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Dont want to leave my haven

Community Member
I have been diagnosed with severe depression and post traumatic stress disorder and thought I was coping fairly well until four months ago when I lost my job.  I have been unable to gain employment of any kind since then and my condition is getting worse day by day.  I'am currently living in a rented unit on my own, which has become my haven, it is so peaceful and beautiful, but because my financial situation has become almost non-existent I now find I have to move out to my daughter's house and stay with her and her family.  Whilst I'am grateful to have somewhere to go, I don't want to leave my haven and I know I won't cope with living so far out of town.  Some days all I want to do is sleep and doing the most basic of things has become incredibly hard to complete if at all.  I feel as if I have lost total control over my life and feel as if there is no reason to try and carry on.  I'am seeing a mental health professional and my local GP but all I want to do is find my way back into the light and out of the darkness which is overwhelming me.
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Dear Purple,

Change is terrible when depressed.  I think we hang onto to the local surroundings, local walks, communities we know, etc, to feel safe and secure.   My 2 oldest kids moved out and have been called their unit The Batcave which seems to fit your reasons for not wanting to leave a snug unit.

Logically, your "won't cope" mentality for moving to a loving relative it a bit at odds with the "definately wouldn't cope if evicted" scenario.  There is no point to try and carry on if the battle of rentals has already been decided.   But the move will give you a whole new scenario and it might be fantastic if their are grandchildren involved.

I don't even buy many new clothes for the same reasons - I'm feeling depressed and might do myself in next week.  What's the point of buying this $20 shirt ?  But, for me, this is more of a habit.  A bad habit.   We all tend to assume that the worst will happen.   Depression is one big non event.

Good Luck connecting with the new area & health services.Adios, David.




Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Purple, I agree with David Charles especially if you get on well with your grand kids, but you might have to set your own boundaries, because there will be plenty of times when you want to sleep and not be disturbed, I realise that this maybe 99% of the time, but when I was depressed kids always seemed to put a bit of excitement in me, if that's possible.

Basic things, well I was asked or should I say told to build a rabbit cage, simple if you're not depressed, but it took my a couple of months to do it, I didn't want to, but back then I could do it in the shed, arr, that should be a bonus, because that's where the bottle was.

I hope that you get some help to clean the unit just to make sure your bond money is returned to you.

What I would also do is to click on 'resources' at the top of the page and get BB to send out all the information on depression, it's free.

The only reason I want you to do this is because the grand kids will be asking questions if they aren't old enough to understand it, and this may also include your daughter.

You will probably be asked 'why are you so sad', but you won't have an answer to this, because depression is such a complex illness.

Finding a way to overcome depression is like trying to get out of a maze, we keep trying but it takes so long to find the exit. Please stay in touch with us. Geoff.