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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



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Dear Shell,

If you're reading, tonight Jupiter and Venus are converging and you can see them as 2 bright stars very close right now and later they will look like 1.

Thinking of you xx

Community Member
I might have to go out and have a look too 🙂 x

Community Member
Couldn't spot them ...there was 3 close to each other (one orange in colour). Perhaps not looking in the right direction.

Hi Carol,

I've just been catching up to the last few posts on your thread. What you have been saying, essentially. I wanted to relay to you a couple of things, if you didn't mind reading.

The first is something personal from me. I had a psychology session this morning, and my childhood came up. Reading your posts on how much you bring to the table for your family, how much you can do in spite of the pain, how strong you can be by doing the little things that affirm your day, and being there for your kids, well, it all made me cry a little. You care for your family in a way that I would have liked to be cared for, and they are rich to have you, as I am rich to know you through here.

Secondly, I wanted to give you a couple of stories where the statistics were beaten. One of my cousins was in a bad car accident the year she finished her degree in dentistry, and she was told she would never be a dentist, her arm was so badly injured, that it wasn't going to be possible. Guess what, she is a dentist now. Qualified this year. My other cousin, also in a bad accident, probably worse than the first cousin. Her legs were mangled. She was told not to expect to be able to do many physical activities. And now? She's running marathons, and she's fit and the strongest I have ever seen her. So yes, you can beat the statistics. I believe that you can. And I will support you all that I can, the best that I can, along with everyone on here I am sure. If you doubt, I will remind you that if they tell you only 1% recovers, that's one in 100 people, and that can be you, that 1% is 70 million people of this world, and you can be well covered by that statistic. I will tell you that yes, the process can be slow and disheartening, that can be said of a lot of things, I will remind you of patience, which I see in you, and determination, which you have shown already. You want it, and that's the best reason I can give you to keep on trying for it.

I am here for you Carol, remember that, even if I may not be too present, I am here for you.


Dear Joelle,

Now I have tears. Thankyou so much for your kind words. I am so saddened by you having to grow up without the things I feel all patents should give. I am rich to know you too, despite everything you are a wonderful person, full of aspirations and dreams and kindness and super smart as well.

The stories you shared warmed my heart. Thanks so much for your support. It is very welcomed right now and really helps. I am here for you too. I hope you get some sleep tonight. I am going to try and get some too.

Sweet dreams xx

Dear Moon,

I hope to come play again soon.

Love me xx

Hi Carol, I read what your mentioned about your chronic pain. I am fortunate as I dont remember what decade I had a even a tiny headache let alone what you have had to endure.

You are a mega strong and kind person Carol whose kindness is immune to chronic pain. I hope you can have some peace soon.

My best for you Carol


Morning Lost Girl - I thought I posted on here last night but it seems to have gotten lost - anyway here goes again. Re your100% story....did it say it was written by a James Canfield? I think this is the same guy who began the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books that made him a fortune. He features on the DVD, The Secret. Are you familiar with that one?

I have been having a taste of chronic pain added to my anxiety - i don't know if I can cope with it. It's in my "hip" area, but more accurately where the top of the leg joins the torso....that muscle/tendon/joint there.....I got really scared downtown a couple of days ago as it was "agony". Excruciating pain....I had to steel myself to "walk through the pain" frantically trying to find somewhere to sit down. I thought Oh God I can't walk. The pain also transferred to the other leg so I was struggling in tears - I have the pain in both upper legs now.

I am getting an understanding now...of how debilitating it is to have chronic pain, day after day. I have never experienced this in my life before. On top of the anxiety and depression I don't think I can cope. Physio has used tape and acupuncture but won't know exactly how to proceed until I have an ultra sound to see what damage has been done and rule out couple of things..he gave me a letter for my GP.

I haven't been able to get an appointment with GP to get the referral for ultra sound yet. I can't handle the physical pain for much longer. I am walking (when I do walk) very very slowly and with a limp. I try to stride through it so as not to draw attention to myself...like a drama queen. I'm floundering here.........if we climb the Faraway Tree, can we run like the wind through the land at the top?......love me x

Hi there Carol. I notice that all my posts are being held up right now, so I dont know when you will get my post.

I just read through your thread for the past 3 days since I last logged in on Thursday. Its now Sunday afternoon.

Firstly thanks for your attempts to have them provide me with your email address. A lovely thought and so typical of you, always thinking of others. But truly I would never have burdened you with my troubles, even if they had given it to me. You have quite enough to deal with yourself, without my silly issues as well.

I was devastated to read the news you were delivered by your physio on Friday. But then I read about you setting about proving them wrong, and I applaud you heartily.

I would love to be able to support you better, and wish there was more I could do. But I know you can do this anyway, even without any of us.

I actually just wrote a poem with you particularly in mind. I hope you will read it at some stage. I will post it to my thread, as that is the appropriate place for it to be.

Your always in my thoughts Carol. Thankyou for all you do.

Much love.

Sherie xx

Hey Carol,

Aw, I didn't mean to make you cry...we can do it together then. No shame in it. It's okay I guess. My childhood could have been worse. I just feel...robbed sometimes. Thank you for your kind words, very pleasant to wake up to them.

I hope you slept well in the end? I'm glad I could help. I will always try to.
