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8th Anniversary but still feel the pain

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

My Dearest Son Andrew,

The 25th of February this year will mark the 8th year since you left us, yet it still feels like yesterday.

I know that as a father, I'm not supposed to have favourites but in your ever so short 23 years you were my best mate. So in your passing I lost not only my son but my best mate also.

Do you recall when you were only 5 and your Uncle Dudley along with some other friends took you caving at Wee Jasper? You just simply loved playing in the mud and squeezing through the holes and narrow passage ways within the caves. What about the last cave we went through, the 'Dogs Leg' we were both so tired that we fell asleep and waited for the others to return.

I remember with deep fondness us playing ball in the backyard as practice for Baseball, the sport you loved along with your football.

Your son Lachlan is now 9 and growing very tall. You'd be very proud of him.

I was there the day you were born and there the day you left us. I miss you more each day and until we meet again,

All my love always,


1 Reply 1

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Much love and hugs to you Leigh, for what it is worth. That is a beautiful letter and I cannot begin to imagine your pain but wanted to reply so you know that there are people reading and here with you, if only online.