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The evil friend returns

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi everyone dont know if you all remember but i have posted 2 times about this 1 EX friend who has been evil and mean to me about my suicide event 3 yrs ago. Well she has approached 2 other ladies that i know well and really she doesnt and told them what i did. One of them new so it was no shock but the other i didnt tell because im not as close with her. And you know what i dont have to tell everyone about this its my decision. Anyway the one that didnt know has disappeared from my life that quickly you think i bloody murdered someone . Anyway the evil friend has skeletons in her closet too because her husband has had an affair with her best friend and they work together. Hypocrit right how can you judge others when you have baggage too. This friend lost a stillborn child and has never had councelling so ONCE AGAIN thats why i always stress to see a psych when you have depression or cant cope. She is the one who told me why are you still alive and my daughter is not. Well i met this lady when i was depressed so definately was crap at picking crappy friends. I can tell you i have a lovely group of ladies now that i hang with and they all have issues and some of them know about me so i will just put all my posative energy there. Lets hope the evil friend shuts up soon its been 6 months since her disappearance and we live in the same suburb and i do see her but walk the other way when i do lucky only 1 person has given me grief hey . She clearly doesnt give a stuff about my feelings . This woman is clearly a loner and i wonder why ????  Anyway thats my last bitch for the moment . Thanks for reading.
6 Replies 6

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Nes 

I just don't get friends. I thought I had some "good " friends but since my sexual abuse and depression has come out they have left. Not that I went out and told everyone, I only told a few close friends but its amazing how quick some have disappeared. And I know now who my close friends are - the ones who have stuck by me and support me.

Your ex-friend has issues and she needs to deal with them. It must be hard though when she lives in the same area. 

But do you know what Nes - you are a much better person than she is, you dealt with your issues and you are doing positive stuff to lead a happy and healthy life with your husband and son. Do you know what I say now - stuff the friends and family who don't care, who don't call and who don't support when you need them. They are not worth it. 

Ok, enough from me. 

Take care 

Jo xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks for your support Jo yes in bad times you can really see here who stays and who nicks off. It takes for a tragedy to find this out unfortunately. Take care

Community Member

Dear Nes,

That wasn't a bitch.  That was standing up for yourself.  Which you are good at.  Bitching is where you go over and paint the ex-friends husband orange and leave a note saying "Orange is next to Yellow in the Rainbow - your cowardly word regarding  my vivid and varied life is crazy stuff, bitch".   I believe coloured entertainer Ray Charles had a lovely Hollywood mansion that someone burned "NIGGER" into the front lawn (when he had his own tv show).

I'm close to my Italian nephew/neice and helped out when my sister in law had PND.  Other stuff comes to mind but I thought it was all cool.  Then one day she tells me she took the kids together and explained that I was mental.  As if the 5 or 6 years good relationship, fun, creative, musical, was wrong without the full disclosure.  The funny part was that her husband was a total gambler and bit of a loser (he's left and gone o/s) so when my name came up as "mental" the kids absorbed it, thought for a moment, and then said "Like Dad". The labelling transferred back to her own family in a moment of childish emotional geometry.  And that guy was normal (apart from the gambling).

You should buy a huge water pistol and train your, as you say, 6 years going on 7 yrs son to fire it at will when certain disrespectful ex friends pass by.  I would suggest practising this art form on daddy first.  The jet of water might form a rainbow and then you can also have the opportunity of explaining the Orange/Yellow phenonemon. Instant in the street education for all the community.   Sometimes I just give my enemies a piece of cheesecake.  Totally floors their momentum cos they have to eat it and then hold me in high esteem. Just a change up.

Adios, David.

Haaa thanks David Charles for your cool reply. She loves herself badly she used to boast to us all that the 22 yr olds in the casino pick her up and at home she has a husband and a child and this woman is nearing the 50 mark. Very attractive lady but the most ugliest personality. Your sisterinlaw what a nerve knowing she suffered with PND and then calling you that how selfish and rude . Give me a water pistol any day I will spray her down myself haha. Take care

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Nes, there is where we all group together and support each other.

People like her or is it ' an it' never get on in life they destroy all their relationships that once they had and it probably could be counted on a finger.

You know that we are behind you and I have to include Jo as she can relate to your story more than any of us, but that doesn't mean we don't understand we certainly do. L Geoff. x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Geoff I really enjoy writing and answering you guys on these forums they have actually helped me so much . Lovely to make new friends like yourselves. take care