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Understanding depression....TO BEAT IT ? *Warning, Contains Triggers*

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

We're here to learn, sure of it. Have to for survival.

Like so many have lived in hell a mammoth amount of times.

I firmly believe collectively we can in majority of cases get on top of depression. We have to, too many die & suffer in unimaginable pain. It's wrong.

We're intelligent, capaple of thought. It has & CAN be done including coming back from the bottom.

A psychiatrist said to me when I said I'm going to beat it..." It can't be done".

I say maybe it hasn't been, but that doesn't mean it can't!

I'm Bipolar type 1 & 2 (now moreso) & yes its taken yrs but condensed not so long, so far (details later) have achieved pulling the extreme type 1 manias down to more controlled type 2 & anyone that experiences or knows the euphoria & complete unadulterated bliss, NO BODY on this Earth wouldnt want it. Its what people take drugs for, Pure happiness/confidence the list goes on ...

Point being, mammoth to let it go but achieved reduction, still amazing though.

I like thinking, am DETERMINED to get this crap, worse scenario under complete control which'd be a WIN!

In shorter time frame thanks to mania that opens or wakes the brain starting to make huge headway breaking through extremely deep depression.

I'm more than a rapid cycler (4 or more a year) I have 8-10 major cycles a year. Gotta get on top else it'll take me too

BP has by far more suicide than any other mental illness I recently read.

4 attempts in teens, contemplated a few & until recently it was an option.

Learning Emotional control

Our brains are possibly the least understood organ but what we do know is they're VERY POWERFUL. If we can understand depression from understanding we can learn. Growth.

Believing creates hope & determination

Sincerely sorry for your pain people.

We can get this

76 Replies 76

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thx for as always good input Maths ๐Ÿ‘

Yeah I was thinking when I posted about routine that it may have come across as pinpointing your situation, which from structure is what made me think of routine but was talking more in general terms. Hope you didn't think i was (wish I knew more words) yeah negating your issues which definately not โ˜บ but I don't think you did but just to be clear in case. We get on well but getting to know eachother too ๐Ÿค— wouldn't like any misunderstanding

Thx btw cause I as we all are learning & tho I know my personal struggles from past working with MI I mean it you bring good points to the table, people with MI have needs as everyone does but moreso.

A psychiatrist told niece who had partner with paranoid schizophrenia poor guy that

life's hard for everyone...& it's harder for people with Mental Illness.(MI) Oh yeah, hear that. Shame but in time it'll come out that so many don't know that.

Thanks again Maths your inputs valid & appreciated greatly as is your support & friendship xx

hey DB really likeing this thread!

ive had a read through and one thing id like to point out and expand more on and thats

reach out for help.

it can be one of the scariest things to do is reach out for help and support, but i also believe that its also an important part of recovery. being apart of Beyond Blue and whilst it is my main source of support, however we all need that extra offline support during our darkest hours.

a psychologist, gp, MH worker, psychiatrist are all in that catagory. other alternatives are naturopaths, kinesthogists, support groups (offline) are also in that category. we all need to reach out to those in the offline world where we can vent and share our inner demons and they can get to know us (things like knowing our names can also help to feel heard) and offer practical support and follow along with what does and doesnt work within our situation.

anyway getting back to it

Reaching out is also an important key to recovery but to make the most of both offline and online worlds the best we can

Hey DB,

I just wanted to say that itโ€™s pretty hard to upset me, so please donโ€™t think if you have a different opinion, that I will be offended/upset or strike you off my Xmas card list (that would be a virtual one of course ๐Ÿ˜‚) if you disagree with me ๐Ÿ™‚

Perhaps framework would be a better word than structure? What do you think/feel ? Hugs, cheers M ๐Ÿ™‚

Pepsimms ๐Ÿ˜…

As always your kind caring support is greatly appreciated thankyou. Got my back I know ๐Ÿ‘ditto girl xx

Absolutely right when we're at the bottom there's no light, no hope, no desire, the beast has us where it wants us. When i was attempting in teens it was just words, had so much trouble talking bout it & when on rare occassion I did friends brushed me off, & same with a witch of a house mother in nurses home, my lovely (very lucky) parents would have listened & tried but undiagnosed BP & no idea how to express it, now cant shut me up lol. Teens around 2 yrs mostly crying & arguing with poor parents. (Guilt) I live in fear of goin under that line again & did post loss of partner. Otherwise BP takes ya deep hell everytime but lately breakthroughs

Hey sweet I know you know where I'm coming from, moreso in answer but for any readers mostly

So yeah hear that but because I'm slowly beating these mongrel demons, gunna die on top (thats the plan Stan) recently took suicide option out since loss of beloved. Hopefully help others for same

I feel passionately from hearing others too that have made it (STARWOLF xx) & here some others, with different stories we (most) have a chance at hope. Because it's lost I wanna try & help people get light back & reason.

Peps too many people are hurting so badly, it's sooo wrong aye

I HAVE to try hun, can't articulate enough the gambit of emotions sooo powerful up/down in BP so if others with their rot & me with this can do it there's hope for many, because as you know at the bottom there's none

Your nurturing beautiful soul ๐Ÿค— nah lovey not really looking after myself but am in some ways, just so bloody use to this, wayyyy too many cycles so have learnt to kinda hack it. 4am bed this morning, all niter other night but atm ok, goin by past life this'll be a monster crash but prepared & gotta remember the resolve, i WILL beat this mutt probs 3/4 yrs off but getting there

Heart thanks for your input, this is what we need as you said, "conversation" all angles.

Love ๐Ÿค—โ˜บ๐Ÿ‘

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Ha just posted to Peps & here you are, ohhh good didnt think youd be fazed but just in case.

Do they sell thick skin in shops at all?

Maybe I could borrow some, like 50mtres, boyo when i completely like myself, self esteem was beyond low, started about 9 yrs old, good ole people, mega to rebuild but gettin there full confidence is the plan, got fair bit now but our fave beasty makes sure it spreads da lurvvvv

Yeah just said to Peps we need all angles of convo

Many thx to you too Maths, your very appreciated, like what you say, read your posts when in same threads.

๐Ÿค— bigglies

Starts ya treasure, thx dropping in & that you like this thread touching ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿค—

You've got a lot of wisdom my friend.

Totally agree, for many its the dark hrs that become more frightening, loneliness dunno seems harder at night, maybe can't pop out for walk & less activity around.

Took me yrs to work out why I felt low & wanted light at some peoples places who have darker rooms, pingggg, cause in deep depression it's Black in your head no light spose triggers. Lack of light does affect depression (proven esp England, dark earlier higher depression rate).

Quote. Reaching out for help.

Very true & yes we like to think we can handle this but there's so much going on, help doesn't mean weakness it actually means strength imo (in my opinion) because takes courage & showing strength to wanna get on top.

Informative well written post as with our other lovelies here much appreciated, support insight & input.

Many thx ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— 1 each โ˜บ

Hey db and everyone including those following

Thank you for your kind words. Bout time this brain worked for a good cause! My wisdom hasnt come for an easy price but if i can help others than it is worth the price ive had to pay

Yes you are right. Ive always daid reaching out for help isnt weak. It is a sign if courage and strength because accepting and admitting you ( as in ourselves) have a problen that we cant handle ourselves.

nights and mornings are often the hardest. We are at our weakest when we sleep and awaken. Sluggish and not full capacity so any mh issues not just depression take full advantage of it.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi DB, Marty, Peppermintbach, startingnew and anyone else reading.

Im hoping you are all doing okay, kind thoughts for your health,


Just spotted this thread and thought I would take a look

"Depression and how to beat it".

Depression is definitely something I want to beat, I've been so frightening close to letting it beat me and win. Its really scarey what depression can make me believe and what it can tell me to do. I believe my depression when it talks to me and I listen to it and unfortunately act on it as sometimes it's all I have going around my head.

Im here for help, to try and win this personal battle of mine, it's to hard to fight it alone.

Thank you for a great thread,really full of information to help, really hating depression and am looking to learn any way I can to come out on top.

Kind thought


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

๐Ÿ˜ƒ Welcome Grandy finally literally just posted back to you in suicide thread & suggested here & surfing urges too & kaboomb here you are. Glad & many thx for great support & appreciation everyone. Makes it worthwhile.

Gunna do in batches & stoked these lovelies you included supporting & input.

All welcome conversation suggests ideas all good.

This lovely lady people as she mentioned is on the edge and no doubt in my mind she's going to get out of the hole.

๐Ÿค— xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Emotional control. STRESS

MATHY this might trigger.

We all have stress at some time, many live daily with it. (Pfffttt)

I'm learning not there YET!!

Tiredness exacerbates it. Also creates it, I think cause when we're tired our body tries to lift us with adrenalin

(fight-strength/fright-??/flight-run) & maybe another chemical/hormone? It's pump.

That feeling in the chest like tension I'm pretty sure it's adrenalin, it's purpose for quick response, if it's not used imo (in my opinion) it creates stress, could be wrong, maybe it dissipates, if anyone knows different? Tho I do think theres a negative residue as a result in some form

Also being at our weakest the more tired the worse we feel, the beast works best in our that state, pulling us down constantly with negatives, nah not accepting the thoughts or thinking furthur about them helps

Aim: Keeping calm.

I've been told I'm calm under stress & as long as people don't carry on like donks I can handle fairly well. Gotta really think on this how.

Ok if adrenalins pumping in eg: emergency situation it puts us in alert, use it by focusing only on task at hand. Beast will throw anxiety, self doubt etc but our minds on something else like distraction I guess. As soon as we start thinking emotionally is when we crumble. Allow emotions later. Processing at your own pace aye Maths if you're reading which think you would be

It wants us to be angry, release yes but many feel awful later, adding more. Stress needs an out, atm I'm in BP (bipolar, high stress both ways Up/down, was feeling it in chest so took hard deep breaths in & out forcefully (maybe not for everyone) few times, worked.

Exercise: Invaluable endorphine (happies) release, when to the puffing stage same principle as hard breathing, helped lot in heavy grieving & BP. Can be done at home.

Not connecting emotion to bad thoughts

Meditation. Doesn't have to be complicated, nor for too long, hard to concentrate anyway with depression but has a calming affect.

Talking,writing,drawing, sport, creativity, colouring in books etc

Thoughts needed, but when it's deep downs too much time to think adds more stress with demons having free run.

Dunno maybe mood atm but not sure if this ones much help

Welcome thoughts & input & conversation

Cheers โ˜บ๐Ÿ‘