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Tired of trying to figure people out

Community Member
F/ship are to hard when depressed!.. Not going to try to figure them out anymore, not taking it on.... what will be will be , going to spend more time on myself.....I'ts no wonder i like being alone, and in my own safety zone! I look at the window and all i see sometimes is HATE! thanks end of Rant. TC
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Dear Scotty,

I've got one neighbour who re-married recently and she was kind enough to help me with another neighbour's problem.   We don't see each other much but when we do it's a great, genuine relationship.  Just having one normal neighbour was a real bonus for me.

Maybe even the smallest of good friendships is worth treasuring.   Divorces have that jagged turmoil but sometimes you'll hear someone say "Well, we had some good years".  The emotional scraps of life.  Maybe your full course will come later.   You're not exactly a geriatric yet, are you ?  Although you rant like one !   Lol.

Adios, David.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Scotty Agree with you 100% about friendships. I had an incident with my friend a month ago for abusing me about my suicide incident 3 years ago she brought the whole thing up again and laughed about it. What a disgrace after this incident I am careful now who I share my thoughts with and who I have around me. But still having friends is healthy and you only need 1 or 2 around .  But yes you need the ones who totally get depression or have been through it themselves that way they can tolerate the moods ect. The world is huge unfortunately there are nasty people and there are wonderful people hopefully those nice people will come to you soon. Try church groups volunteering in hospitals social groups in general sometimes thats a start.