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Understanding depression....TO BEAT IT ? *Warning, Contains Triggers*

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

We're here to learn, sure of it. Have to for survival.

Like so many have lived in hell a mammoth amount of times.

I firmly believe collectively we can in majority of cases get on top of depression. We have to, too many die & suffer in unimaginable pain. It's wrong.

We're intelligent, capaple of thought. It has & CAN be done including coming back from the bottom.

A psychiatrist said to me when I said I'm going to beat it..." It can't be done".

I say maybe it hasn't been, but that doesn't mean it can't!

I'm Bipolar type 1 & 2 (now moreso) & yes its taken yrs but condensed not so long, so far (details later) have achieved pulling the extreme type 1 manias down to more controlled type 2 & anyone that experiences or knows the euphoria & complete unadulterated bliss, NO BODY on this Earth wouldnt want it. Its what people take drugs for, Pure happiness/confidence the list goes on ...

Point being, mammoth to let it go but achieved reduction, still amazing though.

I like thinking, am DETERMINED to get this crap, worse scenario under complete control which'd be a WIN!

In shorter time frame thanks to mania that opens or wakes the brain starting to make huge headway breaking through extremely deep depression.

I'm more than a rapid cycler (4 or more a year) I have 8-10 major cycles a year. Gotta get on top else it'll take me too

BP has by far more suicide than any other mental illness I recently read.

4 attempts in teens, contemplated a few & until recently it was an option.

Learning Emotional control

Our brains are possibly the least understood organ but what we do know is they're VERY POWERFUL. If we can understand depression from understanding we can learn. Growth.

Believing creates hope & determination

Sincerely sorry for your pain people.

We can get this

76 Replies 76

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

This is about depression & how can we cope/win/worse scenario live with it. What I've learnt so far.

I welcome & encourage opinions & input, it's important

Imo (in my opinion) haven't researched depression much yet mostly insight, talking to people & here that depression's the base to most if not all MI & issues.

A reason it's thought but not conclusive yet is brain chemical disorder. I did read here meds can & do help the chemicals transmit (in a nutshell)

I'm tackling it from an emotional control method, so far definate progress. Exciting starting win! We have to, better to die happy, we get one go here

The beast "IT" (Starwolf-(C.Champion) is very powerful..so are we. (I see it as a separate identity)
It makes us see things in a negative way above all ourselves. It's purpose is to defeat us....WHY when EVERYONE WANTS PEACE & TO BE HAPPY!

Where there's weakness there's breakage. When we're vulnerable we're at our weakest.Maybe that's where the seeds start? It feeds on weakness.

Sleep lack of...we're at our weakest. IT'S most powerful tool. Devils playground.

It's like there's two brains (we have two halves) one good one bad.

Our inbuilt survival is our strength also Very powerful I think we're all born with instinctual survival as we grow it strengthens, if we trip we try to save ourselves, danger we try to protect automatically

Im positive we're here to learn. Theres a reason for everthing, for survival we need strength, we become stronger learning to fight these demons.

It's in us (most) We have the tools finding them (reasons why were down) & learning to use them (how can we fix,change/move past) Our strength

Thx listening bbl (be back later)

If needed can search for Acronym thread ☺

Our strength over depression's in enough or more SLEEP.. how? Needs practice, repetition a great teacher

  • Relax. The mind sabotages with pain/stress. Let it. Research shows the brain needs to have the thoughts, but dont think anymore on it by thoughts of how relaxed/comfy/tired we are & all the pain & tension's leaving the body being absorbed into mattress. After every thought go back to that. Wasn't long till normal thoughts without torment started, that's when we fall asleep. Yesterday? after previous all nighter (mild mania) & few nights little or not near enough sleep, nanny nap, IT WORKED, can't tell ya how mammoth that is in mania. Worth a go.
  • Meditation ? Doesn't have to be complicated, again mind needs & will constantly bombard. As above redirect to your place. I made up my own couple of times. Non stimulating, gist is to be relaxed, peaceful warm. Maybe comfy chair on beach, hearing water & sun soothing. After every thought go back there. Maybe floating on water, (Mrs Dools 👍 (C.Champ) be aware of comfort & relaxation as often as you can. Many people find it helps to sleep & in awake times
  • Meds Great needed but can be hooky
  • Excercise. Excellent stress release burns off adrenalin & ? Chemicals the body produces in tiredness to lift us, unused creates stress I think also endorphins (happies) & the biggy it makes us tired. One problem though it also pumps us, maybe earlier better than later wise to ease into just baby steps otherwise easy to say bugger this. Takes pushing through but helps lot

I'm not by a long shot there yet, happies with breaking through. Maybe in time ideas techniques may change but for now if it's working aye

I welcome any thoughts,advise,ideas inputs great cause as said as a collective we can get this

Mant thanks in the hope somone's listening 😁😅😀🖑

Hi DB, I like what you’ve written so far. I would add another dot point:

Structure: Very important, particularly if anxiety is present as well. Also, very important in the early stages - that is, when you’re learning how to deal with depression/anxiety.

18 months ago, my work hours were radically changed and it’s thrown me into a bad loop. I had a life built around those working hours, and I was medication free.Changing my work hours meant I loss my daily structure - so not helpful, and it’s been very difficult to deal with.


cheers M 🙂

Hi DB, Mathy and all;

Sorry, I don’t really have anything to add. But I wanted to visit to lend my support 🙂

DB- this is a beautiful idea and I know it’s driven by your strong desire to help people. Kind soul you are...

Pepper xoxo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Maths hi thanks so much for hopping in & what you said about structure valid 👍

We need it to move forward in our lives good point too about anxiety. Very true

Not disagreeing cause life flows easier with structure & routine, might sound contradictory here.

About routine I said to a workmate once

We need routine but it can create stress.

If routines same for a period of time then for many change causes anxiety & disruption as understandably in your case & having to rearrange & change whole life around

Personally I don't usually mind change I find it stimulating & refreshing. We're adaptable it's often said but it definately stirs people up it's easy with routine to become autonomous I thinks the word.

When the $1 coin came out I was working in a milk bar, people were very rattled but within probs couple mths they settled. Seen this numerous times since.

The again Maths for your time listening & good input ☺ xx

Dear Peps same goes hun thx so much for jumping in really do appreciate both of your ongoing support (elsewhere too)

And for your kind words, yeah darl I really do wanna help people, this is just wrong, too many hurting & here's a big site yet small portion of people with pain.

If we don't believe it probably won't happen

Thankyou good people xx🤗🤗

BELIEVING, opens our minds

Believing we can get better.

Maybe we can achieve without, but as the saying goes "Where there's a will..there's a way", they come from truth & wisdom imo

Sure some things can't be done but how do we know if we don't try first. Belief gives us a will, makes it a lot easier, opens our minds to possibilities & gives us drive. A reason to want to succeed.

If we want to do something as opposed to neutral or not wanting to we're more likely to try harder. Want & belief good combo.

If it can't be done one way, by looking for another way and so on. Open mind allows this thinking. Exhausting all possibilities but even then life's got an amazing way of throwing unexpected. Basically we need to never let hope & belief go. If it slides catch it, if it gets buried yip way harder but still doable. (Mostly)

We have the tools...finding them & learning to use. Thinking & looking inside.

Depression blocks our minds, Belief opens it.

In deep depression I agree, heard here best to just get through each day. Eventually we get sleep (strength.) GP said the body can only take so much then it has to sleep.Then baby steps. Too much gets overwhelming it's hard enough so first step Belief. Time's needed, reiterating, depression wants us not believing.


Liking us... Imperative. Every breath is with ourselves. Self like gives us confidence, a shield, god knows we need that.

Someone here said "We don't have to believe it" Gold. The beasts job is to pull us down & damned good at it, wants us not liking ourselves to be more open to pain, its food.

Looking inside most people have goods, good people have a lot of. Thinking & finding.

So when "IT" says you're no good & you are we don't have to believe it.

Belief, depression hates it.We need it.

Thx listening ☺

Hey DB,

You’re BP, whereas I’m anxiety/depression/PTSD - 3 good things that often live together.

So Structure is just as much about having the same things happening at the same time, as also having the freedom to know when you have free time, so as to plan pleasant, growth type activities, or sleep if that’s what you need.

I work in retail, and I can be rostered to work anywhere between 5am - 11pm Mon - Fri, and 7am - 5pm Sat and Sun. Allowing random people to organise your life under those rules, when you have a MI, is a recipe for disaster, which is why structure has become important to me.

The idea of structure doesn’t negate the idea of free flowing, changing stuff. However, I do believe that until a person is in charge of their MI, structure is very important for achieving being in charge of the mind 🙂

cheers M 🙂

Hi DB, Mathy, Brave Wings (Startingnew) and all;

Great conversation happening 🙂

Thank you, DB 🙂

Yes, your drive to help and support rings loud and clear. As I have sai before, you have a generous snd compassionate spirit 🙂 A shining star...

My little aside is I only hope you also do some (more) nice things for yourself and engage in some self care. I know you dedicate much time and heart supporting many people here, which is fantastic and we all appreciate it.

But I hope you take care of yourself too. Recharge and all that...only saying that because I care and worry about your wellbeing. Sorry, I hope you don’t mind me saying that...take no notice of me if what I’m saying isn’t relevant.

Now, back to the thread topic. Your resilience and ability to stay hopeful (to believe) is admirable. I think it can be difficult to hold onto hope when one is in the grips of depression. But I admire your determination to seek hope and light when the world is looking dark and bleak.

Caring thoughts and soul hugs,

Pepper xoxo