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Truely alone in life

Community Member

Does anyone else truely care about anyone other than themselves for longer than a minute or two? When all the questions end up having no answers, what can anyone do for someone other than themselves? I know everyone will just say, you have to be accountable, take responsibility, only you can change your life. But there is nothing that can be changed, yes, it can be altered but to the detriment of something else either in life or in one’s self, or mind. Everyone expects someone can do or change something they have no real understanding of, in the form of likeness or experience, so it seems the right thing to say or expect. But here I am, reaching out for the hand that isn’t there. Some might extend their arm out, for a moment, but in the end, they will always fall short and move in another direction. Existence, is being alone. Others drift in and out of others existence, but it’s not their existence, they have their own. No one shares exsistance, mine feels very dark, cold, and unfashionable to my own mind. A dense weight crushing forcefully, I don’t want to exist like this is this is what existing is.

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


An interesting topic and perspective.


Life in general is tough and always has been. We now have lots of material items in our lives to make things more comfortable... gee it was when I was young we didnt have aircon in our cars or even our homes. Emotional hardship sometimes depended upon where you lived. In the coal mines where I lived as a young boy all the people in the street were "auntie" or "uncle", cars were rare and carrying food shopping via bus was the norm. But when we moved to a large city our neighbours were strangers and remained that way till we moved again 25 years later. Odd, we felt.


In life however, it is a survival game because everyone has various illnesses, capacities, disabilities and emotional challenges. In essence we aren't only managing our own lives but removing hurdles be it toxic family/friends to create a better life and looking for new ones to seek the connections you desire in your post. It's just that these needs are rarely mentioned nor recognised by sight so it appears they dont care. Well, I have a different perspective, I believe through my experiences, that the majority of people are just like you and I, they care but only display it during a recognised crisis.


As an empath with autistic symptoms I'm always reading people's faces. Regularly I detect sorrow or difficulties. Many people walk past, too busy to do that or focussed upon their mission. But I'm the way I am however if there was a civic trauma like a crime or fire and people were hurt you would be surprised how many click into action because in the crown there will be the off duty nurses, doctors or general compassionate people. You'll be hugged by strangers you've never met and never see again. This is the humanity that might be eluding you.


Selfishness is common now. When you talk to someone- say about your sore leg and it has been bothering you. Note how many dont ask a question about it, they will tell you how their leg is sore or they know someone that has a crook leg but without asking you a question it appears to be that they aren't interested. Years ago I did this when my aunty showed me her swollen knee and she berated me "I'm talking about MY knee Tony"! So we should focus on the one telling us of their problem before going on.


Finally, a partner. You dont mention one. When you have a partner they are your best friend and life is so much more comfrting to go through with that soul mate.




I hope that helps.

