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What help is available?
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Hi everyone.
It's s been nearly a year since Ive posted on here, not that I haven't wanted too more often, It's just that I still find it very hard reaching out and only do so when I'm feeling very low, I have a question that I hope someone can help me with?
Due to my illness im not working at the moment, and for those that might judge, (no im not on any centerlink benefits either) I'm not ready to return to work really, I find it difficult to get up and do basic things let alone leave the house, but for financial reasons I may have to return to some type of work, I was wondering if there are any government departments, or services available to help people with mental illness find employment or at least find a employer who knows your situation and would be understanding of how it might take you time to adjust to things, kind of like how they get people into the workforce with disabilities.
I just know if I was somewhere where they knew a little about my situation and were understanding that it may take me a little time to learn and get into the work groove I would do better, it worries me greatly that I might just have to try and suck it up and do it on my own when I know I'm not ready.
Any advice would be welcome.
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Hello Troy
I am pleased you have been able to write in here again. It's a good step. No one on this site will judge you in any way whatsoever. We are all broken and need comfort and support for our various difficulties. We all know how difficult it can be to get out of bed in the morning and go to work.
I agree with you that a supportive workplace is vital to help you get back to work. In the private sector it is hard to find supportive employers even if you already work there. I suspect it would be even harder to gain employment with your illness. The private sector tends to lack the insight required. Having said that you may find a organisation that is willing to employ you on a casual or part time basis.
The public service tends to be a more sympathetic employer. and depending on your skills, you may find it easier to get a job.
If you know of an organisation that assists people with disabilities then I suggest you contact them. You also have a disability, just not physical.
I look forward to hearing from you again. I expect others here will also respond to you.
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Hi mary
Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately I'm just a ordinary working man, no real special skills that organizations are going to be fighting over, So I'm not sure what help is out there for someone like myself? I know there are places that help people with many different physical disabilities but I'm not sure if any cover mental health as one?
i think as far as we've come with understanding mental health, so many just don't seem to get the fact that what's going on in your mind is a constant battle sometimes, no matter how good you look on the surface (and believe me most who know me and don't know about my battles) would never know that I have a illness.
when I'm having a good day I might try to call a few places and see if any have a support network or consider mental health as a barrier to entering the workforce and if any help is available.
i still welcome any info if anyone has some.
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Hello Troy
Sorry my comments were not as helpful as I hoped. Are you getting any professional help? GP, psychologist, psychiatrist? I would have thought that one of these could point you in the direction of a support network and/or employment agency of some sort.
Another alternative to try volunteer work. I know there is no pay involved but it will get you back into the workforce. Whether it is full time or part time you will be able to start working regular hours and completing tasks. No matter what the actual work is you will start to use those emotional muscles and get them working again, albeit slowly. Often volunteer work results in paid work as you become stronger and more able to stay with a task for longer.
I know what you mean about current attitudes to mental illness. There is an improvement but the snowball effect has not yet kicked in so we are still pushing it uphill. If you can manage to wear your 'normal' mask, at least with people you do not know well, it will be easier to be accepted, sad though it is to say.
I believe there are very few people on this site who do not practice mask-wearing a great deal of the time. It is both a safety measure for ourselves and to a certain extent being respectful towards others in the same way we do not expect others to show their bad temper in public. Whoops, I think I am digging a hole for myself so I hope you understand what I mean.
I hope you will continue to write in here.
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Hi Mary
Yes all advice is welcome and helpful, but I guess any clear options won't be that obvious to find, as to your questions I'm not seeing any professional at the moment and not currently on medication, tho I have been with both in the past, I do cope well most of the time, medication in the past seem to have to many side effects to be useful long term, and I got to a point where as long as I had someone to talk to regularly I was, what is for me ok?
but I hit a low point a few years ago where after moving interstate, and leaving my support network, I found myself low enough to call two phone counseling services for support, upon telling them a few details why I was not coping, I pretty much got told that, some people are far worse off than you, that's nothing to worry about, and that your wife needs a strong man, no woman wants be around someone not strong, and yes this was exactly what was said and not a miscommunication, so I'm very hesitant to rely on anyone now, plus I found out that a friend that I thought was supportive back home was sick of me being emotional all the time, I wouldn't have burden him if I thought I was causing him grief.
so I get along ok most of the time, struggle thought the bad however I can and try every method I know to find reasons to stay here, I don't like telling people what's going on as you get that look, the look like "you don't look sick" mixed with "ok so are you crazy" and some "why does any of that worry you?" I guess that's why I'm asking on here first, im dreading ringing centerlink or some other government dept to see if any places offer help, I'm just worried that at this point depression, anxiety and mental health are not covered by any specialist service and maybe get told once again to suck it up and deal with it.
I don't know what I'm looking for really, I just know that if I started working somewhere where the boss said we know what your going through, take your time, talk to us if you need us, that I would be ok, I'm always ok after a while, but how I am now is stopping me from looking, I don't know what I need, I don't know what's out there, im not sure if there is any help, all I know if that I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
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dear Troyboy,we know how you feel and where you are, because it's never easy for anyone with depression, and this doesn't matter whether it's mild or serious, it all boils down to the same problem.
All the verbal rubbish that is thrown back to us with depression is of no help, and what it does is just intensify our loneliness and feeling of being inadequate, so we get dragged along in the stampede, fall to the ground and get stomped on.
Sure we maybe able to cope most of the time, but I tend to believe that this is an exaggeration, because we try and make out, but it's when we have those really dark, bad days that do more damage to us.
After saying this why don't you google 'can occupational therapists help me find a job when I have depression', this is just a suggestion, or alternatively these employment agencies work on financial create points if they find someone some work, but you have to be upfront with them and tell them how you are situated.
There is no guarantee but this also depends on your social anxiety. Geoff.
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Dear Troy
I get the bit about taking ADs and side effects. I tried so many in an 18 month period and either they did not work or had horrendous side effects. In the end I stayed with a particular AD but had to take another AD to combat the side effects of the first. Great! However I now take a new AD which has had good results. Recently my GP upped the dose and it was like coming up for air. It's been so long since I felt this good that it was like a totally new experience. The GP is considering increasing the dose again as she now feels I am more deeply depressed than was realised.
So the message from this long winded story is not to give up trying ADs. I know I metaphorically kicked and screamed about them, saying all the things many people say. They won't work, they do no good, I can manage on my own, etc. But this has changed my mind in no uncertain fashion.
It's not just that I feel so much better, it's because I can cope better. All the coping mechanisms the psychologist taught me to combat self-talk etc are so much easier to put into practice. I still need to consciously practice when I find myself in those places but it all makes so much more sense. My mind feels clearer and I can think and focus better. Perhaps all my neurons or whatever are firing together or in their proper order instead randomly.
So please do not give up on medication and psychologists and doctors. Find a new GP from the BB list. No one should have to go through life in such pain and constant struggle. I too was told by a 'friend' that other people were worse off than me and to stop wallowing in my misery. Get up and do something. Well it doesn't work like that. It's the equivalent of telling someone with a broken leg to run a marathon instead of sitting down all day. Running in the fresh air will make them feel better. Sounds stupid to put it like that and because we generally understand the limitations a broken leg places on someone, we would never say anything so silly.
And that's the point. So many people have no idea how depression affects us and how hard it is to overcome, so their response is to dismiss the illness as being of no account. Fortunately doctors are better trained in this area now and their are different means of assistance.
Go for it Troy and try again. We are here to support you.