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The depression is winning need help

Community Member

I feel like my depression is winning. I don't see the point in life anymore and I feel like a massive burden on people. my parents are having money issues and it doesn't help they have to keep buying my medication. I don't know what to do anymore, It's like I'm falling down this black hole that seems to never end or a tunnel with no light at the end of it. I'm so lost. I have no motivation for anything anymore. I have a case worker but nothing is working.

Has anyone been in this position and found a way out?

18 Replies 18

Community Member

Hi Purple_Butterfly,

I just wanted to let you know that I know how you're feeling. I too am feeling really hopeless right now about everything. And nothing seems to help. I am sending you lots of love

Hi purple butterfly. Depression is a terrible thing. I know it may not help much, but I’m here for you..What are some of the things you used to enjoy?

hanging out with friends, family events, acting, now i just feel numb

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Yes I have found a way to MANAGE (note my anxiety and depression is something to manage - there will be good and bad days/weeks). This is through family understanding and acceptance of my condition, support of GP, Psych and medication and keeping myself busy. But I do understand what you mean about not feeling motivation for anything - I had no support and tried to manage things throughout my teenage years for a good 10 years I was trying to cope with anxiety and depression through exercise, gaming and study.... however I got to a point where I needed the help and how I wish I had got this help sooner like you. Please know there is a better healthier future for you - it may take time to adjust but you will get there. Most anxiety/depression (SSRI) medication is heavily subsidized these days (like $10-20 for a month worth of medication) so you should not trouble yourself too much about this. IF you feel this is a concern please talk to your case worker.

For me it was the combination of medication, therapy and lifestyle that helped me to manage things. But there were some days that I just had to get through - I found on those days music and comedies helped.

Community Member

G'day Purple_Butterfly,

I like your profile picture, it's pretty.


Purple butterfly,

I like a few things ultimaMic has said - medication is often subsidised as the government recognises that mental health is a giant problem for society;

Also combining the medication with therapy and lifestyle management...

how is your relationship with your parents, other than you and them are worried about their financial situation. How often do you talk to your friends?

i am extremely close with my stepmum but not close with my mum. she is part the reason i am the way i am. close ish with dad. friends wise it varies.

That's good that you're close with your stepmum. Sorry to hear about problems with your mother. I wish there was a magic bullet that got rid of anxiety and depression...

How long have you been depressed? And when you think back to a time you did enjoy things, how old were you then? tell me more about the acting you used to enjoy.

i have been depressed since january 2020, but had a childhood trauma etc. I use to be really confident on stage with my acting now I still like it but i am more scared. it's more an escape route. I was with this guy last year and I found myself happy I guess but I broke it off because I didn't feel like I deserved him. he is also my best freind still and I still like him but it's difficult because we wont be getting back together. I was happy then ish i guess