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so ummmm i dont know

Community Member

Ok, people look at me and see a well put together person who knows how to live life. I am intelligent, augmentative and imaginative. I help people all the time budgeting, planning and generally make there lives better. But no matter how much i help other people i still feel empty, i still feel like i am hiding. I am always thinking "does this response make me look like an asshole". I'm always making sure i look good in others eyes. I suffer from anxiety as well which makes it harder. Always looking for others approval at work which makes me look weak. Even though im very large(im 186cm and 120kg).

I've found the only time i feel normal and happy is when im drinking alcohol and I only drink on a friday night but i would rather feel great all the time. Is this a normal thing?

I have tried Anti-Depressants and they all make me feel worse, but i guess I have only tired 3 of them, but i Hate drugs to begin with.

I feel like I am rambling with no real point but i seems to be helping me. Thanks all I hope your having a good day :D.

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi MikeJames and welcome

It's good you've found your way here to our community of friendly, supportive and caring people. Interesting you think your post is rambling, however, my thoughts are it is a very insightful post. For me it demonstrates how reflective you are, along with the emotions and feelings you're experiencing.

Anxiety and depression are not easy to live with. However, they are manageable and while one recovers and heals, it requires ongoing maintenance as the challenges of everyday life greet us.

When you talk about helping people but you still feel empty inside, did you want to explain more about this? For example do you know where the feeling of emptiness stems from? Has something happened? BTW, there is no pressure for you to respond if you don't want to.

You talked about trying anti-depressants, have you tried other methods of managing depression and anxiety? There are threads here that deal for -

  • self help tips for managing depression
  • self help tips for managing anxiety

If you're up to it, let us know how you felt after posting here. Again, no pressure.

Kind regards
