven't been here for you. It must have been scary having that happen while you were out too. Noone should have to suffer like that.

Have you managed to get into the GP for the referral yet? How are you feeling, are you still in pain? Do they know how to help you?

Yes the 100% story was written by Jack Canfield who did indeed the same guy who began the Chicken Soup for the Soul.

I am familiar with The Secret but haven't read it yet and I didn't realise there was a DVD. I have a copy of The Hero bought for me by a friend for my B'day this year. It's on my to do list.

I shall meet you at the top of the Faraway Tree, and yes, we run like the wind through the land at the top?

Gentle hearfelt hugs, me xx

Community Member
Thanks so much everyone. You are wonderful people. I will reply to you all individually but I am struggling at the moment with pain. In addition the area just beneath my eyebrow is puffy from the treatment and it is making my eyes feel heavy so reading is harder. Few days and hopefully I will be back and writing more to all of you kind hearted souls xx

Oh Carol ....I felt a bit ashamed after writing my long post about that pain that had crept up gradually on me....then seemed to take over - ashamed because I know your burden is much heavier to bear.....I will be OK - i think because it is so foreign to me...chronic pain every single day and night - I was a fish out of water...."how can this be happening?" sort of.

So used to striding out quickly and confidently....frustrating having to crawl along like a snail. I have gotten quite a bit of relief with those pain killers containing codeine...that you have to give your ID for and go on the chemist' computer records etc.......at least they are more effective than ones you buy readily OTC in the supermarket!

Got my referral and making ultra sound x ray appts for tomorrow or Wed. Once my physio (who is a brilliant young man,I have lots of confidence in him) knows what he is dealing with....I am sure he'll know how to ease it.

I found the DVD of The Secret much better than the book.....in fact I didn't really get "into" the book but the DVD I find incredibly helpful - when you actually put their theories into practice, the results can be amazing....I've done it several times.....once many years ago before I even knew how it worked, or heard of it. I realise it won't be everyone's cup of tea....but - whatever works! it can even be fun.....and goodness knows we need as much "fun"as we can find! OK.....which Land do you want me to conjure up for our next adventure up the Faraway Tree? Pick a land....any land!..................love Moon Sx

I'm so going to have to read the Magic Faraway Tree again. It's been so many years, I don't remember much, only that I loved it. Glad my anger thread was of some use to you, Carol. Thinking of you.


PS My typing gets all awkward sometimes and it often comes out "Bleu" first time. I must have a little French in me I don't know about. 😉

Oh dear Moon,

Don't feel bad. I imagine we feel the same. You wake up and think, "oh my (insert expletive & deity here), the pain is still there! Why me?"

I am glad those pain meds help you. They don't do a thing for me except make me sleepy. I am on stronger ones but a low dose". Sadly they only take the edge off but anything stronger can make it worse.

I do hope they get you fixed soon. We can't have you limping in those boots of yours when you have a cooler day.

I shall look out for the dvd then. Given I can't retain things I read very well it sounds like a plan. Last night I had to go back 20 pages in my novel because I had no idea who the characters were. It would be funny if it wasn't so frustrating.

I realise I am having troubles writing on the forum because I have a lot of anger and frustration inside. Perhaps we can go to the Land of Do What You Please where we can be pain free and do whatever we want for a day. I think you and I can come up with a better idea than cousin Dick who I believe took control of a train....

Love me xx