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Recently Disagnosed

Community Member

Less than a month ago I was diagnosed with depression after months I had been battling each day and it was beginning to take control of my life. I found it hard to get up in the morning to get ready to go to work. 

I have been on medication just under a month but struggling with them as they make me feel sick all the time. Is this the norm??

I feel isolated and alone 😞

4 Replies 4

Community Member

It's normal to feel that way. Your body will work it out. Talking to someone helped me greatly so maybe go to a gp and get a refural but in anycase if these are the right pills you will feel like a weight has lifted soon. 

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Sez, the professionals say it takes about 6 weeks for antidepressants to fully kick in.

If you are still feeling sick then I would go back to your doctor and get them to either cut down the dosage or replace it with something else, there's nothing worse than always wanting to throw up.

 Now it's taking over your life, I would get a referral to see a psych. and get the 10 free visits.

I know how you feel, it's awful and it destroys peoples lives.

Please reply to us when you are able to do so. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Sez,

I was diagnosed a month ago too and felt really edgy and sick at first too from the medication. I changed to taking it just before bed and with food and sleep through the worst of it. Still getting pretty edgy and angry from time to time, but getting better, not worse and some of the sadness still returns, but I'm dealing with the issues that started it all. Are you seeing a counselor or psychologist? If the side effects are intolerable, go back to your gp. Chances are there is something else you can try.

Good luck on your journey torecovery! 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Sez I found with me the medication took 12 weeks to kick in. Yes it will take a little while but your body will adjust to it. Just mention to your GP if you have any unusual side effects ect and keep him informed regularly about how your feeling dont worry too much it will get better. Take care